Arm Virtual Hardware provides simulation models, software tooling, and infrastructure that can be integrated into CI/CD and MLOps development flows. The simulation models (Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs)) are an implementation of a Cortex-M device sub-systems and are designed for complex software verification and testing. This allows simulation-based test automation of various software workloads, including unit tests, integration tests, and fault injection. Refer to the Arm Virtual Hardware documentation for more information.
- This is a template repository that can be used as starting point for own validation projects that utilize Arm Virtual Hardware.
Directory | Contents | Documentation |
.github/workflow | Workflow YML file that gets you started with GitHUb actions for CMSIS projects | |
.jenkins | Two Jenkins examples (one using a AVH Python module, the other creating a Jenkins node from AVH AMI | |
basic | An example project that shows unit testing | |
infrastructure/cloudformation | AWS Cloudformation template helps with the setup of the AWS infrastructure | |
You can use this repository as a template for your own validation projects that use with Arm Virtual Hardware. Read the documentation to learn how to use it and understand which steps are required to make it work for you.
The links below provide access to additional developer resources:
Resource | Description |
Documentation | Is a comprehensive documentation about Arm Virtual Hardware. |
Support Forum | Arm Virtual Hardware is supported via a forum. Your feedback will influence future roadmap. |
Product Roadmap | Lists the features that we will deploy in the next 6 months. |
TFL Micro Speech | This example project shows the Arm AVH VSI interface with Audio input. |
Marketing Overview | Gives you a top-level marketing message. |