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Manual Solr Multicore setup for Specify Web Search Portal with Jetty

Ben Anhalt edited this page May 28, 2014 · 1 revision

Contributed by Jon Lauters [email protected]:

Existing Solr setup is probably something like: {path_to_webroot}/solr/{install_name}/collection1/

To use multicore, Solr needs to be restated with the following runtime param: java -D solr.solr.home=multicore -jar start.jar

Some reorganization and reconfiguration within the /data/web/solr/ directory will need to happen next.

First edit the multicore solr.xml in {path_to_webroot}/solr/{install_name}/multicore/

Find this section in the code:

<cores adminPath="/admin/cores" host="${host:}" hostPort="${jetty.port:8983}" hostContext="${hostContext:solr}">
    <core name="core0" instanceDir="core0" />
    <core name="core1" instanceDir="core1" />

You can leave these as is, or we can name the core directories something a little more meaningful. In the example for CU Museum we have Invert Paleo Collections and Florissant Fossilized Plant Collections

After editing this code block, it looks like:

 <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" host="${host:}" hostPort="${jetty.port:8983}" hostContext="${hostContext:solr}">
      <core name="invertpaleo" instanceDir="invertpaleo" />
      <core name="flfo" instanceDir="flfo" />

Then copy the supplied core directories to our named directories:

$ cp -R core0 invertpaleo
$ cp -R core1 flfo

If you have already configured solr for a single collection. You can copy those configurations into the core’s conf/ directory.

$ {path_to_webroot}/solr/multicore/{new_core_name}/conf/ cp {path_to_webroot}/solr/{install_name}/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml
$ {path_to_webroot}/solr/multicore/{new_core_name}/conf/ cp {path_to_webroot}/solr/{install_name}/solr/collection1/conf/solrconfig.xml

There are a few text and xml files in the {path_to_webroot}/solr/{install_name}/solr/collection/conf/ directory that will need to also be copied into your new core/conf directory. It may be easiest to copy this full conf directory into your core’s conf/. At a minimum the following are required for solr to not throw errors:


In your new core, you will have to edit solrconfig.xml to point the dataDir to a separate directory.


Lastly, You will have to change the Specify Web Search Portal configuration settings. In your websearch/resources/config/ Open up settings.json and change

From: ‘solrCore’ : ‘solr’

To: ‘solrCore’ : ‘solr/{name of solr core for this portal }’

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