Merge of workflow and dada2 new tutorial material for 2019 workshops: ASM, STAMPS
Syllabus for one day workshop with introductory lectures on:
- Exact ASVs
- DADA2 Method
- DADA2 Workflow
- Heterogeneous data and data types in R
- Phyloseq data structure
- Phyloseq wrappers for visualization
- Phyloseq data import and manipulations
- Rank based methods for testing.
- Multivariate methods, PCA, PCoA and other ordinations.
- Using networks for co-occurrence testing with factor covariates.
- Date/Time:
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM, 06/20/2019
- Room: 2001 West (Moscone, SF)
- 8.00 : Introduction and setup.
- 8.30 - 9.15 Benjamin Callahan : ASVs and dada2
- 9.15 - 10.00 : Benjamin Callahan : dada2 workflow and lab
- Break: 10-10.20
- 10.20 - 11.15 Susan Holmes; Heterogeneous data, glossary, data types in R.
- 11.20 - 12.30 Paul Joey McMurdie: Importing data into phyloseq, plotting trees, diversity, transforming data and lab for participants to do.
- 12.30 - 1.30 Lunch break time 12.30-1.30
- 1.30 - 2.15 : Paul Joey McMurdie: Ordination and networks with phyloseq: examples and lab.
- 2.15 - 3.30: Susan Holmes: Robust Testing using ranks and networks.
- 3.30-4.00: Questions and Answers.