fiat v1.28.4
23cf00d chore(dependencies): don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a fiat release branch (#946)
f30f750 chore(ci): Upload halconfigs to GCS on Tag push (#940) (#943)
3cf7254 chore(dependencies): don't create an autobump PR for halyard on a fia… (#938)
9f4120c chore(dependencies): bump spinnakerGradleVersion (#936)
1af69f4 feat(build): bump dependencies for the given branch (#934) (#935)
58bd47a feat(build): bump dependencies for the given branch (#934)
54fab39 perf(redis): Use SMEMBERS for redis repository scanSet (#901)
9050e3d perf(redis): RedisPermissionsRepository::getAllByRoles use parallelStream (#902)
dd191f0 feat(core): Add account manager roles config (#928)
4047a11 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#933)
b6ea745 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#932)
d3a0743 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#931)
044ddee chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#904)
25cb9f4 chore(ci): GHA - container image and apt package build & push (#930)
a8bd0ee chore(ci): GHA - plugin builds require SemVer (#929)
0dcab33 chore(ci): GHA - simplify build versioning (#927)
cb79e23 chore(ci): GHA - indentation consistency (#926)
e1b6bd7 fix(ci): fix container build-and-publish steps in release.yml (#925)
3959ceb chore(ci): GHA - container image and apt package build & push (#924)
ca45708 fix(dependency): Issue with jackson-bom and kotlin-bom version conflict resolution while upgrading the spring-boot 2.3.x (#923)
9bbea68 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#921)
8690067 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#920)
0c20226 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#919)
bd3f81c chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#918)
5579960 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#917)
8306933 chore(build): specify an artifact for bumpdeps to look for (#916)
a6f4da7 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#915)
44efe9a fix(gitub): using team slug instead of id (backport #911) (#914)
ea88218 fix(gitub): using team slug instead of id (#911)
a881f98 fix(github): Use new github teams api as old one is deprecated (#907) (#910)
665b5fe fix(github): Use new github teams api as old one is deprecated (#907)
f53d60e chore(ci): update setup-java GHA to v2 (#905)
2afc8a9 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#903)
9010e21 chore(build): update mergify config (#897) (#900)
b423f22 chore(build): update mergify config (#897)
e1a5180 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#895)
5b1474b chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#894)
77c2743 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#893)
e3c1873 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#892)
5250764 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#890)
461f759 fix: improve performance of role sync with SQL (#879)
31b3d20 chore(build): gradle 6.8.1 (#825)
f884afb refactor(ldap/logging): Add userId in error log (#839)
7aa8adb fix(config): Remove unsupported config keys (#877)
717679d chore(meta): Remove myself from default reviewers (#888)
19417b3 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#886)
b8f739f Fix testcontainers jdbc urls (#887)
48682a8 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#885)
3d4a971 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#884)
db34511 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#883)
0bb75fe chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#882)
e30bb27 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#881)
4a8b6aa perf(redis): Performance improvements for RedisPermissionsRepository (backport #841) (#880)
0966862 perf(redis): Performance improvements for RedisPermissionsRepository (#841)
c9cbe77 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#878)
3b01ca9 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#876)
5ea6138 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#875)
3002d36 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#874)
04b7148 fix(build): release version tags (#869)
793093b chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#866)