chess-clock is a CircuitPython library for creating and controlling a chess clock.
This library handles both the software and hardware implementation.
Created with CircuitPython v5.3.0 on an Adafruit Feather M0 Express - Designed for CircuitPython - ATSAMD21 Cortex M0
Clone the repository.
If your hardware needs the memory optimized it is recommended to convert
to .mpy files. (mpy guide)
Copy CircuitPython dependancies for the Featherwing 7-segment display on your Featherboard M0 w/ CircuitPython. (dependancy guide)
- adafruit_ht16k33
- adafruit_bus_device
- adafruit_register
and chessclock.(m)py
to your CircuitPython device.
1 x Featherboard M0 w/ CircuitPython
2 x Featherwing 7-segment display
3 x Buttons (Left side, right side, power/reset)
1 x Lithium Ion Polymer Battery (recommended)
1 x Large Breadboard w/ jumper wires
Assemble and solder the Featherboard and Featherwings following Adafruit specifications. (7-segment display assembly guide)
Set up unique i2c addresses for the 7 segment displays. (address shorting guide)
Configure your clock as desired in
player_1 = chessclock.ChessClock(time_left = 60,
display = segments.Seg7x4(i2c),
pin = DigitalInOut(board.D6),
increment = 5)
player_2 = chessclock.ChessClock(time_left = 60,
display = segments.Seg7x4(i2c, address=0x71),
pin = DigitalInOut(board.D5),
increment = 5)
Clock will start after a button is pressed. When the active player presses their button, their timer will pause (and an increment will be added if applicable) and the other player's timer will start.
Timers will continue counting down while active until one side hits 00:00, indicating game over by time out.
Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Fork > Clone > Branch > Make Changes > Commit > Push > Pull Request