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patel-bhavin authored Feb 26, 2025
2 parents ff747d4 + f0d60a4 commit aedca32
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Showing 119 changed files with 5,152 additions and 2,157 deletions.
385 changes: 196 additions & 189 deletions contentctl.yml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions data_sources/aws_cloudtrail_deleteloggingconfiguration.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: AWS CloudTrail DeleteLoggingConfiguration
id: 24a28726-28f3-4537-a953-71bfbbc3b831
version: 1
date: '2025-02-21'
author: Bhavin Patel, Splunk
description: Data source object for AWS CloudTrail DeleteLoggingConfiguration
source: aws_cloudtrail
sourcetype: aws:cloudtrail
separator: eventName
- name: Splunk Add-on for AWS
version: 7.9.0
- _time
example_log: |-
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions data_sources/aws_cloudtrail_deleterulegroup.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: AWS CloudTrail DeleteRuleGroup
id: 21c9b538-fa11-4bdf-9138-0dfe06b4d730
version: 1
date: '2025-02-21'
author: Bhavin Patel, Splunk
description: Data source object for AWS CloudTrail DeleteRuleGroup
source: aws_cloudtrail
sourcetype: aws:cloudtrail
separator: eventName
- name: Splunk Add-on for AWS
version: 7.9.0
- _time
example_log: |-
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions data_sources/aws_cloudtrail_describesnapshotattribute.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
name: AWS CloudTrail DescribeSnapshotAttribute
id: f054c99b-63b8-4236-8a62-b52fbbabacba
version: 1
date: '2025-02-21'
author: Bhavin Patel, Splunk
description: Data source object for AWS CloudTrail DescribeSnapshotAttribute
source: aws_cloudtrail
sourcetype: aws:cloudtrail
separator: eventName
- name: Splunk Add-on for AWS
version: 7.9.0
- action
- app
- authentication_method
- awsRegion
- aws_account_id
- change_type
- command
- date_hour
- date_mday
- date_minute
- date_month
- date_second
- date_wday
- date_year
- date_zone
- desc
- dest
- dest_ip_range
- dest_port_range
- direction
- dvc
- errorCode
- errorMessage
- eventCategory
- eventID
- eventName
- eventSource
- eventTime
- eventType
- eventVersion
- eventtype
- host
- image_id
- index
- instance_type
- linecount
- managementEvent
- msg
- object
- object_attrs
- object_category
- object_id
- product
- protocol
- protocol_code
- punct
- readOnly
- reason
- recipientAccountId
- region
- requestID
- requestParameters.attributeType
- requestParameters.snapshotId
- responseElements
- result
- result_id
- rule_action
- signature
- source
- sourceIPAddress
- sourcetype
- splunk_server
- splunk_server_group
- src
- src_ip
- src_ip_range
- src_port_range
- src_user
- src_user_id
- src_user_name
- src_user_role
- src_user_type
- start_time
- status
- tag
- tag::action
- tag::app
- tag::eventtype
- tag::object_category
- temp_access_key
- timeendpos
- timestartpos
- tlsDetails.cipherSuite
- tlsDetails.clientProvidedHostHeader
- tlsDetails.tlsVersion
- user
- userAgent
- userIdentity.accessKeyId
- userIdentity.accountId
- userIdentity.arn
- userIdentity.principalId
- userIdentity.sessionContext.attributes.creationDate
- userIdentity.sessionContext.attributes.mfaAuthenticated
- userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.accountId
- userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.arn
- userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.principalId
- userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.type
- userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.userName
- userIdentity.type
- userName
- user_access_key
- user_agent
- user_arn
- user_group_id
- user_id
- user_name
- user_role
- user_type
- vendor
- vendor_account
- vendor_product
- vendor_region
- _bkt
- _cd
- _eventtype_color
- _indextime
- _raw
- _serial
- _si
- _sourcetype
- _time
example_log: |-
{"eventVersion": "1.10", "userIdentity": {"type": "AssumedRole", "principalId": "AROAYTOGP2RLBXYPYUKBH:aws-go-sdk-1740131590946446551", "arn": "arn:aws:sts::111111111111111:assumed-role/DAFTPUNK-cloud-security-audit/aws-go-sdk-1740131590946446551", "accountId": "111111111111111", "accessKeyId": "DAFTPUNK", "sessionContext": {"sessionIssuer": {"type": "Role", "principalId": "AROAYTOGP2RLBXYPYUKBH", "arn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111111:role/DAFTPUNK-cloud-security-audit", "accountId": "111111111111111", "userName": "DAFTPUNK-cloud-security-audit"}, "attributes": {"creationDate": "2025-02-21T10:48:43Z", "mfaAuthenticated": "false"}}}, "eventTime": "2025-02-21T11:29:27Z", "eventSource": "", "eventName": "DescribeSnapshotAttribute", "awsRegion": "eu-central-1", "sourceIPAddress": "", "userAgent": "m/E aws-sdk-go-v2/1.30.5 os/linux lang/go#1.22.4 md/GOOS#linux md/GOARCH#amd64 api/ec2#1.177.3", "requestParameters": {"snapshotId": "snap-082bd5016636bbd94", "attributeType": "PRODUCT_CODES"}, "responseElements": null, "requestID": "70339070-6038-40b7-9acf-5ecb85cda843", "eventID": "bcc65c3f-a997-4a01-90bf-3b85f7268e70", "readOnly": true, "eventType": "AwsApiCall", "managementEvent": true, "recipientAccountId": "111111111111111", "eventCategory": "Management", "tlsDetails": {"tlsVersion": "TLSv1.3", "cipherSuite": "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "clientProvidedHostHeader": ""}}
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions data_sources/azure_active_directory_microsoftgraphactivitylogs.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
name: Azure Active Directory MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs
id: 63ff93ba-2bbb-4542-8773-239bf5266367
version: 1
date: '2025-02-21'
author: Bhavin Patel, Splunk
description: Data source object for Azure Active Directory MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs
source: Azure AD
sourcetype: azure:monitor:aad
separator: operationName
- name: Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services
version: 5.4.2
- _time
example_log: |-
{"time": "2024-04-30T01:22:46.4948958Z", "resourceId": "/TENANTS/225E05A1-5914-4688-A404-7030E60F3143/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.AADIAM", "operationName": "Microsoft Graph Activity", "operationVersion": "beta", "category": "MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs", "resultSignature": "200", "durationMs": "948894", "callerIpAddress": "", "correlationId": "8fb849dd-2abe-4c3e-b202-d71af8d1555b", "level": "Informational", "location": "East US 2", "properties": {"__UDI_RequiredFields_TenantId": "225e05a1-5914-4688-a404-7030e60f3143", "__UDI_RequiredFields_UniqueId": "8fb849dd-2abe-4c3e-b202-d71af8d1555b", "__UDI_RequiredFields_EventTime": 638500369660000000, "__UDI_RequiredFields_RegionScope": "NA", "timeGenerated": "2024-04-30T01:22:46.4948958Z", "location": "East US 2", "requestId": "8fb849dd-2abe-4c3e-b202-d71af8d1555b", "operationId": "8fb849dd-2abe-4c3e-b202-d71af8d1555b", "clientRequestId": "8fb849dd-2abe-4c3e-b202-d71af8d1555b", "apiVersion": "beta", "requestMethod": "GET", "responseStatusCode": 200, "tenantId": "225e05a1-5914-4688-a404-7030e60f3143", "durationMs": 948894, "responseSizeBytes": 91, "signInActivityId": "KRsphQ_4s0-oHv_Br8qSAQ", "roles": "", "appId": "1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2", "UserPrincipalObjectID": "7b934539-7366-494e-a8ac-3517694d32db", "scopes": "AuditLog.Read.All Directory.AccessAsUser.All email openid profile", "identityProvider": "", "clientAuthMethod": "0", "wids": "b79fbf4d-3ef9-4689-8143-76b194e85509", "C_Idtyp": "user", "C_Iat": "1714439850", "ipAddress": "", "userAgent": "azurehound/v2.1.8", "requestUri": "", "userId": "7b934539-7366-494e-a8ac-3517694d32db", "tokenIssuedAt": "2024-04-30T01:17:30.0000000Z"}, "tenantId": "225e05a1-5914-4688-a404-7030e60f3143"}
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions data_sources/azure_active_directory_noninteractiveusersigninlogs.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
name: Azure Active Directory NonInteractiveUserSignInLogs
id: 11fe8a43-164d-47e4-b542-afc2f242068b
version: 1
date: '2025-02-21'
author: Bhavin Patel, Splunk
description: Data source object for Azure Active Directory NonInteractiveUserSignInLogs
source: Azure AD
sourcetype: azure:monitor:aad
separator: operationName
- name: Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services
version: 5.4.2
- action
- additional_details
- app
- authentication_method
- authentication_service
- callerIpAddress
- category
- change_type
- command
- correlationId
- dataset_name
- date_hour
- date_mday
- date_minute
- date_month
- date_second
- date_wday
- date_year
- date_zone
- description
- dest
- dest_type
- duration
- durationMs
- dvc
- enabled
- eventtype
- host
- id
- index
- level
- linecount
- location
- object
- object_attrs
- object_category
- object_id
- object_path
- operationName
- operationVersion
- path_from_resourceId
- properties.C_Iat
- properties.C_Idtyp
- properties.UserPrincipalObjectID
- properties.__UDI_RequiredFields_EventTime
- properties.__UDI_RequiredFields_RegionScope
- properties.__UDI_RequiredFields_TenantId
- properties.__UDI_RequiredFields_UniqueId
- properties.apiVersion
- properties.appId
- properties.clientAuthMethod
- properties.clientRequestId
- properties.durationMs
- properties.identityProvider
- properties.ipAddress
- properties.location
- properties.operationId
- properties.requestId
- properties.requestMethod
- properties.requestUri
- properties.responseSizeBytes
- properties.responseStatusCode
- properties.resultReason
- properties.roles
- properties.scopes
- properties.signInActivityId
- properties.tenantId
- properties.timeGenerated
- properties.tokenIssuedAt
- properties.userAgent
- properties.userId
- properties.wids
- punct
- reason
- resourceId
- response_time
- result
- resultSignature
- result_id
- severity
- signature
- signature_id
- signinDateTime
- source
- sourcetype
- splunk_server
- splunk_server_group
- src
- src_ip
- src_user
- src_user_name
- src_user_type
- status
- tag
- tag::action
- tag::app
- tag::eventtype
- tag::object_category
- tenantId
- time
- timeendpos
- timestartpos
- user
- user_agent
- user_id
- user_name
- user_role
- user_type
- vendor_account
- vendor_product
- vendor_region
- _bkt
- _cd
- _eventtype_color
- _indextime
- _raw
- _serial
- _si
- _sourcetype
- _subsecond
- _time
example_log: |-
{"time": "2023-01-12T19:22:14.5285742Z", "resourceId": "/tenants/95d19bda-09de-4d93-b7ae-acecd1e68186/providers/Microsoft.aadiam", "operationName": "Sign-in activity", "operationVersion": "1.0", "category": "NonInteractiveUserSignInLogs", "tenantId": "95d19bda-09de-4d93-b7ae-acecd1e68186", "resultType": "0", "resultSignature": "None", "durationMs": 0, "callerIpAddress": "", "correlationId": "fc78e38c-1e61-4be3-b47d-f3e6a9724a65", "identity": "User30", "Level": 4, "location": "US", "properties": {"id": "0f94f5fb-3583-4c46-9bfa-0390c1988800", "createdDateTime": "2023-01-12T19:22:14.5285742+00:00", "userDisplayName": "User30", "userPrincipalName": "[email protected]", "userId": "40b61050-e814-4ae5-8ffe-66b6f0c53998", "appId": "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca", "appDisplayName": "OfficeHome", "ipAddress": "", "status": {"errorCode": 0, "additionalDetails": "MFA requirement satisfied by claim in the token"}, "clientAppUsed": "Browser", "deviceDetail": {"deviceId": "", "operatingSystem": "Windows", "browser": "Rich Client"}, "location": {"city": "Boardman", "state": "Oregon", "countryOrRegion": "US", "geoCoordinates": {"latitude": 45.73722839355469, "longitude": -119.81143188476562}}, "mfaDetail": {}, "correlationId": "fc78e38c-1e61-4be3-b47d-f3e6a9724a65", "conditionalAccessStatus": "notApplied", "appliedConditionalAccessPolicies": [{"id": "SecurityDefaults", "displayName": "Security Defaults", "enforcedGrantControls": [], "enforcedSessionControls": [], "result": "success", "conditionsSatisfied": 3, "conditionsNotSatisfied": 0}], "authenticationContextClassReferences": [], "originalRequestId": "0f94f5fb-3583-4c46-9bfa-0390c1988800", "isInteractive": false, "tokenIssuerName": "", "tokenIssuerType": "AzureAD", "authenticationProcessingDetails": [{"key": "Legacy TLS (TLS 1.0, 1.1, 3DES)", "value": "False"}, {"key": "Oauth Scope Info", "value": "[\"OfficeHome.All\"]"}, {"key": "Is CAE Token", "value": "False"}], "networkLocationDetails": [], "clientCredentialType": "none", "processingTimeInMilliseconds": 192, "riskDetail": "none", "riskLevelAggregated": "none", "riskLevelDuringSignIn": "none", "riskState": "none", "riskEventTypes": [], "riskEventTypes_v2": [], "resourceDisplayName": "OfficeHome", "resourceId": "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca", "resourceTenantId": "95d19bda-09de-4d93-b7ae-acecd1e68186", "homeTenantId": "95d19bda-09de-4d93-b7ae-acecd1e68186", "authenticationDetails": [{"authenticationStepDateTime": "2023-01-12T19:22:14.5285742+00:00", "authenticationMethod": "Previously satisfied", "succeeded": true, "authenticationStepResultDetail": "MFA requirement satisfied by claim in the token", "authenticationStepRequirement": "Primary authentication"}], "authenticationRequirementPolicies": [{"requirementProvider": "user", "detail": "Per-user MFA"}], "authenticationRequirement": "multiFactorAuthentication", "servicePrincipalId": "", "userType": "Member", "flaggedForReview": false, "isTenantRestricted": false, "autonomousSystemNumber": 16509, "crossTenantAccessType": "none", "privateLinkDetails": {}, "ssoExtensionVersion": "", "uniqueTokenIdentifier": "-_WUD4M1Rkyb-gOQwZiIAA", "authenticationStrengths": [], "incomingTokenType": "primaryRefreshToken", "authenticationProtocol": "none", "appServicePrincipalId": null, "resourceServicePrincipalId": null, "rngcStatus": 0}}

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