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Lightweight inter-app communication library based on the X-Callback-URL specifications


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XCallbackKit: Inter-application coomunication

Provides mechanism for inter-application communications that is x-callback-url compliant.

How to Use

There are two primary ways of using XCallbackKit, sending and handling requests.

Sending Requests

To send a request to another application use the send method on an instance of XCallbackKit by passing in a XCallbackRequestConvertable.

do {
    try XCallbackKit().send(request)
} catch {
    // Handle error that may have occurred when trying to send the request

Create a request

The recommended way to create a request is by creating a XCallbackRequest.

var request = XCallbackRequest(targetScheme: "tapApp", action: "actionToRun")
// Example of adding custom properties
request.addParameter("param1", "value1")

// Example of adding 'x-callback-url' specific parameters
request.addXSuccessAction(scheme: "yourAppScheme", action: "successAction")
request.addXErrorAction(scheme: "yourAppScheme", action: "errorAction")
request.addXCancelAction(scheme: "yourAppScheme", action: "cancelAction")

NOTE: When providing xSuccess, xError or xCancel actions there must be a registered action handler with a matching action; see [Handling Requests](#Handling Requests).


URL conforms to the XCallbackRequestConvertable protocol which means a URL can be passed directly into the send method. Since, send takes the XCallbackRequestConvertable protocol anything can be passed in as long as it also conforms to the protocol.

Declaring target application schemes

You must whitelist the URL schemes of any application your application intends to interact with by adding them to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key within the Info.plist.

By editing your Info.plist file as source code, add the following snippet

    <!- Additional Schemes ->

Handling Requests

Handling action requests requires 4 main steps, creating action handlers, registering the action handler, handling the action request and exposing your app scheme.

Creating Action Handlers

An action handler is a type that conforms to the XCallbackActionHandling protocol. This protocol has one method, handle, which passes in the routed request and completion closure that must be executed after the action was handled.

import XCallbackKit

class CallbackResponseHandler: XCallbackActionHandling {
    func handle(_ request: XCallbackRequest, _ complete: @escaping XCallbackActionCompleteHandler) {
        // Perform an operation or show the user a screen
        // When complete call the complete block using one of the 3 response based on the context of 
        // your operation
        complete(.success(parameters: ["returnParam": "1234"]))
        complete(.error(code: 0, message: "Some meaningful error message")) // All parameters are url encoded

When calling the complete block, XCallbackKit will automatically send a response to the calling application based on the response you provide and the callbacks they provide. However, if the calling application does not provide a callback that matches the response generated nothing will happen. Example, if the calling application provides both x-success and x-error callbacks but no x-cancel callback but your application produces a cancel response, nothing will occur.

Registering Action Handler

After you have defined your action handlers, you will need to register them with XCallbackKit. It is recommended to register your action handler(s) in the Application Delegate application(_: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method.

var xCallback: XCallbackKit = XCallbackKit()

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // ... Other Initialization ...
    xCallback.registerActionHandler("action1", Action1Handler())
    xCallback.registerActionHandler("action2", Action2Handler())
    return true

Handling Action

When application(_ : open: options:) is called pass the URL along to the XCallback.handle() method and the framework will route to proper handler.

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    if xCallback.canHandle(url) {
        do {
            try xCallback.handle(url)
            return true
        } catch {
            return false
    return false

Note: canHandle() is an optional way to check if the url has an action handler that can handle it.

Declaring Application Scheme

            <string><!- Declare scheme here ->></string>



This framework supports Carthage

Simply add github "spookyd/XCallbackKit" to your Cartfile and update the dependencies


Lightweight inter-app communication library based on the X-Callback-URL specifications







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