SpaceVIL (Space of Visual Items Layout) is a cross-platform and multilingual framework for creating GUI client applications for .NET Standard, .NET Core and JVM. SpaceVIL is based on OpenGL graphic technology and glfw. Using this framework in conjunction with .Net Core or with a JVM, you can work and create graphical client applications on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. See more on youtube channel - You can also view SpaceVIL documentation.
SpaceVIL's source code is available on GitHub for Java and C#.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple cross-platform application using the SpaceVIL framework. We hope you will enjoy the framework.
C# / .NET Standard / Visual Studio
ATTENTION FOR WINDOWS OS USERS: GLFW library should be renamed to "glfw.dll" (if you download binaries from the official GLFW website, you get a library named "glfw3.dll")
- Create console project
- Download SpaceVIL for .NET Standard
- Download glfw and copy next to the executable file.
- Add Reference to SpaceVIL.dll
- Check the framework by adding the line:
using SpaceVIL;
C# / .NET Core / Visual Studio Code (or any other text editor)
Create console project by executing the command in terminal:
dotnet new console --output MyProject
Download SpaceVIL for .NET Core
Windows: Download glfw and copy next to the executable file. Linux: install libglfw3 and libglfw3-dev via repository. Mac OS X (simplest way): extract libglfw.dylib from lwjgl-glfw-natives-macos.jar (or you can compile libglfw.dylib from sources) and copy next to the executable file.
Copy SpaceVIL.dll in the MyProject folder
Add code below into MyProject.csproj:
<ItemGroup> <Reference Include="SpaceVIL.dll"/> </ItemGroup>
Windows / Linux:
- Install System.Drawing.Common from NuGet by command:
or just add code below and then execute command in terminal:
dotnet add package System.Drawing.Common --version 4.6.0-preview7.19362.9
dotnet restore
<ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="System.Drawing.Common" Version="4.6.0-preview7.19362.9" /> </ItemGroup>
For Mac OS:
- Install CoreCompat.System.Drawing.v2 from NuGet by command:
dotnet add package System.Drawing.Common --version 4.6.0-preview7.19362.9
- Install runtime.osx.10.10-x64.CoreCompat.System.Drawing from NuGet by command:
or just add code below and then execute command in terminal:
dotnet add package runtime.osx.10.10-x64.CoreCompat.System.Drawing --version 5.8.64
dotnet restore
<ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="System.Drawing.Common" Version="4.6.0-preview7.19362.9" /> <PackageReference Include="runtime.osx.10.10-x64.CoreCompat.System.Drawing" Version="5.8.64" /> </ItemGroup>
- Check the framework by adding the line:
using SpaceVIL;
JAVA / Gradle
- Download SpaceVIL for JVM
- Download lwjgl
- Create directory for project
- Create gradle project by executing the command in terminal:
gradle init --type java-application
- Create directory libs in the project directory
- Copy into libs downloaded file spacevil.jar
- Copy this lwjgl files below into libs directory:
lwjgl.jar lwjgl-glfw.jar lwjgl-glfw-natives-linux.jar lwjgl-glfw-natives-macos.jar lwjgl-glfw-natives-windows.jar lwjgl-natives-linux.jar lwjgl-natives-macos.jar lwjgl-natives-windows.jar lwjgl-opengl.jar lwjgl-opengl-natives-linux.jar lwjgl-opengl-natives-macos.jar lwjgl-opengl-natives-windows.jar
- In build.gradle add line into dependencies block:
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
For Mac OS:
ATTENTION! To get your app work you should run jvm on Mac OS with -XstartOnFirstThread argument! In build.gradle add line:
applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ['-XstartOnFirstThread']
or run your compiled *.jar file with command:
java -jar -XstartOnFirstThread your_app.jar
Check the framework by adding the line:
import com.spvessel.spacevil;
- Create in project source file named for example MainWindow.cs (name may be different)
- Create class MainWindow
- Class MainWindow must be inherited from class SpaceVIL.ActiveWindow
- Override method InitWindow
- Set basic parameters of window via method SetParameters()
- Code should look like this:
using System; using System.Drawing; using SpaceVIL; namespace MyProject { class MainWindow : ActiveWindow { public override void InitWindow() { SetParameters(nameof(MainWindow), nameof(MainWindow), 800, 600); SetMinSize(400, 300); SetBackground(32, 34, 37); } } }
- In Program.cs add line on top of the file:
using SpaceVIL;
- In Program.cs of project source file inside Main function add lines:
Common.CommonService.InitSpaceVILComponents(); MainWindow mw = new MainWindow(); mw.Show();
- Code should look like this:
using System; using SpaceVIL; namespace MyProject { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Common.CommonService.InitSpaceVILComponents(); MainWindow mw = new MainWindow(); mw.Show(); } } }
- Compile and run project to check
- Create in project source file named for example (name may be different)
- Create class MainWindow
- Class MainWindow must be inherited from class com.spvessel.spacevil.ActiveWindow
- Override method initWindow
- Set basic parameters of window via method setParameters()
- Code should look like this:
import java.awt.Color; import com.spvessel.spacevil.*; class MainWindow extends ActiveWindow { @Override public void initWindow() { setParameters(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "App", 360, 500); setMinSize(350, 500); setBackground(45, 45, 45); } }
- In add line on top of the file: import com.spvessel.spacevil.*;
- In of project source file inside main function add lines:
com.spvessel.spacevil.Common.CommonService.initSpaceVILComponents(); MainWindow mw = new MainWindow();;
- Code should look like this:
import com.spvessel.spacevil.*; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { com.spvessel.spacevil.Common.CommonService.initSpaceVILComponents(); MainWindow mw = new MainWindow();; } }
- Compile and run project to check
Items can be added to the window as follows:
Items can be added to another item simply by calling method:
- Items can be added to the window as follows:
- Items can be added to another item simply by calling method:
You can assign unlimited count of action to one event of an item.
- Assign an action (lambda expression or method) to all avaliable item events as follows:
btn.EventMouseClick += (sender, args) => { //do something };
- In Java, you can assign an action to item events as follows:
btn.eventMouseClick.add( (sender, args) -> { //do something });
- Roman Sedaikin
- Valeriia Sedaikina
Examples is licensed under the MIT License. See the file for details.