你好,我是 QidongSun,现居山东。本科学的计算机科学与技术专业,现从事前端开发,会点 Java,Js,知道 Springboot、Vue会使用 Docker、Nginx、照着谷歌、文档来。
如果你想聊聊技术或者交个朋友,可以加我微信 qk101002
Hello, I am Qidong Sun, currently residing in Shandong. I majored in Computer Science and Technology during my undergraduate studies and am currently engaged in front-end development with some knowledge of Java, Js, Knowing that Springboot and Vue can use Docker Nginx、 Follow Google and Documents
If you want to talk about technology or make a friend, you can add my WeChat qk101002.
⚒️ 会的东西:
✏️ 开发环境: