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…s for validating agains code-binding restrictions
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Tuncay Namli committed Aug 13, 2024
1 parent b0c9322 commit 91a7231
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Showing 14 changed files with 272 additions and 22 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package io.onfhir.client
import io.onfhir.api.Resource
import io.onfhir.api.client.{FhirClientException, IOnFhirClient}
import io.onfhir.api.service.IFhirTerminologyService
import org.json4s.JObject
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,12 +346,41 @@ class TerminologyServiceClient(onFhirClient: IOnFhirClient)(implicit ec: Executi

* Validate that a coded value is in the set of codes allowed by a value set.
* @param url Value set Canonical URL.
* @param valueSetVersion The identifier that is used to identify a specific version of the value set to be used when validating the code
* @param code The code that is to be validated.
* @param system The system for the code that is to be validated
* @param systemVersion The version of the system, if one was provided in the source data
* @param display The display associated with the code to validate.
* @return
override def validateCode(url: String, valueSetVersion: Option[String], code: String, system: Option[String], systemVersion: Option[String], display: Option[String]): Future[JObject] = {
var request =
//Optional params
valueSetVersion.foreach(v => request = request.addSimpleParam(VALIDATE_CODE_REQUEST_PARAMS.VALUE_SET_VERSION, v))
system.foreach(s => request = request.addSimpleParam(VALIDATE_CODE_REQUEST_PARAMS.SYSTEM, s))
systemVersion.foreach(v => request = request.addSimpleParam(VALIDATE_CODE_REQUEST_PARAMS.SYSTEM_VERSION, v))
display.foreach(d => request = request.addSimpleParam(VALIDATE_CODE_REQUEST_PARAMS.DISPLAY, d))


object TerminologyServiceClient {
final val TRANSLATE_OPERATION_NAME = "translate"
final val LOOKUP_OPERATION_NAME = "lookup"
final val EXPAND_OPERATION_NAME = "expand"
final val VALIDATE_CODE_OPERATION_NAME = "validate-code"

val CONCEPT_MAP_URL = "url"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -383,4 +412,13 @@ object TerminologyServiceClient {
val OFFSET = "offset"
val COUNT = "count"

final val URL = "url"
final val VALUE_SET_VERSION = "valueSetVersion"
final val CODE = "code"
final val SYSTEM = "system"
final val SYSTEM_VERSION = "systemVersion"
final val DISPLAY = "display"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ class TerminologyServiceClientTest extends Specification {
val result = Await.result(terminologyServiceClient.translate(coding, ""), Duration.Inf)
FHIRUtil.getParameterValueByName(result, "result") shouldEqual Some(JBool(true))

"handle validate-code operation with given code and system" in {
val result = Await.result(terminologyServiceClient.validateCode("", code= "2339-0", system=Some("")), Duration.Inf)
FHIRUtil.getParameterValueByName(result, "result") shouldEqual Some(JBool(true))

val result2 = Await.result(terminologyServiceClient.validateCode("", code = "23", system = Some("")), Duration.Inf)
FHIRUtil.getParameterValueByName(result2, "result") shouldEqual Some(JBool(false))

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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
* Interface for FHIR terminology service
trait IFhirTerminologyService extends IFhirTerminologyTranslationService with IFhirTerminologyLookupService with IFhirTerminologyExpandService with Serializable{
trait IFhirTerminologyService extends IFhirTerminologyTranslationService with IFhirTerminologyLookupService with IFhirTerminologyExpandService with IFhirTerminologyValidateService with Serializable{
* Return timeout specified for the terminology service calls
* @return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,3 +189,17 @@ trait IFhirTerminologyExpandService {
def expandWithValueSet(valueSet:Resource, offset: Option[Long] = None, count: Option[Long] = None):Future[JObject]

trait IFhirTerminologyValidateService {
* Validate that a coded value is in the set of codes allowed by a value set.
* @param url Value set Canonical URL.
* @param valueSetVersion The identifier that is used to identify a specific version of the value set to be used when validating the code
* @param code The code that is to be validated.
* @param system The system for the code that is to be validated
* @param systemVersion The version of the system, if one was provided in the source data
* @param display The display associated with the code to validate.
* @return
def validateCode(url:String, valueSetVersion:Option[String] = None, code:String, system:Option[String], systemVersion:Option[String] = None, display:Option[String] = None):Future[JObject]
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ import scala.concurrent.Future
abstract class AbstractFhirContentValidator(
val fhirConfig:BaseFhirConfig,
val profileUrl:String,
val referenceResolver:Option[IReferenceResolver] = None) {
val referenceResolver:Option[IReferenceResolver] = None,
val terminologyValidator: IFhirTerminologyValidator
) {
//Chain of profiles for this profile, where parents are on the right in hierarchy order e.g. MyObservation2 -> MyObservation -> Observation -> DomainResource -> Resource
val rootProfileChain: Seq[ProfileRestrictions] = fhirConfig.findProfileChain(profileUrl)

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Expand Up @@ -33,4 +33,9 @@ trait IFhirResourceValidator {
def validateResourceAgainstProfile(resource: Resource, rtype:String, profile:Option[String], parentPath:Option[String] = None, bundle:Option[(Option[String],Resource)] = None, silent:Boolean = false): Future[Seq[OutcomeIssue]]

* Return terminology validator
* @return
def getTerminologyValidator():Option[IFhirTerminologyValidator]
42 changes: 41 additions & 1 deletion onfhir-common/src/main/scala/io/onfhir/config/OnfhirConfig.scala
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@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
package io.onfhir.config

import java.time.Duration
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import io.onfhir.api.util.FHIRUtil

import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.jdk.DurationConverters._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,4 +199,39 @@ object OnfhirConfig {
//If upsert is true, we use Mongo upsert (replace the current version of resource or create) for FHIR bulk import operations. IMPORTANT This is not a version aware interaction.
//Otherwise normal FHIR batch operation is used for grouped resources
lazy val bulkUpsertMode:Boolean = Try(config.getBoolean("fhir.bulk.upsert")).toOption.getOrElse(false)

* Configurations for integrated terminology services
lazy val integratedTerminologyServices:Option[Seq[(TerminologyServiceConf, Config)]] =
.map(cnf =>
.map(entry => {
val sname = entry._1

val timeout =
.getOrElse(FiniteDuration.apply(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
val supportedValueSets =
.map(vs => FHIRUtil.parseCanonicalValue(vs))
.map(g => g._1 -> (g._2.flatMap(_._2).toSeq match {
case Nil => None
case oth => Some(oth.toSet)

) ->
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package io.onfhir.config

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

* Metadata for a terminology service
* TODO Extend the definition
* @param name Name of the service
* @param supportedValueSets Supported ValueSet urls and versions if supplied
case class TerminologyServiceConf(
timeout: Duration,
supportedValueSets:Map[String, Option[Set[String]]]
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions onfhir-core/pom.xml
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Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,11 @@

Expand Down
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions onfhir-core/src/main/resources/application.conf
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Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,39 @@ fhir {
# Otherwise normal FHIR batch operation is used for grouped resources
upsert = true
# Integrated FHIR Terminology Services to use for code-binding validations
integrated-terminology-services {
# A name assigned to this terminology service (only used in logs)
# <terminology-service-name> {
# ValueSets supported by this terminology service (ValueSet.url and optional ValueSet.version in format <ValueSet.url>|<ValueSet.version>)
# You can also use ValueSet url prefixes to indicate that any url starting with given prefix is supported by using *
# e.g.,|2.78,*
#value-sets = [""]
# Base URL for terminology service
#serverBaseUrl = ""
# Authentication details for the terminology service
#authz {
#Method for authorization (basic | oauth2) if you are constructing client from config
# - basic: HTTP basic authentication where username, password should be supplied
# - ouath2: Bearer token based authentication where token is obtained from a OAuth2.0 token endpoint
#method = ""

# If you will use BearerTokenInterceptorFromTokenEndoint, uncomment the following properties;
# Assigned client identifier by the authorization server for your client
#client_id = ""
# Client secret given by the authorization server for your client
# URL of the OAuth2.0 Token endpoint of the authorization server
# Client authentication method; use either 'client_secret_basic', 'client_secret_post' or 'client_secret_jwt'
#token_endpoint_auth_method =""

#If you will use BasicAuthentication, uncomment the following
#username = ""
#password = ""

# Configurations related with platform (Do not change this unless you are a experienced user)
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Expand Up @@ -88,5 +88,12 @@ class FHIRResourceValidator(fhirConfigurationManager: IFhirConfigurationManager)

* Return terminology validator
* @return
override def getTerminologyValidator(): Option[IFhirTerminologyValidator] = Option(fhirConfigurationManager.fhirTerminologyValidator)

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@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
package io.onfhir.config

import io.onfhir.Onfhir
import io.onfhir.api.parsers.{FHIRResultParameterResolver, FHIRSearchParameterValueParser}
import io.onfhir.api.util.FHIRServerUtil
import io.onfhir.api.validation.{FHIRResourceValidator, IFhirResourceValidator, IFhirTerminologyValidator}
import io.onfhir.audit.IFhirAuditCreator
import io.onfhir.authz.AuthzManager
import io.onfhir.client.{OnFhirNetworkClient, TerminologyServiceClient}
import io.onfhir.db.{MongoDBInitializer, ResourceManager}
import io.onfhir.event.{FhirEventBus, IFhirEventBus}
import io.onfhir.validation.FhirTerminologyValidator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +67,15 @@ object FhirConfigurationManager extends IFhirConfigurationManager {
//Initialize FHIR Resource and terminology Validator
fhirValidator = new FHIRResourceValidator(this)
fhirTerminologyValidator = new FhirTerminologyValidator(fhirConfig)

//Integrated terminology services
val integratedTerminologyServices =
.map( => tsConf._1 -> new TerminologyServiceClient(OnFhirNetworkClient.apply(tsConf._2)(Onfhir.actorSystem))(Onfhir.actorSystem.dispatcher)))

fhirTerminologyValidator = new FhirTerminologyValidator(fhirConfig, integratedTerminologyServices)
//Initialize FHIR Audit creator if necessary
if (OnfhirConfig.fhirAuditingRepository.equalsIgnoreCase("local") || OnfhirConfig.fhirAuditingRepository.equalsIgnoreCase("remote"))
fhirAuditCreator = fhirConfigurator.getAuditCreator()
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JArray, JObject, JString, JValue}
* Value Set binding if strength is given as 'required', 'extensible', 'preferred'
* @param valueSetUrl URL of ValueSet where codes are expected
* @param version Business Version of ValueSet where codes are expected
* @param isRequired If binding strength is required
* @param strength Binding strength (required | preferred | ..)
case class CodeBindingRestriction(valueSetUrl:String, version:Option[String], strength:String) extends FhirRestriction {

Expand All @@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ case class CodeBindingRestriction(valueSetUrl:String, version:Option[String], st
* @return
override def evaluate(value: JValue, fhirContentValidator: AbstractFhirContentValidator): Seq[ConstraintFailure] = {
val terminologyValidator = FhirTerminologyValidator(fhirContentValidator.fhirConfig)
if(terminologyValidator.isValueSetSupported(valueSetUrl, version)) {
val terminologyValidator = fhirContentValidator.terminologyValidator
if (terminologyValidator.isValueSetSupported(valueSetUrl, version)) {
value match {
//FHIR code
case JString(c) =>
if(!terminologyValidator.validateCodeAgainstValueSet(valueSetUrl, version, None, c))
if (!terminologyValidator.validateCodeAgainstValueSet(valueSetUrl, version, None, c))
Seq(ConstraintFailure(s"Code binding failure, code '$c' is not defined in the ValueSet '$valueSetUrl' or is nor active and selectable!", !isRequired))
Expand All @@ -35,22 +35,22 @@ case class CodeBindingRestriction(valueSetUrl:String, version:Option[String], st
case obj: JObject if (obj.obj.exists(_._1 == FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.CODING)) =>
val systemAndCodes =
FHIRUtil.extractValueOption[Seq[JObject]](obj, FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.CODING)
.map( =>
.map( =>
FHIRUtil.extractValueOption[String](coding, FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.SYSTEM) ->
FHIRUtil.extractValueOption[String](coding, FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.CODE))).getOrElse(Nil)
//One of the codes should be bounded to given
if(systemAndCodes.nonEmpty && !systemAndCodes.exists(sc => sc._1.isDefined && sc._2.isDefined && terminologyValidator.validateCodeAgainstValueSet(valueSetUrl, version, sc._1, sc._2.get)))
if (systemAndCodes.nonEmpty && !systemAndCodes.exists(sc => sc._1.isDefined && sc._2.isDefined && terminologyValidator.validateCodeAgainstValueSet(valueSetUrl, version, sc._1, sc._2.get)))
Seq(ConstraintFailure(s"Code binding failure, none of the system-code pairing '${printSystemCodes(systemAndCodes)}' is defined in the ValueSet '$valueSetUrl' or is active and selectable!", !isRequired))

//FHIR Quantity, Coding
case obj: JObject =>
//Extract the system and code if exists
val (system, code) = FHIRUtil.extractValueOption[String](obj, FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.SYSTEM) ->
val (system, code) = FHIRUtil.extractValueOption[String](obj, FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.SYSTEM) ->
FHIRUtil.extractValueOption[String](obj, FHIR_COMMON_FIELDS.CODE)
//If there is binding, they should exist and defined in the value set
if(system.isEmpty || code.isEmpty || ! terminologyValidator.validateCodeAgainstValueSet(valueSetUrl, version,system, code.get))
if (system.isEmpty || code.isEmpty || !terminologyValidator.validateCodeAgainstValueSet(valueSetUrl, version, system, code.get))
Seq(ConstraintFailure(s"Code binding failure, system-code pairing '${printSystemCodes(Seq(system -> code))}' is not defined in the ValueSet '$valueSetUrl' or is not active and selectable!", !isRequired))
Expand All @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ case class CodeBindingRestriction(valueSetUrl:String, version:Option[String], st
} else {
Seq(ConstraintFailure(s"Unknown or not processable ValueSet '$valueSetUrl' for validation, skipping code binding validation...", isWarning = true))


private def printSystemCodes(systemAndCodes:Seq[(Option[String], Option[String])]) =
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,12 @@ class FhirContentValidator(
referenceResolver:Option[IReferenceResolver] = None,
resourceValidator:Option[IFhirResourceValidator] = None
)(implicit val ec:ExecutionContext) extends AbstractFhirContentValidator(fhirConfig, profileUrl, referenceResolver) {
)(implicit val ec:ExecutionContext)
extends AbstractFhirContentValidator(
resourceValidator.flatMap(_.getTerminologyValidator()).getOrElse(FhirTerminologyValidator.apply(fhirConfig, Nil))) {
protected val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
//Temporary store of bundle content for bundle validations
private var bundle:Option[Resource] = None
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