Suhas Hegde 10/31/2017
The following program reads in a text corpus and determines the context vectors (window size 1) for the selected words. Then cosine similarity scores are calculated for word-pairs.
These vectors contain the words that are behind or ahead of the word in question. The window size determines how many words are taken into account while building the vector. Here a window size of one has been used.
This score determines the similarity of the context vectors in question. Higher scores indicate that the context vectors are similar in nature(ie, they share a lot of words together). Thus we can say that the "original words" are used in similar contexts.
#load up the required libraries
# read the text corpus
raw_text <- read_delim("sents_BNCbaby.txt", col_names = FALSE, delim = "\n")
# filter out the sentence numbers and create another column
raw_text$X1 %>% str_extract("[0-9]{1,}(?=\t)") -> raw_text$sentence_num
# rename the columns
names(raw_text) <- c("text","sentence_num")
# convert sentence number to numeric type column
as.integer(raw_text$sentence_num) -> raw_text$sentence_num
# convert the raw_text into a table with each row containing only one word and then filter out the required words from the raw_text
raw_text %>% unnest_tokens(word,text) %>%
filter(word == "priceless" |
word == "valuable" |
word == "absent" |
word == "specialists" |
word == "specialist" |
word == "experts" |
word == "expert" |
word == "courage" ) -> df
## # A tibble: 622 x 2
## sentence_num word
## <int> <chr>
## 1 39 experts
## 2 64 valuable
## 3 381 experts
## 4 440 experts
## 5 633 specialist
## 6 644 experts
## 7 1377 valuable
## 8 1467 courage
## 9 1633 expert
## 10 1778 expert
## # ... with 612 more rows
# left_join the raw_text into the newly fromed table "df" with the the required words, this filters out all the unnecessary text and only preserves the ones where we have the required words such as "priceless,courage..."
# then add a grouping variable and create another variable called line_no
# that means we will have a bunch of line_no for each individual senetence number
df %>% left_join(raw_text) %>%
unnest_tokens(context_vector,text) %>%
group_by(sentence_num) %>%
mutate(line_no = row_number()) ->df
## # A tibble: 17,552 x 4
## # Groups: sentence_num [609]
## sentence_num word context_vector line_no
## <int> <chr> <chr> <int>
## 1 39 experts 39 1
## 2 39 experts but 2
## 3 39 experts even 3
## 4 39 experts at 4
## 5 39 experts this 5
## 6 39 experts stage 6
## 7 39 experts there 7
## 8 39 experts are 8
## 9 39 experts many 9
## 10 39 experts hurdles 10
## # ... with 17,542 more rows
# first, filter out rows where context_vector == word column
# calculate the index(row numbers) for the "word behind" and the "word ahead" that make up the context vector of the given word
df %>% filter(context_vector == word) %>% select(sentence_num,line_no) %>%
mutate(word_behind = line_no-1, word_ahead = line_no+1) %>%
select(-line_no) %>%
gather(word_type, line_no, word_behind:word_ahead) %>%
left_join(df) -> df
## # A tibble: 1,276 x 5
## # Groups: sentence_num [?]
## sentence_num word_type line_no word context_vector
## <int> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
## 1 39 word_behind 17 experts city
## 2 64 word_behind 17 valuable them
## 3 381 word_behind 3 experts some
## 4 440 word_behind 15 experts which
## 5 633 word_behind 12 specialist a
## 6 644 word_behind 4 experts independent
## 7 1377 word_behind 14 valuable psychologically
## 8 1467 word_behind 10 courage originality
## 9 1633 word_behind 12 expert have
## 10 1778 word_behind 38 expert of
## # ... with 1,266 more rows
# replace the word names with appropriate names
# eg - "experts OR expert" should be changed to one group called expert_experts
df$word %>%
str_replace_all(c("specialists|specialist" = "specialist_specialists",
"experts|expert" = "expert_experts")) -> df$word
# filtering out the context vector for each word
# first group all the records based on the word column, we should have 6 distinct groups
# next drop all the "NA" values (they were introduced in case if we were trying to select rows that do not exist)
# finally, select only distinct values for each group
# that means each word will have a context vector without any repetetions
df %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(word) %>%
select(context_vector) %>%
drop_na() %>% distinct() -> df
## # A tibble: 648 x 2
## # Groups: word [6]
## word context_vector
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 expert_experts city
## 2 valuable them
## 3 expert_experts some
## 4 expert_experts which
## 5 specialist_specialists a
## 6 expert_experts independent
## 7 valuable psychologically
## 8 courage originality
## 9 expert_experts have
## 10 expert_experts of
## # ... with 638 more rows
# calculate the length of each context vector and save it to a table
df %>% group_by(word) %>%
summarise(vector_length = n()) -> context_vec
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
## word vector_length
## <chr> <int>
## 1 absent 68
## 2 courage 42
## 3 expert_experts 180
## 4 priceless 19
## 5 specialist_specialists 221
## 6 valuable 118
We would have to define a custom function that takes in user inputs such as word pairs and calculates the cosine similarity scores for them.
# cosine similarity function
# takes in 4 inputs
# df - table(dataframe) containing context vectors for each word or word-group
# word1 - the first string
# word2 - the second string
# context_vec - table(dataframe) containing the lengths of context vectors for each word or word-group
# The function basically works likes this, based on the given word it filters out the context vector for that word, repeats the same process for the next word
# then using inner_join intersection V1.V2 is found and saved to "word_intersection"
# x and y determine the length of context vectors for word1 and word2
# finally, the score is calculated and is returned
cos_sim_score <- function(df, word1,word2, context_vec ){
df %>% filter(word == word1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(context_vector) %>% distinct() -> a
df %>% filter(word == word2) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(context_vector) %>% distinct() -> b
a %>% inner_join(b) %>% summarise(vector_length = n()) %>%
pull(vector_length) -> word_intersection
context_vec %>% filter(word == word1) %>% ungroup() %>%
pull(vector_length) -> x
context_vec %>% filter(word == word2) %>% ungroup() %>%
pull(vector_length) -> y
cos_score <- word_intersection/(sqrt(x)*sqrt(y))
# build two string vectors containing all the words
first_word <- c("priceless","priceless","specialist_specialists","specialist_specialists")
second_word <- c("valuable","absent","expert_experts","courage")
# "map" the cos_sim_score function to the word-pairs and display the results
# this is similar to using two "for-loops", we loop through the words and apply the function("cos_sim_score") to each set of words
map2(first_word, second_word ,cos_sim_score, df=df, context_vec=context_vec) %>%
set_names(c("S1_1","S1_2","S2_1","S2_2")) %>%
unlist() %>%
data_frame(word_pair = attr(.,"names") ,cosine_similarity_score= .)
## # A tibble: 4 x 2
## word_pair cosine_similarity_score
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 S1_1 0.1267166
## 2 S1_2 0.1391037
## 3 S2_1 0.2155937
## 4 S2_2 0.1453139
The results are bit contrary in nature. Cosine similarity score for S1_1 is less than S1_2. That is saying the word "priceless" is semantically closer to the word "absent", which is not exactly true. In the other case, there is significant difference between the scores(S2_1 > S2_2). So, we can safely assume that the word group "specialist/specialists" is much more semantically closer to "expert/experts" than to "courage".