There are 3 types of Users, who can access to this website.
- User, who can order their Items
- Admin, who is the owner of shop/Restaurant
- SuperAdmin, who can add/Remove shops at IIT Bhilai
Live experience of User:
Live experience of Admin:
Test credentials for User:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
Test credentials for Admin:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
Test credentials for SuperAdmin (login with these credentials in user website):
Email: [email protected]
Password: 😂 Contact me
Key Points:
- Users can order their required items from the shops present at IIT Bhilai
- New shops have to contact SuperAdmin first, for the purpose of Adding their shops, SuperAdmin will provide a code with which, Admins can signup
- Admins can Add/Remove/Edit the Items present in the shop.
- For seamless User experience, I have used Fuse.js for Searching Items, users can also filter items by provided categories.
- User can place the order, which Admin should accept it, inorder to confirm the order.
- Users and Admin can view the realtime Update of the Order, that user is placed
- SuperAdmin can add and remove the shops, as per required
Technical Terms:
- I have used ReactJS, Bootstrap for Frontend and NodeJs,MongoDB,ExpressJs for Backend purpose
- For Add to Cart purpose, I have used React-Redux for state management.
- I have used several libraries like React-toast, Fuse.js to enhance the user experience