🔭 I’m currently working on providing best android practices through my pet projects
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🤝 I’m looking for help with best architecture using Jetpack compose
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📫 How to reach me [email protected]
😄 Pronouns: he/his
⚡ Fun fact I have been playing one PC game daily since 2015 --> Rainbow Six Siege
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no_internet_connection_util_android PublicThis project shows the usage of Internet Connection Util. It takes the advantage of live data. Who ever observes this util's live data gets the change. It is a life cycle aware util. If you want to…
android_analytics_architecture PublicThis project is useful in defining your analytics layer. I just created this project in a simple manner to explain how I define my rules in creating an analytics layer in my project. This is also h…
lifecycle_service_demo_yt PublicDemo to show the usage of lifecycle service. Using stop watch timer as an example. As the timer gets started, there will be a foreground service which shows a notification with a current timer. I h…
user_activity_detection PublicThis project demonstrates the usage of Android Activity Recognition Transition API. Detect when users start or end an activity such as walking, driving, or biking. This is also called as Transition…
set_repetitive_exact_alarm PublicYou will be able to perform operations at the particular time and you can also perform repititive tasks irrespective of doze or standby mode using Alarm Manager API
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