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eliminate second data file path with extra slash #467

eliminate second data file path with extra slash

eliminate second data file path with extra slash #467

Workflow file for this run

name: Process XML to JSON and HTML
- 'gaddel_development' # current data branch
# paths:
# - 'data/**' # Trigger only on changes to data files
id-token: write
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Step 1: Check out the repositories
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Checkout syriaca repository (code repo)
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: srophe/syriaca
ref: staticSite
path: syriaca # Check it out into a subfolder
# Step 2: Install Java and Saxon for XSLT
- name: Set up JDK 11
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
java-version: '11'
distribution: 'temurin'
- name: Download Saxon from GitHub
run: |
wget -O saxon.jar
# Step 3:
- name: Configure AWS credentials from AWS account
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_SROPHE_ROLE }}
aws-region: us-east-1
role-session-name: GitHub-OIDC-data
# Step 4: Find updated XML files
# - name: Identify updated XML files
# id: files
# run: |
# echo "Ensuring commit history is fetched..."
# git fetch --unshallow || echo "Repository is already fully cloned."
# echo "Checking for updated XML files..."
# if git rev-list --count HEAD > 1; then
# # Find updated files between the last commit and the current HEAD
# UPDATED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only HEAD~1 HEAD | grep '\.xml$')
# else
# # If there's no prior commit, process all XML files
# UPDATED_FILES=$(git ls-files | grep '\.xml$')
# fi
# # Check if any XML files were updated
# if [ -z "$UPDATED_FILES" ]; then
# echo "No XML files were updated."
# echo "::set-output name=updated_files::"
# exit 0
# fi
# Output the list of updated files
# echo "$UPDATED_FILES" > xml_files.txt
# echo "Updated XML files:"
# cat xml_files.txt
# echo "::set-output name=updated_files::$UPDATED_FILES"
# shell: bash
# # Step 4: Identify XML files for batch conversions
- name: Identify XML files
run: |
find ./data/places/tei -name '*.xml' | head -n 10 > xml_files.txt
echo "Processing XML files:"
cat xml_files.txt
# Step 5: Run XSLT Transformations and Merge into Single JSON for OpenSearch
# - name: Run XSLT Transformations and Create Bulk JSON
# run: |
# if [ ! -s xml_files.txt ]; then
# echo "No XML files to process."
# exit 0
# fi
# touch bulk_data.json # Create the bulk JSON file
# # Commented out code in this section for possible optimization of code
# # mkdir -p data-html
# # echo "Created HTML directory"
# while IFS= read -r file; do
# # Extract the document type from the file path
# type=$(echo "$file" | grep -o -E 'work|subject|person|place|bibl')
# # Fix bible/subject/worker conflict: choose 'subject' over other types
# if [[ "$type" == *"subject"* ]]; then
# type="subject"
# elif [[ "$type" == *"bibl"* ]]; then
# type="cbss"
# fi
# # Extract the filename and create the index header for OpenSearch bulk format
# filename=$(basename ${file%.xml})
# echo "Processing $filename for JSON"
# printf "{\"index\":{\"_index\":\"syriaca-index-10\",\"_id\":\"$type-$filename\"}}\n" >> bulk_data.json
# # Apply XSLT for JSON conversion and append it to bulk_data.json directly
# java -jar saxon.jar -s:$file -xsl:json-stylesheet.xsl docType="$type" | tr -d '\n' >> bulk_data.json
# echo "" >> bulk_data.json # Add a newline after the document entry
# # Apply XSLT for HTML conversion and capture any error
# # java -jar saxon.jar -s:$file -xsl:html-stylesheet.xsl -o:${filename}.html 2>&1 | tee saxon_error.log
# # # Upload the HTML file to S3
# # aws s3 cp $(basename ${file%.xml}.html) s3://srophe-syriaca-front-end/${type}/${filename}.html
# done < xml_files.txt
# env:
# AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}
# Step 6: Convert TEI to HTML files for front-end hosting
# Create directory to save the HTML files into
- name: Create static HTML directory
run: |
mkdir -p data-html
echo "Created HTML directory"
- name: Run XSLT Transformations for HTML
run: |
while IFS= read -r file; do
echo "Processing $file for HTML"
# Extract the document type from the file path
type=$(echo "$file" | grep -o -E 'work|subject|person|place|bibl' | tail -n 1)
# Extract the filename and create the index header for OpenSearch bulk format
filename=$(basename ${file%.xml})
echo "html filename: $filename"
echo "HTML conversion type $type"
# Run the XSLT transformation located in the root of syriaca-data repository
java -jar saxon.jar -s:$file -xsl:html-stylesheet.xsl -o:data-html/${type}/${filename}.html
done < xml_files.txt
# Step 6:
- name: Configure AWS credentials from AWS account
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_SROPHE_ROLE }}
aws-region: us-east-1
role-session-name: GitHub-OIDC-data
# Step 7: Upload Json files to S3
# - name: Upload JSON file to S3
# run: |
# TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
# aws s3 cp bulk_data.json s3://srophe-syriaca-front-end/json-data/advancedsearchfields/index_10_$TIMESTAMP.json
# env:
# AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}
- name: Upload HTML files to S3
run: |
for html_file in $(find ./data-html -name "*.html"); do
type=$(echo "$html_file" | grep -o -E 'work|subject|person|place|bibl' | tail -n 1)
echo "html_file $html_file"
if [ "$type" == "subject" ]; then
if [ "$type" == "bibl" ]; then
# Copy html file to S3 with the idno path
echo "uploading to $html_file s3://srophe-syriaca-front-end/${type}/$(basename ${html_file%.html})"
aws s3 cp $html_file s3://srophe-syriaca-front-end/${type}/$(basename ${html_file%.html})
AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}
# Step 8: Upload JSON data to OpenSearch # Currently handled directly from S3
# - name: JSON file to OpenSearch
# env:
# run: |
# RESPONSE=$(curl -s -o response.json -w "%{http_code}" -XPOST "$OPENSEARCH_URL/_bulk" \
# -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
# --data-binary "@bulk_data.json")
# echo "HTTP response code: $RESPONSE"
# cat response.json
# # Check for errors in the response
# if grep -q '"errors":true' response.json; then
# echo "Errors occurred during bulk upload"
# exit 1
# fi
# # Parse the response for failed items using jq
# FAILED_ENTRIES=$(jq -c '.items[] | select(.index.status >= 400) | {id: .index._id, error: .index.error}' response.json)
# if [[ -n "$FAILED_ENTRIES" ]]; then
# echo "Failed entries:"
# echo "$FAILED_ENTRIES" > failed_entries.json
# echo "$FAILED_ENTRIES" # Prints to the console
# else
# echo "All entries were successfully indexed."
# fi