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Shane Rosanbalm edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 5 revisions

The WHAT and HOW of custom WARNINGs is covered in the Code tab of this repository. What follows in the Wiki is a series of applications of this technique.

Unexpected Values

Suppose you are mapping numeric variable GENDER to character variable SEX. You have the numeric values 1 and 2 in the current cut of data, but you worry that other values (missing, 3, 99) might show up in the next data cut.

   set clinical.demomstr;
   if gender = 1 then sex = 'M';
   else if gender = 2 then sex = 'F';
   else put 'W' 'ARNING: unaccounted for value of ' gender=;

Edit Checks

Suppose you have temperature data in degrees Fahrenheit. You might put a range check in your code to capture highly unlikely values.

data _null_;
   set clinical.vsmstr;
   if 95 < temp_f < 102 then 
      put 'W' 'ARNING: suspicious value for ' temp_f=;

SAS Version Check

Maybe you've got some code that will only work in 9.4.

data _null_
   if &sysver < 9.4 then 
      put 'W' 'ARNING: minimum SAS version for this program is 9.4.';

Macro Parameters Non-missing

Maybe your macro will crash if one of the parameters is missing.

%if %nrbquote(&pos) eq %str() %then
   %put %str(W)ARNING: POS is a required parameter;

Macro Parameter Has Valid Values

Maybe your macro will crash if an invalid value is specified for one of the parameters.

%if ^(%upcase(&pos) in (Y N YES NO)) %then 
   %put %str(E)RROR: POS [&pos.] must be YES, NO;

Stopped in the Middle of Something

Phone calls, meeting reminders, instant messages, etc. The string of interruptions is never ending! When interruptions occur, preserve your sanity by leaving bread crumbs in your program.

%put %str(W)ARNING: stopped in the middle of <your text here>;

Temporary Code

Sometimes you write code that's only meant to be in effect for a short time, after which you want to remove the code.

data _null_;
   if today() > '21oct2016'd then 
      put 'W' 'ARNING: replace dummy treatment assignments with real ones.';

data _null_;
   if today() > '21oct2016'd then 
      put 'W' 'ARNING: analysis cutoff date is no longer valid.';

Duplicate Records Check

Sometimes we assume that a list of BY variables is going to uniquely identify records in our dataset. Cover that assumption with a custom WARNING.

DATA test;
   set ts1;
   by usubjid sid1a;
   if not (first.sid1a and last.sid1a) then  
      put "WARN" "ING: Multiple TS1.SID1A records for " usubjid= sid1a=;

Defense Against Hardcoded Values

In GPLOT you frequently have to hardcode the ORDER= option on the AXISn statement. If the data range grows in a subsequent data cut you could be clipping data points.

axis1 order=(20 to 40 by 5);

proc sql noprint;
   select   min(aval), max(aval)
   into     :minaval, maxaval
   from     plotdata

data _null_;
   if &minval < 20 or 40 < &maxval then
      put 'W' 'ARNING: revisit your ORDER= option';

Length Protection

Assigning lengths to character variables involves making assumptions about future values. Protect yourself by checking the lengths of character variables which you know have the potential to contain long strings.

   set clinical.cmmstr;
   if length(cmindc) > 200 then 
      put 'W' 'ARNING: CMINDC > 200 char: ' usubjid= cmindc=;

Empty Dataset Check

The first data cut for a clinical trial often involves an empty dataset or two. Rather than try to use the empty dataset in your program, it might be easier to set up a custom WARNING to notify you once the dataset finally get some records in it.

%macro dataempty(data);

   %let numobs = 0;
   %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&data.));
   %if &dsid %then %do;
      %let numobs = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid.,nobs));
      %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid.));

   %if &numobs > 0 %then  
      %put %str(W)ARNING: dataset [&data] is not empty;

%mend dataempty;


USUBJID is Not in Expected Dataset

In the following example we expect all USUBJID values to be present in dataset DM. If we find a USUBJID value that is not in DM, we throw a WARNING.

      lab (in=inLB) (in=inDM)
   by usubjid;
   if inLB;
   if not (inDM) then 
      put 'WAR' 'NING: Subject not in SDTM.DM datasets ' usubjid=; 

Records in Paired Datasets are Consistent

Sometimes there are two input datasets that are supposed to have the same number or type of records in them (i.e., if a particular USUBJID is in dataset A, that same USUBJID should also be in dataset B). This example shows how to check for this type of consistency between two datasets.

data work.ORQues ;
   merge work.ORQ (in=_inORQ)
         work.ORQUES_Raw (in=_inORQUES) 
   inORQUES = _inORQUES ;

   if (not _inORQ) and first.QSREFID then 
      put 'WAR' 'NING: Record in ORQUES does not match ORQ ' /
          'WAR' 'NING- ' USUBJID= QSSPID= QSREFID= / ;

   if (QUCPYNL eq 'NO') and (inORQUES) and first.QSREFID then 
      put 'WAR' 'NING: Record with done=NO in ORQ matches records in ORQUES ' /

   if (QUCPYNL ne '') or (inORQUES) then output ;
run ;

Simplify Your Macro Code

Writing macros robust enough to handle any type of data is often quite difficult. Often it makes more sense to write custom WARNINGs to make you aware of cases that don't fit your assumptions about "this is what the data should look like". In the following macro, which converts YYYYMMDD dates to ISO8601 format, only the easy cases are handled by the macro, with all "interesting" data resulting in a custom WARNING.

*---------- convert character YYMMDD8. dates to ISO8601 dates ----------;

%macro char2iso(dateVar);

   if &dateVar. ne '' then do ;

      %*--- write W@RNING if any non-digit characters ---;
      if compress(&dateVar., '', 'kd') ne &dateVar. then
         put "WAR" "NING: Character date in &dateVar. contains non-digit characters " &dateVar.= ;

      %*--- full date case ---;
      else if length(&dateVar.) eq 8 then 
         &outVar. = put(input(&dateVar., YYMMDD8.), IS8601DA10.) ;

      %*--- write W@RNING if unexpected length ---;
      else if length(&dateVar.) not in (4, 6) then
         put "WAR" "NING: Character date in &dateVar. has unexpected length " &dateVar.= ;

      %*--- year (lenght 4) and year/month (length 6) cases ---;
      else &outVar. = catX('-', subStrN(&dateVar., 1, 4), subStrN(&dateVar., 5, 2)) ;

   end ;

%mend char2iso;

Duplicate Records Check, Macro Version

The duplicate records check is common enough that you will probably want to make a macro out of it. Here is one possible implementation.

%macro dupcheck(data=,var=);

   %let csvar = %sysfunc(translate(&var,%str(,),%str( )));

   proc sql noprint;
      select   &csvar
      from     &data
      group by &csvar
      having   count(*) > 1

   %if &sqlobs > 0 %then  
      %put %str(W)ARNING: obs in [&data] are not uniquely identified by [&var].;

%mend dupcheck;

   ,var=usubjid aeseq

Well-ordered Records Check

Sometimes you will have partially-missing or ambiguous data that makes it difficult to put records in chronological order. Consider using a custom WARNING to help identify situations where sorting one way (by AESTDTC) does not give the same result as sorting another way (by AESEQ).

data _null_;
   set events;
   by usubjid aestdtc;
   retain lastseq;
   if first.usubjid then call missing(lastseq);
   if not (aeseq >= lastseq) then  
      put 'W' 'ARNING: records are out of order: ' / usubjid= / lastseq= / aeseq= / ;      
   lastseq = aeseq;

Note the use of the / character in this put statement. This character acts as a hard return in the log, putting the various text and variable values on separate lines. This can help with readability.

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