A parallel coordinates plot is used to visualize multivariate data (google image results). Producing a parallel coordinates plot in SAS is not straightforward. There definitely isn’t a PARALLEL statement in SGPLOT. The best approach I could find on lexjansen.com was from SAS author Prashant Hebbar. The outlined process certainly works, but it's written for readability and not for flexibility or scalability. I decided to experiment to see if was possible to generate a parallel coordinates plot using more flexible and scalable code. The result of this experiment is a macro called %parallelplot
which is capable of producing a parallel coordinates plot with a minimum of parameters.
Example 1: plotting based on percentiles.
,var=sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth
Example 2: plotting based on data values.
,var=sepallength sepalwidth petallength petalwidth
See the wiki for more details on %parallelplot