Example of automating the build and deploy pipelines using the Mendix rest api's.
It invokes REST-API's in the Mendix cloud. These API's will work for licensed applications in the Mendix Cloud ( hosted platform or Dedicated ).
Download or clone this repository
Import these files into your Gitlab project.
Update env.sh with your username and key
Update env.sh AppId, Revision Number, Package Id, Environment
Execute your pipleine.
Drives the pipeline in gitlab.
Invokes other scripts as needed
For any environment variables
Your mendix user name and mendix-apiKey for authentication are stored here.
Change baseUrl if you have a dedicated Mendix Cloud
export baseUrl="https://deploy.mendix.com"
To change the Mendix application , configure AppId in env.sh
export AppID="cicd-demo"
Default setting for targetEnvironment is "Acceptance". This can be changed in env.sh by changing the targetEnvironment variable.
export targetEnvironment="Acceptance"
Triggers the build
Stops the Mendix application that is running in the environment
Transports package to the environment
Starts the application in the specified environment
https://docs.mendix.com/howto/integration/implement-cicd-pipeline https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/apidocs/authentication https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/apidocs/build-api https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/apidocs/deploy-api