#Freasy Monad Freasy Monad library makes it easy to create Free Monad from typelevel/cats.
It also integrate nicely with Intellij through a plugin to provide proper highlighting & code completion.
##Getting started Add the following to your build.sbt:
resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.thangiee" %% "freasy-monad" % "0.1.0",
"org.typelevel" %% "cats" % "0.7.2" // requires version 0.7.0+
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.0" cross CrossVersion.full)
Key-value store example from cats website using free
import cats._
import cats.free.Free
import freasymonad.free
import scala.collection.mutable
@free trait KVStore { // you can use any names you like
type KVStoreF[A] = Free[GrammarADT, A] // as long as you define a type alias for Free
sealed trait GrammarADT[A] // and a sealed trait.
// abstract methods are automatically lifted into part of the grammar ADT
def put[T](key: String, value: T): KVStoreF[Unit]
def get[T](key: String): KVStoreF[Option[T]]
def delete(key: String): KVStoreF[Unit]
def update[T](key: String, f: T => T): KVStoreF[Unit] =
for {
vMaybe <- get[T](key)
_ <- vMaybe.map(v => put[T](key, f(v))).getOrElse(Free.pure(()))
} yield ()
import KVStore.ops._
def program: KVStoreF[Option[Int]] =
for {
_ <- put("wild-cats", 2)
_ <- update[Int]("wild-cats", _ + 12)
_ <- put("tame-cats", 5)
n <- get[Int]("wild-cats")
_ <- delete("tame-cats")
} yield n
val impureInterpreter = new KVStore.Interp[Id] {
val kvs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Any]
def get[T](key: String): Id[Option[T]] = {
def put[T](key: String, value: T): Id[Unit] = {
println(s"put($key, $value)")
kvs(key) = value
def delete(key: String): Id[Unit] = {
During compile time, KVStore
is expanded to something similar to:
trait KVStore {
type KVStoreF[A] = Free[GrammarADT, A]
sealed trait GrammarADT[A]
object GrammarADT {
case class Put[T](key: String, value: T) extends GrammarADT[Unit]
case class Get[T](key: String) extends GrammarADT[Option[T]]
case class Delete(key: String) extends GrammarADT[Unit]
def put[T](key: String, value: T): KVStoreF[Unit] = Free.liftF[GrammarADT, Unit](GrammarADT.Put[T](key, value))
def get[T](key: String): KVStoreF[Option[T]] = Free.liftF[GrammarADT, Option[T]](GrammarADT.Get[T](key))
def delete(key: String): KVStoreF[Unit] = Free.liftF[GrammarADT, Unit](GrammarADT.Delete(key))
def update[T](key: String, f: T => T): KVStoreF[Unit] = get[T](key).flatMap((vMaybe) => vMaybe.map((v) => put[T](key, f(v))).getOrElse(Free.pure(())).map((_) => ()))
object KVStore {
import cats._
import scala.language.higherKinds
object ops extends KVStore
trait Interp[M[_]] {
import ops._
val interpreter = new (GrammarADT ~> M) {
def apply[A](fa: GrammarADT[A]): M[A] = fa match {
case GrammarADT.Put(key, value) => put(key, value)
case GrammarADT.Get(key) => get(key)
case GrammarADT.Delete(key) => delete(key)
def run[A](op: KVStoreF[A])(implicit m: Monad[M], r: RecursiveTailRecM[M]): M[A] = op.foldMap(interpreter)
def put[T](key: String, value: T): M[Unit]
def get[T](key: String): M[Option[T]]
def delete(key: String): M[Unit]
From the expanded version, we can see that the
macro takes care most of the tedious parts when it comes to writing free monad. The macro uses our abstract methods to define the ADT case classes, create smart constructors to the case classes using liftF, and do pattern matching on all case classes in the interpreter. -
Writing an interpreter using Intellij becomes a breeze:
No more false error marks when writing interpreter with Intellij!
Intellij users need to install the Freasy Monad Plugin to get proper highlighting & code completion.
- Search and Install the plugin from IntelliJ. (settings > plugins > browse repos > search for "Freasy Monad Plugin" > install and restart)
Download the plugin from https://github.com/Thangiee/Freasy-Monad/tree/master/plugin/bin
Go to settings, Plugins section, then click on install plugin from disc, and choose this plugin.
- Generate
for composing Free monads ADTs.