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This Action allow users of EDP Deploy (Formerly Runtimes) to deploy infrastructures with the plan step easilly.

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This Action allow users of EDP Deploy (Formerly Runtimes) to deploy infrastructures with the plan step easilly. This GitHub Action is designed to facilitate the deployment of infrastructure using a self-hosted runtime. It supports both AWS IAM roles and AWS access keys for authentication, and it orchestrates the deployment of infrastructure using Terraform.


To use this action, you will need the following:

  1. StackSpot Account:

    • You must have a StackSpot account with access to the EDP Deploy (formerly Runtimes) service.
    • Obtain the following credentials from the StackSpot Portal:
      • CLIENT_ID
      • CLIENT_KEY
    • These credentials can be generated by logging in as an ADMIN user on the StackSpot Portal and navigating to the Access Token section.
  2. AWS Credentials:

    • You must provide either:
      • AWS IAM Role: Use the aws-iam-role input to specify the IAM role ARN so we can assume this role.
      • AWS Access Keys: Use the aws-access-key-id, aws-secret-access-key, and aws-session-token inputs to provide AWS access credentials.
    • Important: You must provide either the IAM role or the access keys, but not both. If both are provided, the action will fail.
  3. GitHub Secrets:

    • Store sensitive information such as CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_KEY, CLIENT_REALM, and AWS credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, or AWS_ROLE_ARN) as GitHub Secrets to ensure security.
  4. S3 Buckets:

    • You will need two S3 buckets:
      • tfstate-bucket-name: For storing Terraform state files.
      • iac-bucket-name: For storing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) files and .tfplan files.
      • These buckets could be the same.
    • Ensure that these buckets are created and accessible in the specified AWS region, by the specified runner.
  5. Terraform:

    • This action orchestrates infrastructure deployment using Terraform. Ensure that your infrastructure code is compatible with Terraform and that the necessary Terraform modules are available.
  6. GitHub Runner:

    • The action requires a GitHub runner that has access to your cloud account (AWS) and can execute the necessary Terraform commands.


Here is an example of how to use this action in your GitHub workflow:

⚠️ Important Note: This action should NOT be used on its own.
It is designed to work in conjunction with the following actions:

name: Deploy Infrastructure

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Here you should use a runner that can access your cloud account
        apply_tasks: ${{ steps.orchestration_and_plan.outputs.apply_tasks }}
        run_id: ${{ steps.orchestration_and_plan.outputs.run_id }}
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Deploy Infrastructure
        uses: stackspot/edp-deploy-orchestration-action@v1
        id: orquestration_and_plan
            TFSTATE_BUCKET_NAME: "my-tfstate-bucket"
            TFSTATE_BUCKET_REGION: sa-east-1
            IAC_BUCKET_NAME: "my-iac-bucket"
            IAC_BUCKET_REGION: sa-east-1
            WORKSPACE: "my-workspace"
            ENVIRONMENT: "production"
            VERSION: "v1.0.0"
            REPOSITORY_NAME: ${{ }}
            PATH_TO_MOUNT: /home/runner/_work/${{ }}/${{ }}
            WORKDIR: /path/to/.stk # In case your repo has an .stk not on the repository root folder
            STK_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.STK_CLIENT_ID }}
            STK_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.STK_CLIENT_SECRET }}
            STK_REALM: ${{ secrets.STK_REALM }}
            AWS_IAM_ROLE: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_ARN }}
            AWS_REGION: sa-east-1          
                    "sourceType": "gitHttps",
                    "path": "",
                    "private":  true,
                    "app": "app",
                    "token": "token"
                    "sourceType": "terraformRegistry",
                    "path": "hashicorp/stack-spot", 
                    "private":  false

    name: Deploy
    needs: [orquestrate_and_plan]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Here you should use a runner that can access your cloud account
    environment: production # Here you set the environments that the user is supposed to aprrove the changes planned from orquestration step
      - name: Service Provision
        id: run-task
        uses: stack-spot/runtime-tasks-action@stg
        if: needs.orquestrate_and_plan.outputs.run_id != ''
          RUN_ID: ${{ needs.orquestrate_and_plan.outputs.run_id }}
          TASK_LIST: ${{ needs.orquestrate_and_plan.outputs.apply_tasks }}
          REPOSITORY_NAME: ${{ }}
          PATH_TO_MOUNT: /home/runner/_work/${{ }}/${{ }}
          AWS_REGION: sa-east-1
          AWS_ROLE_ARN: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_ARN }}
                    "sourceType": "gitHttps",
                    "path": "",
                    "private":  true,
                    "app": "app",
                    "token": "token"
                    "sourceType": "terraformRegistry",
                    "path": "hashicorp/stack-spot", 
                    "private":  false
          CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.STK_CLIENT_ID }}
          CLIENT_KEY: ${{ secrets.STK_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          CLIENT_REALM: ${{ secrets.STK_REALM }}

  cancel: # in case something in your pipeline breaks, or someone cancels it mid deployment, its required to run this action in order to let Stackspot know that an error has ocurred and not block next deployments
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Here you should use a runner that can access your cloud account
    needs: [orquestrate_and_plan, plan_approve_and_apply]
    if: ${{ always() && (contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') || contains(needs.*.result, 'cancelled')) }} 
      - name: Cancel run
        if: needs.orquestrate_and_plan.outputs.run_id != '' 
        id: run-cancel
        uses: stack-spot/runtime-cancel-run-action@stg
          CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.STK_CLIENT_ID }}
          CLIENT_KEY: ${{ secrets.STK_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          CLIENT_REALM: ${{ secrets.STK_REALM }}
          RUN_ID: ${{ needs.orquestrate_and_plan.outputs.run_id }}


Name Description Required Default Secret is Recommended
LEVEL_LOG The runtime log level. No info No
TFSTATE_BUCKET_NAME The bucket for runtime inventory. Yes N/A No
TFSTATE_BUCKET_REGION The region of the bucket for runtime inventory. No sa-east-1 No
IAC_BUCKET_NAME The bucket for storing IaC (Infrastructure as Code) files. Yes N/A No
IAC_BUCKET_REGION The region of the bucket for IaC files. No sa-east-1 No
CONTAINER_IAC_VERSION The container version for IaC tasks. No stackspot/runtime-job-iac:latest No
CONTAINER_DEPLOY_VERSION The container version for deployment tasks. No stackspot/runtime-job-deploy:latest No
CONTAINER_DESTROY_VERSION The container version for destroy tasks. No stackspot/runtime-job-destroy:latest No
CONTAINER_UNIFIED_VERSION The container version for unified tasks. No stackspot/runtime-job-unified:latest No
DYNAMIC_INPUTS Dynamic inputs for the action. No "" No
WORKSPACE The slug of the workspace. Yes N/A No
ENVIRONMENT The environment for the deployment. Yes "" No
VERSION The version of the deployment. Yes N/A No
TERRAFORM_PARALLELISM The parallelism level for Terraform. No 10 No
WORKDIR The path to the directory where the .stk is located. No ./ No
CHECKOUT_BRANCH Whether or not to enable branch checkout. No false No
REPOSITORY_NAME The name of the Git repository. Yes N/A No
PATH_TO_MOUNT The path to mount inside the provisioning Docker container. Yes N/A No
AWS_REGION The AWS where infrastructure will be deployed. Yes sa-east-1 No
AWS_IAM_ROLE The AWS IAM role to use for deploying infrastructure. No N/A Yes
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The AWS access key ID for deploying infrastructure. No N/A Yes
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The AWS secret access key for deploying infrastructure. No N/A Yes
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN The AWS session token for deploying infrastructure. No N/A Yes
STK_CLIENT_ID The client identifier of the account. Yes N/A Yes
STK_CLIENT_SECRET The client secret of the account. Yes N/A Yes
STK_REALM The realm of the account. Yes N/A No
FEATURES_TERRAFORM_MODULES Terraform modules to be used. No N/A No
TF_LOG_PROVIDER The log level for Terraform (info, debug, warn, trace). No N/A No
BASE_PATH_OUTPUT The file name to save outputs. No outputs.json No
LOCAL_EXEC_ENABLED Whether to allow execution of the local-exec command within Terraform. No false No
VERBOSE Whether to show extra logs during execution. No false No
OPEN_API_PATH The path to the OpenAPI/Swagger file within the repository. No N/A No


Name Description
APPLY_TASKS Post-plan tasks.
RUN_ID The ID of the current run.

AWS Authentication

This action supports two methods of AWS authentication:

Using an AWS IAM Role: Provide the aws-iam-role input. Using AWS Access Keys: Provide the aws-access-key-id, aws-secret-access-key, and aws-session-token inputs. Note: You must provide either the IAM role or the access keys, but not both. If both are provided, the action will fail.

Example with AWS Access Keys

- name: Deploy Infrastructure with AWS Access Keys
  uses: stackspot/edp-deploy-orchestration-action@v1
      # AWS_IAM_ROLE: ${{ secrets.AWS_ROLE_ARN }}
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
      AWS_REGION: sa-east-1

Complex Inputs


When the input CHECKOUT_BRANCH is used, within the IAC step of the tasks, the repository will be cloned within the with the following structure, in case repository files are necessary within terraform. it works in tandem with PATH_TO_MOUNT input, which should point to your repository after checkout, the value we indicate using for PATH_TO_MOUNT is /home/runner/_work/${{ }}/${{ }}, so terraform has access to the files, but you can change this however you wish.

Note: the contents of the branch input don't really matter, the branch cloned will be the branch used to dispatch the workflow as long as it is not empty

├── repodir
│   ├── .git/
│   ├── .stk/
│   │   └── stk.yaml
│   ├── src/
│   ├── tests/
│   └── ... {repository-files}
└── ... {templates-deploy}


When the input DYNAMIC_INPUTS is used, the flags passes in these inputs will be added to every plugin applied as their input, and could be used by Jinja engine to modify the IaC file created


DYNAMIC_INPUTS = --app_repository=""

{% if app_repository is defined %}
    resource_source  = {{ app_repository }}
{% else %}
    resource_source  = "default"
{% endif %}


When FEATURES_TERRAFORM_MODULES is used, the application will allow the modules provided in this inputs to be executed. This is a security measurement to only allow trusted modules to be used.

It should follow this structure:

            "sourceType": "gitHttps",
            "path": "", # Allows all repositories on stack-spot org
            "private": true,
            "app": "app", # Substitute with appName
            "token": "token" # Substitute with GitHub access token
            "sourceType": "terraformRegistry",
            "path": "hashicorp/stack-spot", # Allows all modules on stack-spot org
            "private": false

Error Handling

If both AWS IAM role and AWS access keys are provided, the action will fail with an error.

If neither AWS IAM role nor AWS access keys are provided, the action will fail with an error.

In case of a Deployment error, please look at Stackspot EDP Portal at your workspace and application/shared infrastructure within the environment deployed and look at activities tab, there should be the error messages.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


This Action allow users of EDP Deploy (Formerly Runtimes) to deploy infrastructures with the plan step easilly.



Security policy


