Release v0.0.1
Release v0.0.1
🎉 First Release
What's Changed
- Add provider filtering on model list by @jasonm23 in #1
- Added Google Generative AI (gemini) integration by @jonathands in #2
- let the ollama models be auto generated from ollama api by @yunatamos in #5
- added download button to downloade generated code in a zip file by @fabwaseem in #6
- Sync with stackblitz upstream by @jasonm23 in #7
- Update by @kofi-bhr in #28
- Update by @yunatamos in #8
- [Prompt] Add structured planning step to improve response quality by @kofi-bhr in #11
- Fix for llama 3.1 models by @fernsdavid25 in #12
- Docker Additions by @aaronbolton in #23
- Added GitHub push functionality by @goncaloalves in #24
- feat: added sync files to selected local folder function is created.Yarn package manager fixes, styling fixes. Sass module fix. Added Claude model for open router. by @muzafferkadir in #30
- Add mistral models. by @ArulGandhi in #36
- Enhance Ollama Model Integration and Type Definitions by @TarekS93 in #44
- Adding Deepseek coder + Deepseek chat with the Deepseek API. by @zenith110 in #51
- chore: Add environment variables for OpenAI Like integration by @ZerxZ in #60
- Further changes to support OLLAMA_API_BASE_URL with ollama models by @noobydp in #64
- Update constants.ts by @ArulGandhi in #70
- Added more detailed instructions by @mayurjobanputra in #55
- fix: further enhance Docker and docker-comose support with staged, --target and --profile support, plus Coolify Deployment Support by @hillct in #71
- chore: create .dockerignore file by @ajshovon in #77
- feat: added support for xAI Grok Beta by @milutinke in #196
- feat: set numCtx = 32768 for Ollama models by @patrykwegrzyn in #209
- feat: add ability to enter API keys in the UI by @ali00209 in #101
- fix: respect provider choice from UI by @TommyHolmberg in #188
- docs: update changed .env to .env.local by @albahrani in #178
- feat: added the latest Sonnet 3.5 and Haiku 3.5 by @milutinke in #205
- removing GitHub action workflow github-build-push.yml by @aaronbolton in #242
- feat: lm studio integration by @karrot0 in #104
- fix: bug #245 by @ali00209 in #254
- fix: adds missing -t for dockerbuild:prod command in package.json by @JNN5 in #247
- feat(bolt terminal): added dedicated bolt terminal, and attached to workbench by @thecodacus in #228
- Temporarily removing semantic-pr.yaml by @chrismahoney in #261
- feat(code-streaming): added code streaming to editor while AI is writing files by @thecodacus in #213
- feat: refactor/standardise model providers code + add "get provider key" by @wonderwhy-er in #251
- Update by @cardonasMind in #285
- fix: gemini create model error by @dmaksimov in #158
- Fix/provider consolelog by @chrismahoney in #296
- fix: added scroll fix for file browser by @thecodacus in #304
- olama local add by @armfuls in #118
- Should not provide hard-coded OLLAMA_API_BASE_URL value in .env.example by @chrismahoney in #321
- Huggingface Models Integrated by @ahsan3219 in #314
- (Ready for review and merge) Add Chat Rewind, Duplicate, and Fork Features by @wonderwhy-er in #305
- fix(project-reload): execution order is fix, this fixes the inconsistency on project reload by @thecodacus in #309
- feat: [UX] click shortcut in chat to go to source file in workbench by @hgosansn in #330
- Update the Google Gemini models list by @kekePower in #338
- fix: enhance prompt "Invalid or missing provider" bad request error by @SujalXplores in #347
- (Ready for review) - Small visual fix. Add background for chat window(currently transparent and looks ugly) by @wonderwhy-er in #350
- Cohere support added by @hasanraiyan in #351
- fix(ui): mobile friendly by @qwikode in #361
- Created DEFAULT_NUM_CTX VAR with a default of 32768 by @aaronbolton in #328
- Update to Gemini exp-1121 by @kekePower in #371
- Added 3 new models to Huggingface by @kekePower in #380
- Linting by @mrsimpson in #367
- (Ready for review) Import and Export Individual Chats by @wonderwhy-er in #372
- Small-cleanup-of-base-chat-component by @wonderwhy-er in #412
- fix: silent eslint issues by @SujalXplores in #414
- Force local linting by @mrsimpson in #378
- fix: prettier issue by @SujalXplores in #411
- Feat/improve sidebar by @SujalXplores in #422
- (Ready for Review) Start chat with Folder Import by @wonderwhy-er in #413
- Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 9 updates by @dustinwloring1988 in #456
- Socail Image - Filesize and Image size by @dustinwloring1988 in #455
- docs: added documentation creation framework by @thecodacus in #445
- Ollama not respecting model selection by @dustinwloring1988 in #460
- Add search chats support by @SujalXplores in #440
- [fix]: shell commands execution failure on app reload by @PuneetP16 in #427
- GitHub action fix for docs by @thecodacus in #488
- Stable additions by @dustinwloring1988 in #491
- [fix]: artifact actionlist rendering in chat by @PuneetP16 in #430
- feat: add custom unique filename when download as zip by @lassecapel in #312
- [fix]: README Headings and Ollama Section by @dustinwloring1988 in #490
- UI glow and Prompt Caching by @dustinwloring1988 in #493
- Enhance Chat Functionality with Prompt Caching by @SujalXplores in #431
- combind-merge by @dustinwloring1988 in #498
- BugFix: Terminal render too many times causing performance freeze by @hgosansn in #384
- feat: add Together AI integration and provider implementation guide by @mouimet-infinisoft in #385
- Updated SCSS to use @use instead of @import via sass-migrator by @calvinvette in #496
- Fixed v3_lazyRouteDiscovery flag warn by @dustinwloring1988 in #505
- Update by @dustinwloring1988 in #506
- Docs Link added to readme by @thecodacus in #508
- Update linting-failed-message in pre-commit by @mrsimpson in #512
- feat: better prompt enhancement by @SujalXplores in #428
- fix: typo in docker-compose.yaml by @sci3ma in #471
- fix(ui): header gradient, textarea border, prompt buttons by @qwikode in #368
- (Ready for review) Improve start command on windows by @wonderwhy-er in #316
- chore: package lock removed by @thecodacus in #519
- doc: Issue Template Update by @dustinwloring1988 in #520
- [feat]: Implement chat description editing in sidebar and header, add… by @PuneetP16 in #483
- HIGH PRIORITY - Attach images to prompts by @atrokhym in #332
- Voice input with fixes by @wonderwhy-er in #537
- Added speech to text capability by @navyseal4000 in #275
- Added Fullscreen and Resizing to Preview by @wonderwhy-er in #550
- Added Fullscreen and Resizing to Preview by @JonathanGardner in #549
- feat(Dynamic Models): Added Together AI Dynamic Models by @thecodacus in #513
- (ready for review)Harcode together ai api url as fallback by @wonderwhy-er in #533
- feat(UI): added artifact bundling for custom long artifacts like uploading folder by @thecodacus in #504
- fix: artifact bugfix by @thecodacus in #569
- fix: artifact loop fix by @thecodacus in #571
- feat(git): Git Repository Integration by @thecodacus in #421
- feat: Added a tabbed setting modal by @dustinwloring1988 in #580
- ui: Update the model collapse button by @dustinwloring1988 in #565
- Refinement of folder import by @wonderwhy-er in #426
- Add command detection to git import flow by @wonderwhy-er in #589
- Git import from url by @thecodacus in #585
- ui/settings style by @dustinwloring1988 in #592
- Feat: add vue support for codemirror by @kochrt in #581
- refactor(SettingWindow):Updated Settings Tab Styling by @thecodacus in #600
- Update to Gemini exp-1206 by @kekePower in #573
- docs: Removed Ollama Modelfile Section by @dustinwloring1988 in #605
- Update by @dustinwloring1988 in #606
- ui: Fix Features Toggle by @dustinwloring1988 in #610
- feat: Connections Tabs by @dustinwloring1988 in #607
- feat(styling): added ray effects for the UI as decorative elements by @thecodacus in #282
- Updated logo in header by @thecodacus in #625
- chore: console error fix due to duplicate keys and logs cleanup by @thecodacus in #628
- doc: Replaced images to match new style by @dustinwloring1988 in #629
- Update SettingsWindow.tsx by @dustinwloring1988 in #635
- updated docs with new name by @thecodacus in #637
- fix docs Title by @thecodacus in #639
- Changed Docs URL In Settings by @dustinwloring1988 in #638
- refactor: refactored Setting component, added useSettings Hook to get settings details from one single place by @wonderwhy-er in #645
- refactor: refactored Setting component, added useSettings Hook to get settings details from one single place. by @thecodacus in #620
- Remove other oTToDev mentions by @wonderwhy-er in #648
- Add gemini flash 2.0 by @wonderwhy-er in #649
- fix: grammar/typos in system prompt by @Badbird5907 in #654
- fix: Settings bug fix, provider automatically turns on after opening the settings by @thecodacus in #662
- docs: add link to issue tracker by @AriPerkkio in #665
- added start message for dev server by @thecodacus in #668
- fix: dev command by @thecodacus in #682
- fix: added default value to true for provider setting in initial by @thecodacus in #683
- fix: the creds issue in workflow by @thecodacus in #690
- docs: added socials by @thecodacus in #697
New Contributors
- @jasonm23 made their first contribution in #1
- @jonathands made their first contribution in #2
- @yunatamos made their first contribution in #5
- @fabwaseem made their first contribution in #6
- @kofi-bhr made their first contribution in #28
- @fernsdavid25 made their first contribution in #12
- @aaronbolton made their first contribution in #23
- @goncaloalves made their first contribution in #24
- @muzafferkadir made their first contribution in #30
- @ArulGandhi made their first contribution in #36
- @TarekS93 made their first contribution in #44
- @zenith110 made their first contribution in #51
- @ZerxZ made their first contribution in #60
- @noobydp made their first contribution in #64
- @mayurjobanputra made their first contribution in #55
- @hillct made their first contribution in #71
- @ajshovon made their first contribution in #77
- @milutinke made their first contribution in #196
- @patrykwegrzyn made their first contribution in #209
- @ali00209 made their first contribution in #101
- @TommyHolmberg made their first contribution in #188
- @albahrani made their first contribution in #178
- @karrot0 made their first contribution in #104
- @JNN5 made their first contribution in #247
- @thecodacus made their first contribution in #228
- @chrismahoney made their first contribution in #261
- @wonderwhy-er made their first contribution in #251
- @cardonasMind made their first contribution in #285
- @dmaksimov made their first contribution in #158
- @armfuls made their first contribution in #118
- @ahsan3219 made their first contribution in #314
- @hgosansn made their first contribution in #330
- @kekePower made their first contribution in #338
- @SujalXplores made their first contribution in #347
- @hasanraiyan made their first contribution in #351
- @qwikode made their first contribution in #361
- @mrsimpson made their first contribution in #367
- @dustinwloring1988 made their first contribution in #456
- @PuneetP16 made their first contribution in #427
- @lassecapel made their first contribution in #312
- @mouimet-infinisoft made their first contribution in #385
- @calvinvette made their first contribution in #496
- @sci3ma made their first contribution in #471
- @atrokhym made their first contribution in #332
- @navyseal4000 made their first contribution in #275
- @JonathanGardner made their first contribution in #549
- @kochrt made their first contribution in #581
- @Badbird5907 made their first contribution in #654
- @AriPerkkio made their first contribution in #665
Full Changelog: