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This simulation has been adapted from versions developed at University of Michigan and Stanford University to be shared open source.
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ngloria1 committed Sep 30, 2019
0 parents commit 1ea3b28
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Showing 71 changed files with 52,399 additions and 0 deletions.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions Combustion Data/CombustionDataProcess.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
function [ ] = CombustionDataProcess( )
%CombustionDataProcess Generates surface fit variables given combustion
%data from RPA.
% WARNING: Known to work for RPA Lite v1.2. Other versions may require
% updated interface

addpath(fullfile('..', 'Supporting Functions'))

psi_to_Pa = 6894.76;

[FileName,~,~] = uigetfile('*','Select combustion data source.');
[~,name,~] = fileparts(FileName);
savefilename = [name '.mat'];

file_ID = fopen(FileName);
N_header = 8;
for ii = 1:N_header
data = textscan(file_ID,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f');

OF = data{1};
Pc = data{2}*psi_to_Pa;
CombData.OF_range = [min(OF), max(OF)];
CombData.Pc_range = [min(Pc), max(Pc)];
CombData.n_OF = length(unique(OF));
CombData.n_Pc = length(unique(Pc));
Tc = data{6};
M = data{7}/1000;
gamma = data{8};
c_star = data{10};
CombData.OF = reshape(OF,CombData.n_Pc,CombData.n_OF);
CombData.Pc = reshape(Pc,CombData.n_Pc,CombData.n_OF);
CombData.Tc = reshape(Tc,CombData.n_Pc,CombData.n_OF);
CombData.M = reshape(M,CombData.n_Pc,CombData.n_OF);
CombData.gamma = reshape(gamma,CombData.n_Pc,CombData.n_OF);
CombData.c_star = reshape(c_star,CombData.n_Pc,CombData.n_OF);


Binary file added Combustion Data/CombustionData_80PR_20PP.mat
Binary file not shown.
19,135 changes: 19,135 additions & 0 deletions Combustion Data/CombustionData_80PR_20PP.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added Combustion Data/CombustionData_HEX_N2O.mat
Binary file not shown.
2,929 changes: 2,929 additions & 0 deletions Combustion Data/CombustionData_HEX_N2O.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added Combustion Data/CombustionData_IPA_N2O.mat
Binary file not shown.
19,749 changes: 19,749 additions & 0 deletions Combustion Data/CombustionData_IPA_N2O.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added Combustion Data/CombustionData_T1_N2O.mat
Binary file not shown.
2,929 changes: 2,929 additions & 0 deletions Combustion Data/CombustionData_T1_N2O.txt

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions Data Analysis/DataPlotsHelios_051318.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
%% Post-Processing Script
close all

% Unit Conversion
psi_to_Pa = 6894.75729; % 1 psi in Pa
in_to_m = 0.0254; % 1 in in m
mm_to_m = 1e-3; % 1 mm in m
lbf_to_N = 4.44822162; % 1 lbf in N
lbm_to_kg = 0.453592; % 1 lbm in kg
atm_to_Pa = 101325; % 1 atm in Pa
L_to_m3 = 1e-3; % 1 L in m^3

%content = fopen( 'C:\Users\James\Desktop\AA284B\POM-PFT-POT-Weight-Thrust.txt', 'r' ) ;
content = fopen( '..\Test Data\5_13_18_pressures.txt', 'r' ) ;
data1 = textscan(content, '%s %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f', 'Delimiter',', \t', 'HeaderLines', 1 );
content2 = fopen( '..\Test Data\5_13_18_cc.txt', 'r' ) ;
data2 = textscan(content2, '%s %s %f %f %f %f', 'Delimiter',', \t', 'HeaderLines', 0 );

%% User Input
t_end_liquid = 4.44; % s
t_shutoff = 6.22; % s, time at shutoff of first propellant
rho_fuel = 795; % kg/m^3
gamma_fuelpress = 1.4; % N2
V_ullage_fuel = 0.88e-3; % m^3
pft_start = 665*psi_to_Pa; % psi, after valve open
pft_shutoff = 280*psi_to_Pa; % psi
A_star = pi/4*(2.388e-2)^2; % m^2
m_ox = 3.24; % oxidizer mass expended, kg

c_star_theo = 1544; % m/s
Isp_theo = 2078; % m/s
C_f_theo = 1.34;

%% Import data and convert to SI units
test_time1 = FixTimeOverflow(data1{1,3} / 10^6);
pom = data1{1,4}*psi_to_Pa;
pft = data1{1,5}*psi_to_Pa;
pot = data1{1,6}*psi_to_Pa;
we = data1{1,7}*lbf_to_N;
ft = data1{1, 8}*lbf_to_N;
test_time2 = FixTimeOverflow(data2{1,3}/ 10^6) + 7.8;
pcc = data2{1,4}*psi_to_Pa;

%% Find burn end and start times
pom_threshold = 50*psi_to_Pa;
pcc_threshold = 50*psi_to_Pa;
tau_filter = 0.1; % s
pom_filt = SimpleFilter(test_time1,pom,tau_filter);
pcc_filt = SimpleFilter(test_time2,pcc,tau_filter);
burn_start_time = test_time1(find(pom_filt>pom_threshold,1)) - 0.05;
burn_end_time = test_time1(find(pom_filt<pom_threshold & test_time1>burn_start_time + 0.1,1)) + 0.05;
burn_start_time2 = test_time2(find(pcc_filt>pcc_threshold,1)) - 0.05;
dt_shift_2 = burn_start_time2 - burn_start_time;

test_time2 = test_time2 - dt_shift_2;

%% Change to common time index
time = sort(unique([test_time1; test_time2]));
pom = interp1(test_time1,pom,time);
pft = interp1(test_time1,pft,time);
pot = interp1(test_time1,pot,time);
we = interp1(test_time1,we,time);
ft = interp1(test_time1,ft,time);
pcc = interp1(test_time2,pcc,time);

dp_fuel = pft - pcc;
dp_ox = pom - pcc;

%% Generate Selection Indices
test_start_time = burn_start_time - 5;
test_end_time = burn_end_time + 30;
burn_start_index = find(time>burn_start_time,1, 'first');
burn_end_index = find(time>burn_end_time, 1, 'first');
test_start_index = find(time>test_start_time,1, 'first');
test_end_index = find(time>test_end_time, 1, 'first');

burn_ind = burn_start_index:burn_end_index;
test_ind = test_start_index:test_end_index;

% Mark T0 as burn start
time = time - burn_start_time;

% Time-based indices
nominal_flow_ind = time > 0 & time < t_shutoff;

% Tare weight to zero before test start
we_offset = mean(we((- 5 < time) & (time < 0)));
we = we - we_offset;
ft_offset = mean(ft((- 5 < time) & (time < 0)));
ft = ft - ft_offset;

% Take thrust as combination of thrust load cell and removed weight
ft_raw = ft;
ft = ft - we;

%% Filtering
tau_filter = 1.0; % s
pft_filt = SimpleFilter(time,pft,tau_filter);
dp_fuel_filt = SimpleFilter(time,dp_fuel,tau_filter);

%% Do Calculations
% Calculate fuel mass flow based on ullage expansion
m_fuel = rho_fuel * V_ullage_fuel*((pft_start./pft).^(1/gamma_fuelpress)-1);
dt = median(diff(time(nominal_flow_ind)));
tau_CdA = 1.0; % time span over which to measure CdA, s
m_dot_fuel = DiffFilter(time,m_fuel,tau_CdA);
dm_fuel = rho_fuel * V_ullage_fuel*((pft_start/pft_shutoff)^(1/gamma_fuelpress)-1);
% Calculate fuel CdA
fuel_CdA = m_dot_fuel./(sqrt(2*rho_fuel)*sqrt(dp_fuel_filt));
fuel_CdA_int = dm_fuel./(sqrt(2*rho_fuel)*...

% Calculate Performance Characteristics
Impulse = trapz(time(burn_ind),ft(burn_ind));
pcc_int = trapz(time(burn_ind),pcc(burn_ind));
C_f = ft./(pcc*A_star);
C_f_int = Impulse/(pcc_int*A_star);
c_star_int = (pcc_int*A_star)/(m_ox + dm_fuel);
Isp = Impulse/(m_ox + dm_fuel);
OF = m_ox/dm_fuel;
burn_time = max(time(burn_ind));
ft_avg = Impulse/burn_time;
pcc_avg = pcc_int/burn_time;

fprintf('Impulse: %.3g kN*s (%.3g lbf*s)\n', Impulse/1e3, Impulse/lbf_to_N)
fprintf('Burn Time: %.3g s\n', burn_time)
fprintf('Avg. Thrust: %.3g kN (%.3g lbf)\n', ft_avg/1e3, ft_avg/lbf_to_N)
fprintf('Avg. Pcc: %.3g MPa (%.3g psi)\n', pcc_avg/1e6, pcc_avg/psi_to_Pa)
fprintf('Isp: %.3g m/s (%.3g s)\n', Isp, Isp/9.81)
fprintf('Isp efficiency: %.3g %%\n', Isp/Isp_theo)
fprintf('C_f: %.3g \n', C_f_int)
fprintf('C_f efficiency: %.3g %%\n', C_f_int/C_f_theo)
fprintf('C*: %.3g m/s (%.3g s)\n', c_star_int, c_star_int/9.81)
fprintf('C* efficiency: %.3g %%\n', c_star_int/c_star_theo)
fprintf('OF (avg): %.3g\n', OF)
fprintf('Fuel Mass Spent: %.3g kg (%.3g lbm)\n', dm_fuel, dm_fuel/lbm_to_kg)
fprintf('Ox. Mass Spent: %.3g kg (%.3g lbm)\n', m_ox, m_ox/lbm_to_kg)
fprintf('Fuel CdA: %.3g mm^2\n', fuel_CdA_int*1e6)

%% Generate Plots
% Test Time Plots
plot((time(test_ind)), pot(test_ind)/psi_to_Pa,...
(time(test_ind)), pom(test_ind)/psi_to_Pa,...
(time(test_ind)), pft(test_ind)/psi_to_Pa,...
(time(test_ind)), pcc(test_ind)/psi_to_Pa)
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Pressures (psi)');
legend({'Ox. Tank','Ox. Manifold','Fuel Tank','Combustion Chamber'})
plot((time(test_ind)), dp_fuel(test_ind)./pft(test_ind),...
(time(test_ind)), dp_ox(test_ind)./pot(test_ind))
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Pressure Drop (% of tank pressure)');
plot((time(test_ind)), ft_raw(test_ind)/lbf_to_N,...
(time(test_ind)), we(test_ind)/lbf_to_N)
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Force (lbf)');
legend({'Thrust Load Cell','Weight Load Cell'})
plot((time(test_ind)), ft(test_ind)/lbf_to_N)
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Thrust (lbf)');

% Performance Parameters
plot(time(test_ind), C_f(test_ind))
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Thrust Coefficient ()');

% CdA Plots
plot(time(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10),pft_filt(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10)/psi_to_Pa,...
time(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10),pft(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10)/psi_to_Pa)
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Pressure Fuel Tank - filtered (psi)');
plot(time(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10),m_fuel(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10))
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Fuel Mass Consumed (kg)');
plot(time(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10),m_dot_fuel(time > -1 & time < t_shutoff + 10))
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Fuel Mass Flow Rate (kg/s)');
ylim([0 2*median(fuel_CdA(nominal_flow_ind))*1e6])
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Fuel CdA (mm^2)');

%% Export Data

%% Subfunctions
function ExportData(test_time,pft,pom,pot,we,ft,pcc)
[file,path] = uiputfile('*.mat');
save([path file],'test_time','pft','pom','pot','we','ft','pcc');

function time_fixed = FixTimeOverflow(time)
%FixTimeOverflow Rectify overflow time indices

time_fixed = time;
dt = diff(time);
median_dt = median(dt);
overflow_indices = find(abs(diff(time)) > 10 * median_dt);
diff_overflow = dt(overflow_indices);
for ii = 1:length(overflow_indices)
time_fixed((overflow_indices(ii)+1):end) = ...
time_fixed((overflow_indices(ii)+1):end) - diff_overflow(ii) + median_dt;

function smoothed = SimpleFilter(time,values,tau)
dt = median(diff(time));
Wn = dt/(tau);
values(isnan(values)) = 0;
[b, a] = butter(1,Wn,'low');
smoothed = filter(b, a, values);

function smoothed = DiffFilter(time,values,tau)
dt = median(diff(time));
dn = tau/dt;
smoothed = (circshift(values,round(0.5*dn)) - circshift(values,-round(0.5*dn)))./...
(circshift(time,round(0.5*dn)) - circshift(time,-round(0.5*dn)));

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