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stargate-mongoose ci-tests

stargate-mongoose is a Mongoose driver for Data API which runs on top of Apache Cassandra / DataStax Enterprise.

  1. Quickstart
  2. Architecture
  3. Version compatibility
  4. Connecting to AstraDB
  5. Sample Applications
  6. Features
  7. NodeJS MongoDB Driver Overriding (experimental)
  8. API Reference
  9. Developer Guide


Prerequisites: node (>=14.0.0), npm/yarn, Docker (for testing the sample app locally using docker compose)

  • Start Docker on your local machine.
  • Clone this repository
git clone
cd stargate-mongoose
  • Execute below script and wait for it to complete, which starts a simple Data API on local with a DSE 6.8 (DataStax Enterprise) as database backend.

For macOS/Linux


For Windows

  • Create a sample project called 'sample-app'
mkdir sample-app
cd sample-app
  • Initialize and add required dependencies
npm init -y && npm install express mongoose stargate-mongoose --engine-strict


yarn init -y && yarn add express mongoose stargate-mongoose
  • Create a file called index.js under the 'sample-app' directory and copy below code into the file.
const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const stargate_mongoose = require('stargate-mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const driver = stargate_mongoose.driver;

//override the default native driver

//Set up mongoose & end points definition
const Product = mongoose.model('Product', new Schema({ name: String, price: Number }));
mongoose.connect('http://localhost:8181/v1/inventory', {
    username: 'cassandra',
    password: 'cassandra'
Object.values(mongoose.connection.models).map(Model => Model.init());
const app = express();
app.get('/addproduct', (req, res) => {
    const newProduct = new Product(
            name: 'product' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99 + 1),
            price: '' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 900 + 100)
    res.send('Added a product!');
app.get('/getproducts', (req, res) => {
        .then(products => res.json(products));

//Start server
const HOST = '';
const PORT = 8097;
app.listen(PORT, HOST, () => {
    console.log(`Running on http://${HOST}:${PORT}`);
    console.log('http://localhost:' + PORT + '/addproduct');
    console.log('http://localhost:' + PORT + '/getproducts');
  • Execute below to run the app & navigate to the urls listed on the console
node index.js
  • Stop the Data API once the test is complete
docker compose -f bin/docker-compose.yml down -v


High level architecture

stargate-mongoose usage end to end architecture


  • Cassandra Cluster - Apache Cassandra / DataStax Enterprise Cluster as backend database.
  • Stargate Coordinator Nodes - Stargate is an open source Data API Gateway for Cassandra. Coordinator is one of the primary components of Stargate which connects the API layer to the backend database. More details can be found here.
  • Stargate Data API - Data API is an open source Data API that runs on top of Stargate's coordinator.
  • JavaScript Clients that use Mongoose - Mongoose is an elegant mongodb object modeling library for node.js applications. By implementing a driver required by the Mongoose interface to connect to the Data API instead of native mongodb access layer, now a JavaScript client can store/retrieve documents on an Apache Cassandra/DSE backend.

The current implementation of the Data API uses DataStax Enterprise (DSE) as the backend database.

Version compatibility

Component/Library Name Version
Mongoose ^7.5.0 || ^8.0.0
data-api 1.x
DataStax Enterprise 6.8.x

CI tests are run using the Stargate and Data API versions specified in the api-compatibility.versions file.

Connecting to AstraDB

Here's a quick way to connect to AstraDB using stargate-mongoose driver.

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { driver, createAstraUri } = require("stargate-mongoose");

const uri = createAstraUri(
  process.env.ASTRA_DB_NAMESPACE // optional


await mongoose.connect(uri, {
  isAstra: true,

And the step-by-step instructions with a sample application can be found here in below guide.

Sample Applications

Sample applications developed using stargate-mongoose driver are available in below repository.


Connection APIs

Operation Name Description
createDatabase When flag createNamespaceOnConnect is set to true the keyspace passed on to the mongoose.connect function via the URL, is created automatically
dropDatabase Drops the database
createCollection mongoose.model('ModelName',modelSchema) creates a collection as required
dropCollection model.dropCollection() drops the collection

Collection APIs

Operation Name Description
countDocuments Model.countDocuments(filter) returns the count of documents
deleteMany Model.deleteMany(filter). This API will throw an error when more than 20 records are found to be deleted.
deleteOne Model.deleteOne(filter, options) options - sort
find Model.find(filter, projection, options) options - limit, pageState, skip, sort (skip works only with sorting)
findOne Model.findOne(filter, options) options - sort Example: findOne({}, { sort: { username: -1 } })
findOneAndDelete Model.findOneAndDelete(filter, options) options - sort
findOneAndReplace Model.findOneAndReplace(filter, replacement, options)
upsert: (default false)
true - if a document is not found for the given filter, a new document will be inserted with the values in the filter (eq condition) and the values in the $set and $setOnInsertoperators.
false - new document will not be inserted when no match is found for the given filter
returnDocument: (default before)
before - Return the document before the changes were applied
after - Return the document after the changes are applied
findOneAndUpdate Model.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options)
upsert: (default false)
true - if a document is not found for the given filter, a new document will be inserted with the values in the filter (eq condition) and the values in the $set and $setOnInsertoperators.
false - new document will not be inserted when no match is found for the given filter
returnDocument: (default before)
before - Return the document before the changes were applied
after - Return the document after the changes are applied
insertMany Model.insertMany([{docs}], options) In a single call, only 20 records can be inserted. options - ordered
insertOne Model.insertOne({doc})
updateMany Model.updateMany(filter, update, options)
upsert: (default false)
true - if a document is not found for the given filter, a new document will be inserted with the values in the filter (eq condition) and the values in the $set and $setOnInsertoperators.
false - new document will not be inserted when no match is found for the given filter

** This API will throw an error when more than 20 records are found to be updated.
updateOne Model.updateOne(filter, update, options)
upsert: (default false)
true - if a document is not found for the given filter, a new document will be inserted with the values in the filter (eq condition) and the values in the $set and $setOnInsertoperators.
false - new document will not be inserted when no match is found for the given filter
returnDocument: (default before)
before - Return the document before the changes were applied
after - Return the document after the changes are applied

Filter Clause

Operator Description
literal comparison Equal to. Example: { 'first_name' : 'jim' }
$eq Example: { 'first_name' : { '$eq' : 'jim' } }
$gt Not supported. Example (age > 25): { 'age' : { '$gt' : 25 } }
$gte Not supported. Example (age >= 25): { 'age' : { '$gte' : 25 } }
$lt Not supported. Example (age < 25): { 'age' : { '$lt' : 25 } }
$lte Not supported. Example (age <= 25): { 'age' : { '$lte' : 25 } }
$ne Not supported. Not Equal to. Example: { 'first_name' : { '$ne' : 'jim' } }
$in Example: { '_id' : { '$in' : ['nyc', 'la'] } } $in is not supported in non _id columns at the moment
$nin Not supported. Example: { '' : { '$nin' : ['nyc', 'la'] } }
$not Not supported. Example: { 'first_name' : { '$not' : { '$eq' : 'jim' }}}
$exists Example: { '' : { '$exists' : true} }
$all Array operation. Matches if all the elements of an array matches the given values. Example: { 'tags' : { '$all' : [ 'home', 'school' ] } }
$elemMatch Not supported. Matches if the elements of an array in a document matches the given conditions. Example: {'goals': { '$elemMatch': { '$gte': 2, '$lt': 10 }}}
$size Array Operation. Example: { 'tags' : { '$size' : 1 } }
$and (implicit) Logical expression. Example : { '$and' : [ {first_name : 'jim'}, {'age' : {'$gt' : 25 } } ] }
$and (explicit) Not supported. Example : { '$and' : [ {first_name : 'jim'}, {'age' : {'$gt' : 25 } } ] }
$or Not supported

Projection Clause

Operator Description
$elemMatch (projection) Not supported
$slice Array related operation. Example: { 'tags' : { '$slice': 1 }} returns only the first element from the array field called tags.
$ (projection) Example: Model.find({}, { username : 1, _id : 0}) - This returns username in the response and the _id field

Sort Clause

Operator Description
Single Field Sort Supported
Multi Field Sort Not supported

Update Clause

Operator Description
$inc Example: { '$inc': { 'points' : 5 } }
$min Example: { 'col': { '$min' : 5 } } if the columns value is greater than 5, it will be updated with 5
$max Example: { 'col': { '$max' : 50 } } if the columns value is lesser than 50, it will be updated with 50
$rename Example: { $rename: { '$max' : 50 } } if the columns value is lesser than 50, it will be updated with 50
$set Example: {'update' : {'$set': {'location': 'New York'} }}
$setOnInsert Example: {'update' : {'$set': {'location': 'New York'}, '$setOnInsert': {'country': 'USA'} }}
$unset Example: {'update' : {'$unset': [address.location] }}
$addToSet Example: {'$addToSet' : {'points': 10}}. This will add 10 to an array called points in the documents, without duplicates (i.e. ll skip if 10 is already present in the array)
$pop Example: {'$pop' : {'points': 1 }}. This removes the last 1 item from an array called points. -1 will remove the first 1 item.
$pull Not supported
$push Example. '$push': {'tags': 'work'}. This pushes an element called work to the array tags
$pullAll Not supported

Index Operations

Index operations are not supported. There is one caveat for ttl indexes: When adding a document, you can add a ttl option (determined in seconds) that will behave in the similar way to a ttl index. For example, with the collection's client:

import { Client } from 'stargate-mongoose';
// connect to Data API
const client = await Client.connect(process.env.DATA_API_URI);
// get a collection
const collection = client.db().collection('docs');
// insert and expire this document in 10 seconds
await collection.insertOne({ hello: 'world' }, { ttl: 10 });

Aggregation Operations

Aggregation operations are not supported.

Transaction Operations

Transaction operations are not supported.

NodeJS MongoDB Driver Overriding (experimental)

If you have an application that uses the NodeJS MongoDB driver, or a dependency that uses the NodeJS MongoDB driver, it is possible to override its use with the collections package of stargate-mongoose. This makes your application use Data API documents instead of MongoDB documents. Doing so requires code changes in your application that address the features section of this README, and a change in how you set up your client connection.

If your application uses mongodb you can override its usage like so:

In your app's mongodb package.json entry:

"mongodb": "[email protected]",

Then, re-install your dependencies

npm i

Finally, modify your connection so that your driver connects to Data API

import { MongoClient } from 'stargate-mongoose';

// connect to Data API
const client = await MongoClient.connect(process.env.DATA_API_URI);

If you have an application dependency that uses mongodb, you can override its usage like so (this example uses mongoose):

Add an override to your app's package.json (requires NPM 8.3+), also, add `stargate-mongoose as a dependency:

"dependencies": {
    "stargate-mongoose": "^0.2.0-ALPHA-3"
"overrides": {
    "mongoose": {
        "mongodb":  "[email protected]"

Then, re-install your dependencies

npm i

Finally, modify your dependencies connection so that your driver connects to Data API

import mongoose from 'mongoose';

// connect to Data API
await mongoose.connect(process.env.DATA_API_URI);