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devops: Add deploy script
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Since there are no secrets in the script, add it to the statbus source
code, so that we have source code control over the deployment script.
  • Loading branch information
jhf committed Jan 15, 2025
1 parent a0ee4a4 commit 233cbdc
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 0 deletions.
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions devops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
# ./statbus/devops/
set -euo pipefail # Exit on error, unbound variable, or any failure in a pipeline

if test -n "${DEBUG:-}"; then
set -x # Print all commands before running them - for easy debugging.

sub_domain=$(echo "$USER" | awk -F'_' '{print ($2 == "" ? $1 : $2)}')
fqdn=$(hostname --fqdn)

cd $HOME

touch "$HOME/maintenance"
# Set a trap to remove the file on exit or on receiving a signal
trap 'rm -f "$HOME/maintenance"' EXIT

pushd statbus
git fetch

# Determine the current branch
current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)

# If not on the desired branch, checkout or reset it to match remote
if [ "$current_branch" != "$target_branch" ]; then
# Check if the branch exists locally
if git show-ref --quiet refs/heads/"$target_branch"; then
# Branch exists locally, so checkout
git checkout "$target_branch"
# Branch does not exist locally, checkout as new branch and set to track remote
git checkout -b "$target_branch" --track origin/"$target_branch"

# Mark the current position before the update
commit_before=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

# Reset the local branch to exactly match the remote branch, discarding any local diverged commits
git reset --hard origin/"$target_branch"

commit_after=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
common_ancestor=$(git merge-base "$commit_before" "$commit_after")

if [ "$commit_before" != "$commit_after" ]; then
commit_messages=$(git log --oneline --reverse "$common_ancestor..$commit_after")
# No new commits, so repeat the last commit message.
commit_messages=$(git log -1 --oneline)

echo "Stopping the application"
./devops/ stop app || { echo "Failed to stop the application"; exit 1; }

dbseed_changes=$(git diff --name-only "$commit_before" "$commit_after" | grep "^dbseed/"; true)
if test -n "$dbseed_changes" || test -n "${RECREATE:-}"; then
if test -n "$dbseed_changes"; then
echo "Changes detected in dbseed/, recreating the backend with the latest database structures"
echo "env RECREATE is set, recreating the backend with the latest database structures"

if pgrep -u ${USER} --exact statbus; then
echo "Stopping background loading"
pkill -u ${USER} --exact statbus
echo "No background statbus process found."

pushd cli
source /etc/profile.d/
shards build

./devops/ stop all
./devops/ delete-db

./devops/ generate-config

./devops/ start required

# Copy static files out for Caddy to serve
mkdir -p ${HOME}/public
rm -rf ${HOME}/public/*
docker compose cp app:/app/public/ ${HOME}/public/

./devops/ activate_sql_saga
./devops/ create-db-structure
./devops/ create-users

if test -f ${HOME}/statbus/tmp/enheter.csv; then
./devops/ psql < ./samples/norway/setup.sql

if tmux has-session -t "$SESSION_NAME" 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Stopping old tmux session '$SESSION_NAME'"
tmux kill-session -t "$SESSION_NAME"

tmux new-session -d -s "$SESSION_NAME"
echo "Running the import command in tmux session '$SESSION_NAME'..."
tmux send-keys -t "$SESSION_NAME" "cd $(pwd) && ../samples/norway/brreg/ && ../samples/norway/" C-m
echo "No changes in dbseed/, starting again"
echo "Building and starting the frontend"
./devops/ start required || { echo "Failed to start the app"; exit 1; }

# Ensure the .env file exists and load the Slack token
if [ ! -f .env ]; then
echo ".env file not found, aborting."
exit 1

SLACK_TOKEN=$(./devops/dotenv --file .env get SLACK_TOKEN)
STATBUS_URL=$(./devops/dotenv --file .env get STATBUS_URL)

# Send a notification to Slack
cat <<EOF | curl --data @- -H "Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization: Bearer $SLACK_TOKEN" -X POST || { echo "Failed to send Slack notification"; exit 1; }
"channel": "statbus-utvikling",
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "Push-et endringer fra <|github> til <${STATBUS_URL}|${sub_domain}>"
"type": "divider"
"type": "rich_text",
"elements": [
"type": "rich_text_preformatted",
"elements": [
"type": "text",
"text": "$commit_messages"
"type": "divider"
"type": "context",
"elements": [
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Hilsen ${USER}@${fqdn}",
"emoji": true

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