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SteamcLog Android

Technical Documentation

iOS Repo

An open source library that consolidates/formalizes the logging setup and usage across all of Steamclock's projects.

Table of Contents

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc



Steamclog is currently hosted on Jitpack; to include it in your project:

  1. Add this in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency in your app module's build.gradle:
	dependencies {
	    implementation 'com.github.steamclock:steamclog-android:<VERSION>'

Most recent version can be found here

  1. Add the following exclusion in your app module's build.gradle. As of Sentry 3.1.0 the Sentry library includes a Timber integration that will conflict with Steamclog's Timber integration, causing duplicate errors to be logged. To avoid this, we need to exclude the Sentry Timber integration from the Sentry library. See for details.
    configurations.configureEach {
      exclude group: "io.sentry", module: "sentry-android-timber"

4Sync your project gradle files

5Steamclog singleton should now be available

Initialization (Required)

To initialize Steamclog call clog.initWith in your app's custom Application class's onCreate method. This function takes the following required properties:

  • isDebug (Boolean): If application is considered to be a debug build; in most cases this is your application's BuildConfig.DEBUG flag. Determines the default Log Level Presets Steamclog selects for the build.
  • fileWritePath (File): Location where the file destination will write to. This is most easily done by passing along the application's externalCacheDir or cacheDir file paths.


class App: Application() {
   override fun onCreate() {
      clog.initWith(BuildConfig.DEBUG, externalCacheDir)

Once initialized, this will give out of the box support for printing to the console and writing to a file. Further steps are required to enable remote logging to Sentry.

Initialization (Optional)

The Config object has the following optional properties which may be overridden if desired. These may be set initially when calling initWith or updated at run time.


  • keepLogsForDays (Int, default 3): Determines how long generated log files are kept for.
  • autoRotateConfig (AutoRotateConfig, see below): Configuration for auto-rotating file behaviour.
  • requireRedacted (Boolean, default false): Indicates if any extra objects being logged must implement the redacted interface. For apps with very sensitive data models, it is suggested to set this to true.
  • filtering (FilteredOut, default nothing filtered): Allows application to implement the FilteredOut interface.
  • logLevel: (LogLevelPreset, default based on isDebug setting): Destination logging levels; it is recommended to use the defaults set by Steamclog instead of initializing these manually. In special cases where more data is desired, update this property.


  • fileRotationSeconds (Long, default 600): The number of seconds before a log file is rotated; default of 600 == 10 mins.


class App: Application() {
   override fun onCreate() {
            keepLogsForDays = 3,
            autoRotateConfig = AutoRotateConfig(fileRotationSeconds = 600L),
            requireRedacted = false,
            filtering = { throwable ->
                when (throwable) {
                    is BlockedException1 -> true
                    is BlockedException2 -> true
                    else -> false

Enabling Sentry Reporting

If application already has Sentry setup:

  • Remove the sentry library import from your app build.gradle; steamclog will import this for you now.

That should be it! Steamclog should now be responsible for calling all Sentry commands using the Sentry dsn values already setup on the project.

If project does not have Sentry setup:

If the application is not setup to report to Sentry yet, do the following:

  1. Create a new application on the Sentry dashboard; see the Step 1: Create the project section on for full details, making sure to select Android as the platform. You do not need to worry about setting up alerts at this time. Once completed, you should be given a Sentry DSN string; hold onto this for now.

  2. In your application's AndroidManifest file add the following line to the application object. And that should be it! Steamclog will use this dsn value when reporting to Sentry.

    <meta-data android:name="io.sentry.dsn" android:value="<Your Sentry DSN String from step 1" />
  3. (Optional, if your project makes use of Proguard or R8) In your app's build.gradle file, add the following plugin. See for the most current release version. This plugin is responsible for uploading the mappings for the build to Sentry so that we get nice, readable stack traces.


    And to avoid Sentry from using the default Timber intergration, add the following also in the app's build.gradle file:

    configurations.configureEach {
      exclude group: "io.sentry", module: "sentry-android-timber"

    (See for full details)

Filtering out some Throwables from being logged to Sentry

See the FilterOut interface and filtering config property.

Common logging methods

See the API Docs for full details

  • clog.verbose - Log all of the things! Probably only output to the console by developers, never to devices.
  • clog.debug - Info that is interesting to developers, any information that may be helpful when debugging. Should be stored to system logs for debug builds but never stored in production.
  • - Routine app operations, used to document changes in state within the application. Minimum level of log stored in device logs in production.
  • clog.warn - Developer concerns or incorrect state etc. Something’s definitely gone wrong, but there’s a path to recover
  • clog.error - Something has gone wrong, report to a remote service (like Sentry)
  • clog.fatal - Something has gone wrong and we cannot recover, so force the app to close.

Basic Signatures

Each of these functions has the following 2 available signatures:

  • clog.<level>(_ message: String)
  • clog.<level>(_ message: String, object: Any)

If requireRedacted is set to true, then the Any object must implement the Redactable interface, else all properties will be shown as <REDACTED>.

Error and Fatal Specific Signatures

Error and Fatal levels have a special signature that allows a given Throwable to be associated with the log.

  • clog.<level>(_ message: String, throwable: Throwable, object: Any)

Please note, an error will only be logged if the Throwable is not in the blocked via the FilterOut interface implementation.



Classes that wish to be flagged as Redactable can be implementated as follows:

import com.steamclock.steamclog.*

data class User(val name: String, val email: String, val bankingSecret: String) : Redactable {
    override val safeProperties = HashSet<String>(setOf("name"))

In this case, when a User object is logged by Steamclog like:"Testing Redactable Class", User("shayla", "[email protected]", "123456"))

The logged output would appear as:

Testing Redactable Class : User(bankingSecret=<redacted>, email=<redacted>, name=shayla)

The name value may be logged, but the email and bankingSecret values will be redacted.


A FilterOut implementation may look like:

var filtering = FilterOut { throwable ->
    when (throwable) {
        is BlockedException1 -> true
        is BlockedException2 -> true
        else -> false

or be implementated on a given class:

class App : Application(), FilterOut {

    override fun shouldBlock(throwable: Throwable): Boolean {
        return when (throwable) {
            is BlockedException1 -> true
            is BlockedException2 -> true
            else -> false

Exporting Disk Logs

If logging to a file has been enabled, then files, you can get the log file contents using clog.getLogFileContents(): String?


Enabling Firebase Crashlytics (No longer supported)

Firebase Crashlytics is no longer a supported destination for crash reporting

Enabling Firebase Analytics (No longer supported)

Firebase Analytics is no longer a supported for tracking analytics; tracking must be handled manually by the calling project


Deploying new versions

These steps are for developers looking to create a new release of the Steamclog library; if this does not pertain to you, please skip down to the Installation section.

Currently we are hosting the library on Jitpack, to deploy a new version of the library:

  1. Push all changes to master
  2. From within the GitHub repo, navigate to the Code panel; on the right side should be a Releases section
  3. Click on Releases (which should take you here)
  4. Make note of the latest release version name (ie. v1.1)
  5. Click the Draft a new release button on the right
  6. Set the Tag Version; it's best use the last release version as a guide (ie. set as v1.2)
  7. Set Release Title to be "Steamclog "
  8. Description is optional, could set changelog here if desired
  9. Click the Publish Release button at the bottom
  10. Verify on the Jitpack page for the Steamclog project that the new version is available
  11. Update projects using Steamclog with the new version