Embed YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Streamable, Mixer, Google Drive videos/clips and more in Jekyll webpages without a plugin. If you are hosting your webpage using GitHub pages, you can't use third party plugins. Here is a method to use "includes" instead of plugins.
See the raw text in example.md
for a complete example. Remember to add in video-embed.css for responsive videos that automatically resize with changing window dimensions.
- Embed YouTube
- Embed Vimeo
- Embed Twitch
- Embed Streamable
- Embed Mixer
- Embed Google Drive
- Additional support for 20Detik, Dailymotion, Metube, Vidio, and LINE Today
- Responsive Videos
- Iframe Attributes
- Full Example
Create a file in your _includes
folder called youtubePlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include youtubePlayer.html id=page.youtubeId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the YouTube video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
youtubeId: putYourIDHere
Create a file in your _includes
folder called vimeoPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include vimeoPlayer.html id=page.vimeoId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Vimeo video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
vimeoId: putYourIDHere
Create a file in your _includes
folder called twitchPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://clips.twitch.tv/embed?clip={{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include twitchPlayer.html id=page.twitchId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Twitch video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
twitchId: putYourIDHere
Create a file in your _includes
folder called streamablePlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://streamable.com/s/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include streamablePlayer.html id=page.streamableId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Streamable video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
streamableId: putYourIDHere
Create a file in your _includes
folder called mixerPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://mixer.com/embed/player/mixer?vod={{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include mixerPlayer.html id=page.mixerId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Mixer video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
mixerId: putYourIDHere
Embedding Google Drive videos have additional steps.
- For the desired video, change the link sharing setting to
On - Anyone with the link
. This will make the video accessible to anyone who has the link as no sign-in is required.
Important: If you do not change the video setting to this option, your video will not show.
- Double click the video to show the preview. Click the setting options and select "Open in new window". Now click on the setting option again and select "Embed item". The iframe code should appear. For example:
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EC8BnjJMon-vqy-UhLKk9sf_oukZzEbP/preview"></iframe>
would be your video ID.
Note: Right clicking the video will not bring up the embed option. You must open the video in a new window.
Create a file in your _includes
folder called googleDrivePlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include googleDrivePlayer.html id=page.driveId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Google Drive video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
driveId: putYourIDHere
Create a file in your _includes
folder called 20detikPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://20.detik.com/embed/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include 20detikPlayer.html id=page.detikId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Detik video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
detikId: 190130051
Create a file in your _includes
folder called dailymotionPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include dailymotionPlayer.html id=page.dailymotionId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Dailymotion video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
dailymotionId: x2btuie
Create a file in your _includes
folder called metubePlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://www.metube.id/embed/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include metubePlayer.html id=page.metubeId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Metube video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
metubeId: 11107214
Create a file in your _includes
folder called vidioPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://www.vidio.com/embed/{{ include.id }}"
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include vidioPlayer.html id=page.vidioId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the Vidio video ID. You could also put the ID of the video directly.
vidioId: 1671743
LINE Today contents are served in different countries so another country
parameter (to be filled with a 2-letter country code) is needed. Here's all the supported country codes (case-insensitive)
- Hong Kongid
- Indonesiath
- Thailandtw
- Taiwan
Create a file in your _includes
folder called linetodayPlayer.html
with this code inside:
<div class="embed-container">
src="https://today.line.me/{{ include.country }}/embed/{{ include.id }}"
allow="autoplay; encrypted-media">
Place this snippet inside your .md file where you want to embed your video:
{% include linetodayPlayer.html id=page.linetodayId country=page.countryId %}
On the top of your .md file, put the LINE Today video and country ID. You could also put the IDs directly.
linetodayId: abcdefg
countryId: hk
For responsive videos that automatically resize with changing window sizes, add in video-embed.css
.embed-container {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.25%;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 100%;
.embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
These attributes are defined in the MDN web docs. You can set various additional attributes no matter what provider you use.
Name | Type | Description |
allowfullscreen |
boolean | If true , the player can go full screen. |
height |
integer | Height of the embedded window, in pixels. |
width |
integer | Width of the embedded window, in pixels. |
scrolling |
boolean | Indicates when the browser should provide a scroll bar (or other scrolling device) for the frame. Recommended: no . |
src |
string | The video/clip source URL link |
autoplay |
boolean | If true , the video starts playing automatically, without the user clicking play. The exception is mobile devices, on which video cannot be played without user interaction. Default: true . |
muted |
boolean | Specifies whether the initial state of the video is muted. Default: false . |
time |
1h2m3s | Time in the video where playback starts. Specifies hours, minutes, and seconds. Default: 0h0m0s (the start of the video). |
youtubeId: putYourIDHere
vimeoId: putYourIDHere
twitchId: putYourIDHere
streamableId: putYourIDHere
mixerId: putYourIDHere
driveId: putYourIDHere
detikId: putYourIDHere
dailymotionId: putYourIDHere
metubeId: putYourIDHere
vidioId: putYourIDHere
linetodayId: putYourIDHere
countryId: putYourIDHere
# Embed Youtube
Include this next line in your .md for Youtube videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: youtubeId: lDi9uFcD7XI
{% include youtubePlayer.html id=page.youtubeId %}
# Embed Vimeo
Include this next line in your .md file for Vimeo videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: vimeoID: 22439234
{% include vimeoPlayer.html id=page.vimeoId %}
# Embed Twitch
Include this next line in your .md file for Twitch videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: twitchId: GrotesqueArbitraryGullPupper
{% include twitchPlayer.html id=page.twitchId %}
# Embed Streamable
Include this next line in your .md file for Streamable videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: streamableId: s9ijg
{% include streamablePlayer.html id=page.streamableId %}
# Embed Mixer
Include this next line in your .md file for Mixer videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: mixerId: -Q8g7gGquEqxTNAGaz14qA
{% include mixerPlayer.html id=page.mixerId %}
# Embed Google Drive
Include this next line in your .md file for Google Drive videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: driveId: 0B7L_dMcaZknxVTRndmdSQ0F5OFE/preview
{% include googleDrivePlayer.html id=page.driveId %}
# Embed 20Detik
Include this next line in your .md file for 20Detik videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: detikId: 190130051
{% include 20detikPlayer.html id=page.detikId %}
# Embed Dailymotion
Include this next line in your .md file for Dailymotion videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: dailymotionId: x2btuie
{% include dailymotionPlayer.html id=page.dailymotionId %}
# Embed Metube
Include this next line in your .md file for Metube videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: metubeId: 11107214
{% include metubePlayer.html id=page.metubeId %}
# Embed Vidio
Include this next line in your .md file for Vidio videos, make sure to put your video ID up there!
Example: vidioId: 1671743
{% include vidioPlayer.html id=page.vidioId %}
# Embed LINE Today
Include these next lines in your .md file for LINE Today videos, make sure to put your video and country ID up there!
Example: linetodayId: abcdefg
countryId: hk
{% include linetodayPlayer.html id=page.linetodayId country=page.countryId %}