Python-Django WeChat payment API, it contains 7 main classes:
- UnifiedOrderPay
- NativeOrderPay
- JsAPIOrderPay
- OrderQuery
- Refund
- RefundQuery
- DownloadBill
Install using pip:
pip install wechatpay
Account info needs to be retrieved form ChannelAccount table:
list_of_wechat_accounts = ChannelAccount.objects.filter(channel=1)
for account in list_of_wechat_accounts:
Three order pays are similar.
- UnifiedOrderPay
- NativeOrderPay
- JsAPIOrderPay For example:
from wechatpay.wechatpay import (NativeOrderPay as
OrderQuery as WeChatOrderQuery)
def get_channel_account_config_dict(trade):
order = trade.order_set.first()
seller = Seller.objects.get_seller(order.sys_code, order.channel, order.seller_id)
config = {}
for (k, v) in seller.channel_account.config.items():
config[str(k)] = str(v)
return config
pay_request = WeChatNativePayRequest(WechatConfig(get_channel_account_config_dict(trade)))
To donwload bills of date '2015-07-26' of multiple wechat accounts , based on your data structure, init corresponding accounts info and call get_bill():
list_of_wechat_accounts = ChannelAccount.objects.filter(channel=1)
for account in list_of_wechat_accounts: