HTR Dataset for Italian printed books in italics, published in Venice between 1500 and 1600.
Dataset created with Transkribus platform (READ Coop, It includes original images, ALTO XML files, PAGE XML files and TXT files.
Stefano Bazzaco, U. of Verona,
Giulia Lucchesi, U. of Verona,
Stefano Bazzaco, U. of Verona,
diplomatic transcription
abbreviations: preserved
accents: preserved as in the source text
punctuation: preserved as in the source text
tyronian sign: transcribed as &
long s: transcribed as ſ
The dataset has been developed with the support of the following research groups and projects:
-Progetto Mambrino, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Verona
-Project of Excellence “Inclusive Humanities” (2023-2027), Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Verona
-Digital Arena for Inclusive Humanities (DAIH), Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Verona
-PRIN 2017 "Mapping Chivalry. Spanish Romances of Chivalry from Renaissance to 21st Century. A digital approach", prot. 2017JA5XAR
-PRIN 2022 "spaNice. Spanish cultural models in Early Modern Venice (the development and circulation of Spanish literature and language in 16th-17th century Italy)", prot. 202297ATKC
-PRIN 2022 "Chivalric Spaces. A digital landscape of texts, stories and narrative motifs of printed popular chivalric literature in Italy and Spain", prot. 2022HT3XYP
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International
Dataset available here:
How to cite: Bazzaco, S., & Lucchesi, G. (2024). ItalicsHTRmodel_VeniceXVIc (1.1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.