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stefanocoretta committed Apr 21, 2022
1 parent 8b94b6b commit 2b20c3a
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76 changes: 38 additions & 38 deletions docs/nws-gloss/nws.tex
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Expand Up @@ -309,81 +309,81 @@

\gla er-a e ver-iut {} dhe diell-i {} po zihe-shin se kush ishte më i fortë {}//
\glgloss wind-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} of north-{\Gen.\Sg.\Def} {} and sun-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} {} be.{\Pst.\Tpl} fight-{\Pst.\Tpl} \Comp{} \Prn{} be.{\Pst.\Tsg} \Cmpr{} {} strong//
\glpreamble Era e Veriut dhe Dielli po ziheshin se kush ishte më i fortë.//
\gla er-a e ver-iut {} dhe diell-i {} po zihe-shin se kush ishte më i fort-ë {}//
\glgloss wind-{\F.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} {\F.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} north-{\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} {} and sun-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} {} {\Prog} fight-{\Impf.\Ind.\Tpl} that who be.{\Impf.\Ind.\Tsg} more {\M.\Sg.\Acc.\Def} strong-{\M.\Sg.\Acc.\Def}//
\glpm eɽa e veɽiut | ðe dielˠi | pɔ ziheʃin se kuʃ iʃte mɜ i fɔɽtɜ ‖//
\glph ˈeɹä e veˈɽiut | θe diˈelˠi | po ˈzieʃin se kuʃ ˈiste mɜj {} ˈfɔɹt ‖//
\glft `The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger,'//
\glft `The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger,'//

\gla kur aty kalo-i një udhëtar që kishte veshur një pallt-o të ngroht-ë.//
\glgloss when there pass-{\Pst.\Tsg} {\Indf} traveller {\Rprn} have.{\Pst} wear.{\Ptcp} {\Indf} coat-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} {\Inf} warm-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def}//
\glpm kuɽ aty kalɔi ɲɜ uðɜtaɽ t̻ʃ̻ɜ kiʃte veʃuɽ ɲɜ palˠtɔ tɜ n\gipa{}ɽɔhtɛ ‖//
\glph kuɹ ätʏ̈ käˈloi ɲuðɜˈtäɹ {} t̻ʃ̻ɜ ˈkiʃte ˈveʃu ɲɜ ˈpäl̞ˠtoˈŋ\gipa{}ɹäu̯t ‖//
\glft `when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak.'//
\glpreamble Kur aty kaloi një udhëtar që kishte vesh-ur një pallto të ngroht-ë.//
\gla kur aty kalo-i një udhëtar që kishte vesh-ur një pallt-o të ngroht-ë//
\glgloss when there pass-{\Aor.\Ind.\Tsg} {\Indf} traveller.{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Indf} {\Rprn} have.{\Pst.\Pfct.\Ind} wear-{\Pst.\Ptcp} {\Indf} coat-{\F.\Sg.\Acc.\Indf} {\F.\Sg.\Acc.\Indf} warm-{\F.\Sg.\Acc.\Indf}//
\glpm kuɽ aty kalɔi ɲɜ uðɜtaɽ t̻ʃ̻ɜ kiʃte veʃuɽ ɲɜ palˠtɔn\gipa{}ɽɔhte ‖////
\glft `when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak.'//

\gla ata ra-në dakord {} që kush do t-a bënte udhëtar-in të hiqte pallto-n më përpara do të quhej më i forti.//
\glgloss \Tpl{} fall-{\Pst.\Tpl} agreement {} \Comp{} \Prn{} \Fut{} \Fut{}-?.\Tsg{} make.\Pst{} traveller-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} \Inf{}{\Sbjv.\Pst.\Tsg} coat-{\Acc.\Sg.\Def} \Cmpr{} soon \Fut{} be call.{\Ind.\Pst.\Tsg}//
\glpm ata ɽanɜ dakɔɽd | t̻ʃ̻ɜ kuʃ do ta bɜnte uðɜtaɽin tɜ hit̻ʃ̻te palˠtɔn mɜ pɜɽpaɽa do tɜ t̻ʃ̻uhej mɜ i fɔɽt-i ‖//
\glph äˌtä ɹän täˈkoɹt | t̻ʃ̻ɜ ˈkuʒtäˈ bɜntoːθˈtäɽin tɜˈhiʃ̻te ˈpäl̞ˠton pɜɹˈpäɽ̞ä doˈt̻ʃ̻uɦej ˈmɜ i ˌfɔɹti ‖//
\glft `They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.'//
\glpreamble Ata ranë dakord që kush do ta bënte udhëtarin të hiqte pallton më përpara do të quhej më i forti.//
\gla ata ra-në dakord {} që kush do t=a bën-te udhëtar-in të hiq-te pallt-on më përpara do të quh-ej më i fort-i {}//
\glgloss {\Tpl.\M.\Nom} \Aor\textbackslash{}fall-{\Aor.\Ind.\Tpl} agreement {} that who {\Fut} {\Fut=\Tsg.\Acc} make-{\Ind.\Impf.\Tsg} traveller-{\M.\Sg.\Acc.\Def} {\Sbjv} \Sbjv\textbackslash{}take\_off-{\Pst.\Sbjv.\Tsg} coat-{\F.\Sg.\Acc.\Def} more soon {\Fut} {\Fut} \Pass\textbackslash{}call-{\Impf.\Ind.\Tsg} more {\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} strong-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def}//
\glpm ata ɽanɜ dakɔɽd | t̻ʃ̻ɜ kuʃta bɜnte uðɜtaɽin tɜ hit̻ʃ̻te palˠtɔn pɜɽpaɽa dɔt̻ʃ̻uhej mɜ i fɔɽti ‖//
\glft `They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off first should be considered the stronger one.'//

\gla Fill pas kësaj, {} Era e Veriut filloi të frynte me gjithë fuqinë e saj,//
\glpreamble Fill pas kësaj, Era e Veriut filloi të fry-nte me gjithë fuqinë e saj,//
\gla fill pas kësaj {} er-a e ver-iut fillo-i të fry-nte me gjithë fuqi-në e saj {}//
\glgloss immediately after {\Dem.\F.\Sg.\Abl.\Def} {} wind-{\Nom.\F.\Sg.\Def} {\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} north-{\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} begin-{\Aor.\Ind.\Tsg} {\Sbjv} blow-{\Impf.\Sbjv.\Tsg} with all power-{\F.\Sg.\Acc.\Def} {\Tsg.\F.\Gen} {\Tsg.\F.\Poss} {}//
\glpm filˠ pas kɜsaj ǀ eɽa e veɽiut filˠɔi tɜ fɽynte me d̻ʒ̻iθɜ fut̻ʃ̻inɜ e saj ‖//
\glph ˈfilˠ päs kɜˈsäj | ˈeɹä e veˈɽiut fiˈl̞ˠoi tɜ ˈfɹʏ̈nte me ˈd̻ʒ̻iθ fuʃ̻in e ˈsäj ‖ //
\glgloss immediately after {\Dem} {} wind-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} of north-{\Gen.\Sg.\Def} begin-{\Pst.\Tsg} {\Inf} blow.{\Sbjv.\Pst.\Tsg} with all power-{\Acc.\Sg.\Def} {\Tsg.\F.\Poss}//
\glft `Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could,'//
\glft `Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could,'//

\gla por sa më shumë që frynte {} aq më shumë kapej udhëtari pas pallto-s {së tij}//
\glgloss but how {\Cmpr} much {\Comp} blow-{\Pst.\Tsg.\Def} {} {\Comp} {\Cmpr} much hold.on.{\Impf.\Tsg} traveller-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} after coat-{\Gen.\Sg.\Def} {\Tsg.\Poss}//
\glpm pɔɽ sa mɜ ʃumɜ t̻ʃ̻ɜ fɽynte | at̻ʃ̻ mɜ ʃumɜ kapej uðɜtaɽi pas palˠtɔs {sɜ tij} |//
\glph poɹ ˈsäˈʃum t̻ʃ̻ɜ ˈfɹʏ̈ənte | äʃ̻ mu ˈʃuŋkäpeuθˈtäɽi {} {} päs ˈpäl̞ˠtosɜˈti {} |//
\glft `but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him,'//
\glpreamble por sa më shumë që frynte aq më shumë kapej udhëtari pas palltos së tij,//
\gla por sa më shumë që fry-nte {} aq më shumë kap-ej udhëtar-i pas pallt-os së tij//
\glgloss but how\_much more much that blow-{\Impf.\Ind.\Tsg} {} so\_much more much hold\_on.{\Impf.\Ind.\Tsg} traveller-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} after coat-{\F.\Sg.\Abl.\Def} {\F.\Sg.\Abl.\Def} {\Tsg.\F.\Abl.\Poss}//
\glpm pɔɽ saʃumɜ t̻ʃ̻ɜ fɽynte | at̻ʃ̻ mɜ ʃumɜ kapej uðɜtaɽi pas palˠtɔs sɜ tij |//
\glft `but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him,'//

\gla derisa më në fund {} era {} e ver-iut {} {u dorëzua}.//
\glgloss until {\Cmpr} in end {} wind-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} {} of north-{\Gen.\Sg.\Def} {} give.up.{\Aor.\Tsg}//
\glpm deɽisa mɜ nɜ fund | eɽa | e veɽiut | {u doɽɜzua} ǁ //
\glph deɹiˈsä mɜ nɜ ˈfunt | ˈeɹä | e ve˞ˈɽiut | {u d̥oɹˈz̥uä} ‖ //
\glft `and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt.'//
\glpreamble derisa më në fund Era e Veriut u dorëzua.//
\gla derisa më në fund {} er-a {} e ver-iut {} u dorëz-ua//
\glgloss until by in end {} wind-{\F.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} {} {\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} north-{\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} {} {\Aor} give\_up.{\Aor.\Ind.\Tsg}//
\glpm deɽisa mɜ nɜ fund | eɽa | e veɽiut | u dɔɽɜzua ǁ //
\glft `and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt.'//

\gla pastaj diell-i lësho-i rrez-et e tij {të ngrohta} {} dhe menjëherë udhëtar-i e hoqi pallt-on.//
\glgloss then sun-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} release-{\Pst.\Tsg.\Def} ray-{\Nom.\Pl.\Def} {\Inf} {\Tsg} warm.up-{\Acc.\Pl.\Def} {} and immediately traveller-{\Nom.\Sg.\Def} {\Tsg.?.\Acc}{\Pst} coat-{\Acc.\Sg.\Def}//
\glpm pastaj dielˠi lɜʃɔi rezet e tij {tɜ n\gipa{}ɽɔhta} ǀ ðe meɲɜheɽɜ uðɜtaɽi e hɔt̻ʃ̻i palˠtɔn ǁ//
\glph ˈpästɛj ˈdielˠi lɜˌʃojɜ ˈɽɛzet e ˈti {ˈŋ\gipa{}ɹäu̯tä} | ðɛ miɲɜˈɦɛɹoθˈtäɽ̞i {} ɜ ˌhɔt̻ʃ̻i ˈpäu̯tɔn ‖//
\glft `Then the Sun shone out warmly and immediately the traveller took off his cloak.'//
\glpreamble Pastaj Dielli lëshoi rrezet e tij të ngrohta dhe menjëherë udhëtari e hoqi pallton.//
\gla pastaj diell-i lësho-i rrez-et e tij të ngroht-a {} dhe menjëherë udhëtar-i e= hoq-i pallt-on {}//
\glgloss then sun-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} release-{\Aor.\Ind.\Tsg} ray-{\F.\Pl.\Acc.\Def} {\M.\Sg.\Acc} {\M.\Sg.\Acc.\Prn} {\F.\Pl.\Acc} warm-{\F.\Pl.\Acc.\Def} {} and immediately traveller-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} {\Tsg.\Acc}= \Ind\textbackslash{}take\_off-{\Aor.\Ind.\Tsg} coat-{\F.\Sg.\Acc.\Def} {}//
\glpm pastaj dielˠi lɜʃɔi rezet e tij n\gipa{}ɽɔhta ǀ ðe meɲɜheɽɜ uðɜtaɽi e hɔt̻ʃ̻i palˠtɔn ǁ//
\glft `Then the Sun released his warm rays and immediately the traveller took off his cloak.'//

\gla e kështu {} era e veriut {} u detyrua të pranonte që diell-i {} ishte më {i fortë} se ajo. {}//
\glgloss and so {} wind.\Det{}.\Sg{} {\Gen} north {} ? force {\Subj} accept.{\Pst}.{\Tsg} {\Comp} sun-{\Det.\Sg} {} be.{\Pst.\Tsg} {\Cmpr} {strong \Comp{}} {\Tsg.\F}//
\glpm e kɜʃtu | eɽa e veɽiut | u detyɽua tɜ pɽanɔnte t̻ʃ̻ɜ dielˠi | iʃte mɜ {i fɔɽtɜ} se ajɔ ǁ//
\glph e kɜʃˈtʊ | ˈeɻä e veˈɽ̞iut | u dɜtʏ̈ˈɹuäpɻäˈnɔ̃nte t̻ʃɜ ˈdielˠi | ˈʔiʃtɛ mʷɨj ˈfɔltsɛ̆ {} ˈäjɔ̃ ‖//
\glft `And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.'//
\glpreamble E kështu Era e Veriut u detyrua të pranonte që Dielli ishte më i fortë se ajo.//
\gla e kështu {} er-a e ver-iut {} u detyr-ua të prano-nte që diell-i {} ishte më i fort-ë se ajo {}//
\glgloss and so {} wind-{\F.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} {\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} north-{\M.\Sg.\Gen.\Def} {} {\Aor} force-{\Aor.\Ind.\Tsg} {\Sbjv} accept-{\Impf.\Sbjv.\Tsg} that sun-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} {} be.{\Impf.\Ind.\Tsg} more {\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} strong-{\M.\Sg.\Nom.\Def} than {\Tsg.\F.\Nom}//
\glpm e kɜʃtu | eɽa e veɽiut | u detyɽuapɽanɔnte t̻ʃ̻ɜ dielˠi | iʃte mɜ i fɔɽtɜ se ajɔ ǁ//
\glft `And so the North Wind was forced to accept that the Sun was the stronger than itself.'//

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