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A fully extensible HTML-Builder supporting emmet input

composer require stefanwimmer128/html-builder
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\capture;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\map;

$test = '<p>TEST</p>';

$values = [
    'a' => 0,
    'b' => 1,
    'c' => 2,

render(h('xml[version="1.0" standalone=yes]', [], [
   h('doctype', 'html', [
       h('html[lang=en]', [], [
           h('head > title{Hello World!}'),
           h('body', [], [
               h('.container.container-content#container-content-main', [], [
                   h('a[href="#"][disabled]', 'LINK'),
                   capture('printf', '%s', $test)
               h('comment', 'COMMENT'),
               h('p', ['data-values' => json_encode($values, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)], [
                   h('b', 'LIST:'),
                   map($values, fn($value, $key) => h('span', ['data-key' => $key], $value))
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?><!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>Hello World!</title></head><body><div class="container container-content" id="container-content-main"><a href="#" disabled>LINK</a>&lt;p&gt;TEST&lt;/p&gt;<p>TEST</p></div><!-- COMMENT --><p data-values="{&quot;a&quot;:0,&quot;b&quot;:1,&quot;c&quot;:2}"><b>LIST:</b><br /><span data-key="a">0</span><span data-key="b">1</span><span data-key="c">2</span></p></body></html>

The following elements are special.

Thus, if you want to use the keywords as simple tags, you will have to use the special tag function:

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\tag;

render(h('comment', 'Test'));
render(tag('comment', 'Test'));
<!-- Test -->

Generate HTML comment. Any string(s) or HtmlElement(s) can be used as children.

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;

render(h('comment', 'Test'));
<!-- Test -->

Generate HTML doctype. Can receive children, that will be rendered after tag.

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;

render(h('doctype', 'html', ...$children));
<!DOCTYPE html>...children...

Generates lorem ipsum text (default: 30 words).

To set the number of words to generate append it to the tag: lorem20 generates 20 words, lipsum40 generates 40 words.

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;


Generates 50 words of lorem ipsum.

Create XML header. Works pretty similar to a html tag.

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;

render(h('xml[version="1.0"]', [], ...$children));
<?xml version="1.0" ?>...children...

Create element from input using parser (default: Emmet)

Also works like tag().

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\h;

render(h('table[border=0] > thead > .row > .col', 'Content'));
render(h('div', [], 'Some text <b>with html</b>'));
<table border="0"><thead><tr class="row"><td class="col">Content</td></tr></thead></table>
<div>Some text &lt;p&gt;with html&lt;/b&gt;</div>

Create tag element

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\tag;

render(tag('div', ['class' => 'container'], [
    tag('p', 'Some text <b>with html</b>')
<div class="container">Text<p>Some text &lt;p&gt;with html&lt;/b&gt;</p></div>

Create text element

This is automatically applied to strings that are passed as children to h() or tag().

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\text;

render(text('Some text <b>with html</b>'));
Some text &lt;p&gt;with html&lt;/b&gt;

Create raw string

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\raw;

render(raw('Some text <b>with html</b>'));
Some text <b>with html</b>

Captures output (echo) and returns it as raw string

Useful with functions that instead of returning the markup directly output it (eg. Wordpress).

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\tag;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\capture;

render(tag('div', [], capture('the_widget', 'widget')));
<div>...widget markup...</div>

array_map with keys

use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\render;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\tag;
use function Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\map;

$values = [
    'key0' => 'value0',
    'key1' => 'value1',

render(tag('ul', [], map($values, fn($value, $key) => tag('li', ['id' => $key], $value))));
<ul><li id="key0">value0</li><li id="key1">value1</li></ul>

Render elements as HTML

See all the above.

Any custom element must extend \Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\HtmlElement.

First you create your element class:

use Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\HtmlElement;

class CustomElement extends HtmlElement {
    private string $someData;
    public function __construct(string $someData) {
        $this->someData = $someData;
    public function render(): string {
        return sprintf('(%s)', $this->someData);

If your element is tag-like, you might want to extend \Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\HtmlTag:

use Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\HtmlTag;

class CustomElement extends HtmlTag {
    public function __construct(...$args) {
        parent::__construct('custom', ...$args);
    public function render(): string {
        return sprintf('(%s)%s', $this->renderAttributes(), $this->renderChildren());

If your custom element should receive parsed information, your element must implement \Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\Parser\ParserCompatibleElement.

After which you have to register your element, by putting this code before your usage of the element:

use Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\HtmlElement;

HtmlElement::$ELEMENTS['custom'] = CustomElement::class;

Any parser must extend \Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\Parser\AbstractParser.

Since creating a custom parser is very much tied to what you want to parse, please orientate yourself using the included \Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\Parser\Emmet\EmmetParser.

use Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\Parser\AbstractParser;

class CustomParser extends AbstractParser {
    public function __construct(string $input) {
        // your parsing logic goes here
    public function getTag(): string {
        // return tag here
    public function getAttributes(): array {
        // return attributes here
    public function getClasses(): array {
        // return classes here
    public function getId(): ?string {
        // return id here if provided or null
    public function getText() : ?string {
        // return text here if provided or null
    public function getChild() : ?AbstractParser {
        // return child here if provided or null
    public function isSelfclosing() : ?bool{
        // return whether tag self-closes if provided or null

After which you can set your parser by:

use Stefanwimmer128\HtmlBuilder\Parser\AbstractParser;

AbstractParser::$DEFAULT_PARSER = CustomParser::class;