The schema for exchanging Level of Information Need (LOIN) specifications according to EN17412-3.
Warning The information, data sets and examples you find here are heavily work in progress. The ISO committee members use these to discuss and evaluate different approaches to capture LOINs. The data sets found here are not yet final and should not be used in production. They do not represent common argreements (yet).
Please feel invited to contribute through issues or code!
- decide on
, orcamelCase
spelling for attributes and element definitions - closely coordinate with EN ISO 23387 (DT) and ISO 12006 (bSDD) committees
- enable three models of alphanumeric information need definitons: a) inline/ad hoc for standalone LOINS b) refer to DT instances c) refer to concept definitions in bSDD and other repositories for measures, units, properties etc. . encourage and enable reuse of concepts
- evaluate LinkedData (RDF(S), OWL) approaches. The current XML Schema solutions are much focused on serialization, less on modelling. IRIs/URIs for concepts might be a more useful solution than bespoke
references. - ...
- Profit!