Ultimate Make Toolkit
I know, Yet Another Javascript Make Tool.
Its goal is to help make better builds by:
- being fast
- having really good validation
- having a simple API
- being well supported
More information and examples of Use Cases or Validations and Errors.
npm install --save ultimake
const newTaskSet = require("ultimake").newTaskSet;
// change level of logging output if desired
// make a new TaskSet object
const taskset = newTaskSet();
// add a task to the TaskSet object
"task title", // task title is optional - leave null if you like
// - but then target is REQUIRED and task name is
// generated as "file: " + target name
"path/to/target/file", // target is optional UNLESS task title is null
// - target can be a string (relative file path)
// OR an array of such strings
"path/to/prerequisite/file", // prerequisite can be null, OR a string being a
// relative file path or another task name,
// OR an array of such strings
(target, prereq, name) => { // recipe function, for creating target(s) from
// prerequisite(s) - is REQUIRED and MUST return
// a promise that resolves when the work is done
return Promise.resolve(null); // (MUST create/update ALL listed targets)
{ // optional options object, currently the only
description: "foo bar", // permissible option is "description"
taskset.run("task or file name")
.then(() => {
// do something afterwards
.catch(error => {
// something went wrong
e.g. src/config/build.js:
#!/usr/bin/env node
const Ultimake = require("ultimake");
const { run, task } = Ultimake.getBuildFunctions();
// task(...) = taskset.add(...)
// Ultimake.exec("os command", options); - returns a promise on child_process.exec()
// Ultimake.glob("src/**/*.ts") = require("glob").sync() - returns an array of strings
// run() = taskset.run(cmd line target)
const source = Ultimake.glob("src/**/*.ts");
const target = source
.map(filename => filename.replace(/^src/, "build/").replace(/\.ts$/, ".js"));
task("build", target, source, () => {
return Ultimake.exec("tsc");
> src/config/build.js build