This is a Machine Learning Project Latest Version: Asterion v1.0
This is for Asterion Version which will stay pure python and will be transfered to a different project in the future.
After you clone the latest version which should be master follow these instuctions:
Since the project uses tensorflow there are two Conda environments available
To install the current release for CPU-only:
conda env create -f cassiopeia.yaml
To install the current release for GPU:
conda env create -f cassiopeia_gpu.yaml
###Sequence Diagram
participant cNN_DT
participant cNN_EC
participant rNN_ENG
participant ECU
cNN_DT->rNN_WENG: Trend Prediction
cNN_EC->rNN_WENG: Cycle Prediction
rNN_ENG->ECU: Control Signal
Note left of cNN_DT: Driving Trend\nNeural Network
Note left of cNN_EC: Engine Cycle\nNeural Network
Note left of rNN_ENG: Controller\nNeural Network
Note left of ECU: Engine\nControl Unit
- Tensorflow/Pandas/Numpy
- Code for my Master Diploma Thesis