Working on programming assignments to learn clojure. Typically I write each program in LISP style then using clojure's tail recursion. Features a functional recursion-based game (3 of a crime).
- factorial
- power function
- lists
- finding missing element (two lists)
- binary search
- maximum value
- merge (two sorted lists)
- find missing element using binary search
- permutations
- lazy (from stackoverflow)
- my approach (not performant)
The game namespace features a full spy-themed functioning fucntional game, "Three of a Crime." Where 3 double-agents are selected from a group of 7 characters. 5 Characters are displayed and the player is told how many of the displayed characters are double agents. Through deduction you can determine who the double agent is and burn them - BUT - if you guess wrong, you become MIA. Once all double agents are detected or all players are MIA the game ends.
brew install leiningen
lein run