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🦖 Testing in Production - Synthetic Monitoring on Rust


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- Production Monitoring (1)

Prodzilla is a modern synthetic monitoring tool built in Rust. It's focused on testing complex user flows in production, whilst maintaining human readability.

Prodzilla supports chained requests to endpoints, passing of values from one response to another request, verifying responses are as expected, and outputting alerts via webhooks on failures. It also exposes an API that allow viewing results in json and manual triggering of probes. It's integrated with OpenTelemetry, so includes a trace_id for every request made to your system. May add a UI in future.

It's also lightning fast, runs with < 15mb of ram, and is free to host on Shuttle.

The long-term goals of Prodzilla are:

  • Reduce divergence and duplication of code between blackbox, end-to-end testing and production observability
  • Avoid situations where documented system behaviour is out of date, or system behaviour in specific situations is totally unknown
  • Make testing in production easier

To be part of the community, or for any questions, join our Discord or get in touch at

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To get started probing your services, clone this repo, and in the root execute the command:

cargo run

You can also use Docker, as Prodzilla is published to

docker run -v $(pwd)/prodzilla.yml:/prodzilla.yml

The application parses the prodzilla.yml file to generate a list of probes executed on a given schedule, and decide how to alert. Other configuration file paths can be selected using the -f flag. Execute cargo run -- --help or prodzilla --help to see a full list of configuration flags.

The bare minimum config required is:

  - name: Your Probe Name
    http_method: GET
      initial_delay: 5
      interval: 60

Configuring Synthetic Monitors

Prodzilla offers two ways to check live endpoints, Probes and Stories.


Probes define a single endpoint to be called with given parameters, and assert the response is as expected. This is a traditional synthetic monitor.

A complete Probe config looks as follows:

  - name: Your Post Url
    http_method: POST
    sensitive: false
        x-client-id: ClientId
      body: '"{"test": true}"'
      timeout_seconds: 10
      - field: StatusCode
        operation: Equals 
        value: "200"
      initial_delay: 2
      interval: 60
      - url:


Stories define a chain of calls to different endpoints, to emulate the flow a real user would go through. Values from the response of earlier calls can be input to the request of another using the ${{}} syntax.

  - name: Get IP Address Info User Flow
      - name: get-ip
        http_method: GET
          - field: StatusCode
            operation: Equals 
            value: "200"
      - name: get-location
        http_method: GET
          - field: StatusCode
            operation: Equals 
            value: "200"
      initial_delay: 5
      interval: 10
      - url: 


One unique aspect of Prodzilla is the ability to substitute in values from earlier steps, environment variables, or generated values, as in the example above. Prodzilla currently supports the following variable substitutions.

Substitute Value Behaviour
${{steps.step-name.response.body}} Inserts the whole response body from the given step.
${{steps.step-name.response.body.fieldName}} Inserts the value of a specific JSON field from a response body from a given step. Doesn't currently support arrays.
${{generate.uuid}} Inserts a generated UUID.
${{env.VAR_NAME}} Insert the environment variable VAR_NAME

Note that if a step name is used in a parameter but does not yet exist, Prodzilla will default to substituting an empty string. If a requested environment variable is not set, Prodzilla will log a warning and substitute an empty string.


Expectations can be declared using the expectations block and supports an unlimited number of rules. Currently, the supported fields are StatusCode and Body, and the supported operations are Equals, Contains, Matches which accepts a regular expression, and IsOneOf (which accepts a string value separated by the pipe symbol |).

Expectations can be put on Probes, or Steps within Stories.

Notifications for Failures

If expectations aren't met for a Probe or Story, a webhook will be sent to any urls configured within alerts.

    - name: Probe or Story Name
        - url: 
        - url:

The webhook looks as such:

  "message": "Probe failed.",
  "probe_name": "Your Probe",
  "failure_timestamp": "2024-01-26T02:41:02.983025Z",
  "trace_id": "123456789abcdef",
  "error_message": "Failed to meet expectation for field 'StatusCode' with operation Equals \"200\".",
  "status_code": 500,
  "body": "Internal Server Error"

Response bodies are truncated to 500 characters. If a step or probe is marked as sensitive, the request body will be redacted from logs and alerts.

Prodzilla will also recognize the Slack webhook domain and produce messages like:

"Your Probe" failed.

Error message:

Failed to meet expectation for field 'StatusCode' with operation Equals "429".

Received status code 500

Received body:

Internal Server Error

Time: 2024-06-26 14:36:30.094126 UTC

Trace ID: e03cc9b03185db8004400049264331de

OpsGenie, and PagerDuty notification integrations are planned.

Prodzilla Server Endpoints

Prodzilla also exposes a web server, which you can use to retrieve details about probes and stories, or trigger them. When running locally, these will exist at localhost:3000, e.g. localhost:3000/stories.

Get Probes and Stories

These endpoints output the running probes and stories, as well as their current status.


  • /probes
  • /stories

Example Response:

        "name": "get-ip-user-flow",
        "status": "OK", //  or "FAILING"
        "last_probed": "2024-02-05T10:01:10.665835200Z"

Get Probe and Story Results

These endpoints output all of the results for a probe or story.


  • /probes/{name}/results
  • /stories/{name}/results

Query Parameters:

  • show_response: bool - This determines whether the response, including the body, is output. Defaults to false.

Example Response (for stories, probes will look slightly different):

        "story_name": "get-ip-user-flow",
        "timestamp_started": "2024-02-05T10:02:40.670211600Z",
        "success": true,
        "step_results": [
                "step_name": "get-ip",
                "timestamp_started": "2024-02-05T10:02:40.670318700Z",
                "success": true,
                "trace_id": "4df1663f21766a4f498eb4ba09180e93"
                "step_name": "get-location",
                "timestamp_started": "2024-02-05T10:02:40.931422100Z",
                "success": true,
                "trace_id": "28118007da1860cc5dd76c9128b14dee"

Trigger Probe or Story (In Development)

These endpoints will trigger a probe or story immediately, store the result alongside the scheduled results, and return the result.


  • /probes/{name}/trigger
  • /stories{name}/trigger

Example Response (for stories, probes will look slightly different):

    "story_name": "get-ip-user-flow",
    "timestamp_started": "2024-02-10T00:36:05.768730400Z",
    "success": true,
    "step_results": [

Monitoring Prodzilla

Prodzilla generates OpenTelemetry traces and metrics for each probe and story execution. It also outputs structured logs to standard out.

Tracked metrics

Prodzilla tracks the following metrics:

| Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- || | runs | Counter(u64) | The total number of executions for this test | | duration | Histogram(u64) | Time taken to execute the test | | errors | Counter(u64) | The total number of errors for this test |

All metrics have the attributes name and type. type is either probe for metrics measuring a probe, story for metrics measuring an entire story, or step for measuring an individual step in a story. name is the name of the probe, story, or step that is being measured. Metrics for an individual step have the additional attribute story_name which is the name of the story that the step is part of.


Prodzilla generates a root span for each story or probe that is being run, and further spans for each step and HTTP call that is made within that test. The trace ID is propagated in these HTTP requests to downstream services, enabling fully distributed insight into the backends that are being called.

Errors occuring in steps and probes or expectations not being met lead to the span in question being marked with the error status. Furthermore, the error message and truncated HTTP response body is attached as a span event.

Configuring OpenTelemetry export

Both metrics and traces can be exported with the OTLP protocol over either HTTP or gRPC. Configuration follows the OpenTelemetry standard environment variables:

  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT is used to define the collector endpoint. Defaults to http://localhost:431
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL is used to define the protocol that is used in export. Supported values are http/protobuf, http/json and grpc. Defaults to grpc.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TIMEOUT is used to set an exporter timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10 seconds.
  • OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER is used to define how metrics are exported. Supported values are otlp and stdout. If unset, metrics will not be exported.
  • OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER is used to define how traces are exported. Supported values are otlp and stdout. If unset, traces will not exported.

Furthermore, resource attributes can be set with OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES.

Configuring log level

The logging level can be set using the environment variable RUST_LOG. Supported levels are trace, debug, info, warn, and error in ascending order of severity.

Deploying on Shuttle for Free allows hosting of Rust apps for free. Check out How I'm Getting Free Synthetic Monitoring for a tutorial on how to deploy Prodzilla to Shuttle for free.

Feature Roadmap

The intention is to develop a base set of synthetic monitoring features, before focusing on longer-term goals such as:

  • Supporting complex user flows typically not tested in production
  • Increasing visibility of existing production behaviour from current and past probes
  • Automatically generating probes based on OpenAPI schemas, and on deployment
  • Other tools specifically to help test in production, such as flagging, managing and routing test requests and users
  • Automatic doc generation - both for customers and internal use - based on observed behaviour

Progress on the base set of synthetic monitoring features is loosely tracked below:

✅ = Ready 🧱 = In development

  • Protocol Support
    • HTTP / HTTPS Calls ✅
    • gRPC
  • Request Construction
    • Add headers ✅
    • Add body ✅
    • Custom timeouts
  • Response Validation
    • Status code ✅
    • Response body ✅
    • Specific fields
    • Regex ✅
  • Yaml Objects / Reusable parameters / Human Readability
    • Reusable Request bodies
    • Reusable Authenticated users
    • Reusable Validation
    • Environment variable interpolation in configuration file ✅
  • Result storage
    • In Memory ✅
    • In a Database
  • Output
    • JSON output of results for all probes ✅
    • Prometheus Endpoint
    • UI output of results for all probes
  • Forwarding alerts
    • Webhooks ✅
    • Slack 🧱
    • Email
    • Splunk / OpsGenie / PagerDuty / slack integrations?
  • Complex Tests
    • Retries
    • Chained queries ✅
    • Parameters in queries ✅
    • Triggering probes manually ✅
    • Generation of fields e.g. UUIDs ✅
    • Parametrized tests
  • Easy clone and deploy
    • On Shuttle ✅
  • CI / CD Integration
    • Standalone easy-to-install image 🧱
    • Github Actions integration to trigger tests / use as smoke tests 🧱
    • Docker images for main branch and tagged releases ✅
  • Otel Support
    • TraceIds for every request ✅
    • OTLP trace export over gRPC or HTTP ✅
    • Metrics for runs, durations and failures exported over OTLP ✅


🦖 Testing in Production - Synthetic Monitoring on Rust









  • Rust 98.8%
  • Dockerfile 1.2%