Simple class to manage configurations.
Classic through pip or your favourite package manager:
pip install ez-config-mgt
You want to define a default configuration and allow users to override some of the settings. The class simply get the config value for the user's specific config and get the default value if not defined.
First thing is to instantiate a configuration.
from ez_config_mgt import BaseConfig
config = BaseConfig('test')
'test' is the name of the configuration. You can define several configurations.
You can tailor the default configuration to your needs.
from ez_config_mgt import BaseConfig, extend_default_config
extend_default_config({'mydefaults': { 'example': 'test' }})
config = BaseConfig('test')
Class is meant to be inherited. It's quite useful if you just need one config and prefer not to bother passing arguments in your main code.
from ez_config_mgt import BaseConfig
class MyToolConfig(BaseConfig):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('mytool', default_conf = {
'config': { 'file': 'config', 'directory': './conf' },
'mydefaults': { 'example': 'test' }})
config = MyToolConfig()
Alternatively, you can first extend the default config. It's rather convenient if your package is made of multiple parts, each of them having its own configuration needs that you want to deal with in one single config.
from ez_config_mgt import BaseConfig, extend_default_config
extend_default_config({'mydefaults': { 'example': 'test' }})
class MyToolConfig(BaseConfig):
def __init__(self):
config = MyToolConfig()
This is quite simple stuff that was written to speed up config management for internal needs. It's published to be criticized, of course, but mainly to make reuse and deployment easier.