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  • FILE:
  • AUTH: Emily Herman ([email protected])
  • DATE: APR 7, 2020
  • VERS: 3.0

Please see the snp_conversion wiki for more information about the program.

General Description

snp_conversion is a collection of tools for working with genotype data from Illumina and Affymetrix SNP panels. The program can:

  • Check that all SNPs in the panel are consistently formatted
  • Determine the format of a panel
  • Convert a consistently formatted panel to a different format
  • Merge panels of the same format
  • Create PLINK flat files from SNP panel genotype data
  • Assess concordance of genotype data in the panel file with that of a user-specified VCF file
  • Generate a VCF file from a SNP panel file

Usage information

usage: snp_conversion [-h] Tools ...

A selection of tools for working with genotype data from Illumina and
Affymetrix SNP panels To see the full usage for each Utility: ./snp_convserion
[Utility] --help

positional arguments:
    check_format        Checks the format of the input file(s)
    convert_file        Converts input file(s) to user-specified format
    merge_files         Merges files of the same format
    conversion_list     Lists all species and assembly names available
                        Determines concordance between SNP panel genotypes and
                        VCF file genotypes
    vcf_generator       Converts SNP panel file to VCF format file

There are five main tools within snp_conversion:

  1. check_format
  2. convert_file
  3. merge_files
  4. genotype_concordance
  5. vcf_generator

See Install page and Quick Start Guide to get started using the snp_conversion tools with a test dataset.

Most snp_conversion tools rely on genotype conversion files to check input data formatting. See the Genotype Conversion Files section for information about generating these files.


Programs for transforming and merging SNP genotypes







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