- FILE: SNP_conversion.py
- AUTH: Emily Herman ([email protected])
- DATE: APR 7, 2020
- VERS: 3.0
Please see the snp_conversion wiki for more information about the program.
snp_conversion is a collection of tools for working with genotype data from Illumina and Affymetrix SNP panels. The program can:
- Check that all SNPs in the panel are consistently formatted
- Determine the format of a panel
- Convert a consistently formatted panel to a different format
- Merge panels of the same format
- Create PLINK flat files from SNP panel genotype data
- Assess concordance of genotype data in the panel file with that of a user-specified VCF file
- Generate a VCF file from a SNP panel file
usage: snp_conversion [-h] Tools ...
A selection of tools for working with genotype data from Illumina and
Affymetrix SNP panels To see the full usage for each Utility: ./snp_convserion
[Utility] --help
positional arguments:
check_format Checks the format of the input file(s)
convert_file Converts input file(s) to user-specified format
merge_files Merges files of the same format
conversion_list Lists all species and assembly names available
Determines concordance between SNP panel genotypes and
VCF file genotypes
vcf_generator Converts SNP panel file to VCF format file
There are five main tools within snp_conversion:
See Install page and Quick Start Guide to get started using the snp_conversion tools with a test dataset.
Most snp_conversion tools rely on genotype conversion files to check input data formatting. See the Genotype Conversion Files section for information about generating these files.