###What? Running this program exposes your serial ports to a websocket.
###Credits For my own lazyness I'm using
qt-json by Eeli Reilin https://github.com/ereilin/qt-json
QextSerialPort https://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/
QtWebsocket http://gitorious.org/qtwebsocket
###Usage Send commands as JSON to the socket {"type": "command"} To include simple data add {"type": "command", "data": "JSON encoded data"}
All serialdata to and from the server is encoded with base64, all other data sent to and from are plaintext.
- connect
- disconnect
- listSerialPorts
- supportedConfiguration
- serial
- serial(required, port to connect)
- baudrate
- databits
- stopbits
- parity
- flowcontrol
if a option is left out a default value will be used:
- baudrate : 57600
- databits : 8
- stopbits : 1
- parity : NONE
- flowcontrol : OFF
acceptable values can be retrieved with the command "supportedConfiguration"
"type": "connect",
"data": {
"serial": "ttyUSB0",
"baudrate": 115200
serial(port to stop listening on) stops You from getting messages from specified port
<ws.send('{ "type": "disconnect", "data": { "serial": "ttyUSB0" } }');>
####listSerialPorts no options, will give You a list of serialports with portname and description
"type": "listSerialPorts"
####supportedConfiguration no options, sends You a list with acceptable options for connect
"type": "supportedConfiguration"
####serial *portname, serialport wich will recieve the data sent *data, base64 encoded datastring
"type": "serial",
"serial": "ttyUSB0",
"data": window.atob("this is websocket speaking")
The websocket server will respond with theese JSON objects
#####serialPorts { "type": "serialPorts", "data": [ { "port": "ttyUSB0", "desc": "USB-serial adapter 0"}, { "port": "rfcomm0", "desc": "Bluetooth-serial adapter 0"} ]
#####supportedConfiguration { "type": "supportedConfiguration", "data": { "databits": [5,6,7,8], "flowcontrol": ["HARDWARE", "XONXOFF", "OFF"], "parity": ["ODD", "EVEN", "NONE", "SPACE"], "stopbits": ["1", "2"] } }
#####serialData { "type": "serialData", "data" : { "serial": "ttyUSB0", "base" : base64 encoded serialdata