A Wagtail module for creating Photo competitions with voting.
Install using pip:
pip install wagtail-photo-voter
Also needs ExifTool from https://exiftool.org/install.html installed
In your settings file, add wagtailphotovoter
and wagtail.contrib.routable_page
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To add a competition create a new page of typ Competition
enter title and rules (shown on submission page). You can enter dates for when submissions are allowed (if empty always allowed) and voting dates (empty, always allowed).
Templates are extending base.html
which should have blocks for content
And Bootstrap, and jQuery loaded (for example via django-bootstrap4
You can modify the point-system with commasepareted values and allow same points
0 points can always be given to any entry.
Voting is allowed for users in the group with name competition-id-slug
and available at: competition-page/vote
results available at competition-page/result