Inspired by traintrackr I wanted to create something similar for visualizing bikesharing bikes as my first ever PCB design.
Unibikes shows the 10 bike sharing locations at TU Dortmund University in germany with an RGB LED each. Each LED can therefore represent if there are none, some or a few bikes at that station.
The micropython code directly receives the rgb values for each LED from a backend.
Component name | Component |
D1 to D10 | WS2812B LED |
J0 | USB C Receptable |
J1 and J2 | 4 Pin header |
J3 | 2 Pin header |
U1 | ESP32 C3 |
U2 | TLV1117 3.3V |
SW1 to SW3 | Push button |
R1 | 1k Resistor |
R2 to R4 | 10k Resistor |
R5 and R6 | 5.1k Resistor |
C1 and C4 | 10uF Capacitor |
C2 | 1 uF Capacitor |
C3 | 100nF Capacitor |