First install or update your local project's npm tools:
# First install all the NPM tools:
npm install
# Or update
npm update
Then run the bower:
# To download `angular-material...` some files in the `/bower_components` directory
bower install
Then run the gulp tasks:
# To run `electron ./app/main.js` to start window or npm run start
gulp run
Build app
#To run `electron-packager . DiskClone --platform linux --arch x64 --version 1.1.3 --prune --out=dist/ --overwrite --icon =app/assets/img/appledisk.png --prune --ignore=node_modules/electron-prebuilt --ignore=node_modules/electron-packager --ignore =.git` to generate curent path 'dist' directory
npm run build
Package app
#To run 'sudo zip -r dist/ && mv -f /tmp' zip app move to /tmp
npm run pack
View log file
cat /tmp/access.log