Releases: stsaz/phiola
Releases · stsaz/phiola
+ Android: context menu for the item in playlist
+ config: new global setting "AllowHibernate"
+ `info`: add '-connect_timeout' and '-recv_timeout' options
+ `play`, `record`: add `-remote_id STRING` option
+ `remote`: add `-id STRING` option
+ TUI: adapt to terminal window size
* Android: add monochrome icon
Changes since v2.2.8:
+ Android: Convert: can specify output audio tags
+ Android: new command `List: Move Left`
+ Android: Settings->Playback: Auto Loudness Normalizer
+ Android: `Settings->ReplayGain Normalizer`
+ Android: start playback from file manager via "Open With" list
+ GUI: basic functionality for editing file tags
+ GUI: Convert: add setting `Overwrite Output File`
+ GUI: Convert: can specify output audio tags
+ GUI: Convert: new setting "Preserve Original File Date"
+ GUI: edit tags: "Keep Original File Date"
+ GUI: `File->Rename`
+ `info -loudness`: analyze audio loudness
+ playback HLS radio streams
+ `play -norm ""`: Auto Loudness Normalizer
+ `play -number N`: Exit after N tracks played
+ `play -rgnorm`: ReplayGain Normalizer
+ read .ts(AAC) streams
+ remote: new commands `seek forward` and `seek back`
+ `tag` command: support .ogg and .opus files
+ `tag -rg track_gain`: write ReplayGain tags
+ `tag`: support .flac files
+ TUI: Play first/last track by `Home`/`End` keys
+ TUI: Play track at index by pressing numeric keys
* Android: load playlists on-demand
* Android: select playlist via menu
* CLI: all `-include/-exclude` options can be specified multiple times
* convert/record: default Vorbis encoding quality = 5
* .cue read: can specify range of tracks, e.g. `-tracks 1-5`
* GUI: single-instance mode
* HLS: support m3u8 sublist
* Opus encoder: use unconstrained VBR mode; use max. complexity setting
* support redirection between plain HTTP and HTTPS
* support .ts(MP3) streams
* `tag`: Support writing arbitrary tags
* update libmpg123 to 1.32.10
- `-dup` option didn't work sometimes
- `tag`: .mp3: safer approach for preserving existing tags
- `-tee`: output file descriptors were not closed sometimes
! Android: disable insecure ALAC decoder by default (`Settings->Enable Deprecated Modules`)
! removed `info -peaks_crc` function
! removed `play -danorm` function
Changes since v2.1.5:
+ Android: AAudio native playback
+ Android: Convert: `Overwrite Output Files` option
+ Android: Recording: new setting `Add Recorded File to Playlist`
+ Android: Recording: new setting `File Name Template`
+ CLI: `@names` - Read file names from standard input
+ convert: `-aac_bandwidth` NUMBER - AAC cut-off frequency
+ info: new option: `-duration` - Print total duration
+ play: new options: `-connect_timeout`, `-recv_timeout` and `-no_meta`
+ Windows: app installer
* .cue read: support multiple FILE entries
* Windows CLI: finalize recording on console window close
* Windows GUI: save current state on user log off
- .aac decode: second output audio chunk corrupted after sample rate conversion
- .aac info: don't decode all audio data
- Android: crash while converting
- Android: incorrect "Conversion" state was displayed
- list create: produced incorrect file sometimes
Changes since v2.0.24:
+ Android: `List: Convert All`: batch conversion
+ asynchronous file writing
+ CLI: `-Log` FILE: Append log messages to a file
+ CLI: playback: `-volume N` - Set initial volume level
+ convert: `-cpu_affinity auto`
+ convert: `-workers N`
+ GUI: `List->Sort by File Date`
+ GUI: `List->Sort by File Size`
+ Linux,Windows GUI Settings: Auto Skip the Beginning of Each Track
* Android: conversion can be manually cancelled
* Android: conversion can run in background
* Android GUI: faster playlist redrawing
* Android: restore list scroll position of up to 3 lists
* update meta data from ICY server more reliably
* upgrade to flac-1.4.3
* upgrade to opus-1.5.2
- Android: conversion might not work sometimes
- Android: Convert: didn't apply AAC VBR quality 1..4 setting in some cases
- Android: Convert: remember Output Format value
- Android: displayed incorrect state after stopping the previously paused recording
- crash on switching radio streams
- don't require port number in `http://` URL
- GUI: didn't restore the first playlist sometimes
- Linux: moving files to Trash didn't work on some systems
- record: Windows: audio format settings didn't work sometimes
- support HTTP redirect
- `-tee`: fix crash
- TUI: Windows: high CPU usage when executed with redirected stdin
- use local time for `@nowtime` & `@nowdate` variables