- Import the data & lib's.
- Print the head.
- Shape & description of data.
- Data information.
- Renaming the columns.
- Apply the label encoder Spam -> 1 and Ham ->0
- Check for the null values, duplicate values , remove the duplicate values.
- Value counts for the target variable , plot the pie chart.
- Import the nltk pkg.
- Count the number of sentences.
- Descibe our new features.
- Plot the histogram.
- Computing the correlations.
- Text preprocessing.
- Apply on our dataset.
- Install the word cloud.
- Make the word cloud for spam msg's.
- Make word cloud for ham msg's.
- Top 30 word's in spam msg's.
- Top 30 word's in ham msg's.
- Count vectorizer.
- Train , Test, Split.
- Import 3 models
- Test for Multinomial NB
- Test for Binomial NB
- Import pickle