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Create open_redirect_listing-ca.yml #2185

Create open_redirect_listing-ca.yml

Create open_redirect_listing-ca.yml #2185

name: Add to test-rules Branch
types: [created]
name: Initial Checks
contents: read
issues: read
pull-requests: read
checks: read
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: github.event.issue.pull_request && contains(github.event.comment.body, '/update-test-rules')
# This isn't our only gating, but it's a convenient first restriction.
# The GitHub token can't have expanded permissions like reading private org or team info, so this requires org
# members to be public (most of us are).
# TheModdingInquisition/[email protected] could be used for a team check, but we'd need to create a PAT for it.
- name: Check if commentor is organization member
id: is_organization_member
uses: jamessingleton/[email protected]
organization: sublime-security
username: ${{ github.event.comment.user.login }}
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Echo organization member
run: |
echo "[${{ steps.is_organization_member.outputs.result }}]"
- name: Fail if not organization member
if: |
steps.is_organization_member.outputs.result != 'true'
run: exit 1
- name: Fail if PR closed
if: |
run: exit 1
- name: Get PR branch
uses: alessbell/[email protected] # Fork of xt0rted/pull-request-comment-branch, see
id: comment_branch
- name: Wait for Rule Validation Succeed
uses: lewagon/[email protected]
ref: ${{ steps.comment_branch.outputs.head_sha }}
check-name: 'Rule Tests and ID Updated'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
wait-interval: 10
name: Add to test-rules Branch
needs: pre-checks
contents: write
issues: read
pull-requests: read
checks: read
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
environment: test-rules
concurrency: test-rules
- name: Get PR branch
uses: alessbell/[email protected] # Fork of xt0rted/pull-request-comment-branch, see
id: comment_branch
- name: Checkout PR branch
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ steps.comment_branch.outputs.head_owner }}/${{ steps.comment_branch.outputs.head_repo }}
ref: ${{ steps.comment_branch.outputs.head_ref }}
fetch-depth: 0
path: source
- name: Install yq
uses: mikefarah/[email protected]
- name: Checkout test-rules
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: test-rules
path: destination
- name: Synchronize Test Rules
run: |
export pr_num=${{ github.event.issue.number }}
# Delete any files already referencing this PR. If they're no longer included in the PR this will remove them,
# if they're still included we'll add them back below.
files=$(ls destination/**/*.yml) || true
for file in $files; do
file_pr_num=$(yq '.testing_pr' $file)
if [[ "$pr_num" = "$file_pr_num" ]]; then
rm $file
# This workflow is trigerred from an issue comment so we don't automatically have context on what changed in the PR
# TODO: We can only retrieve 100 results, we need to add pagination support.
curl -L \
-o pr_files.json \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"\
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \$pr_num/files?per_page=100
# Any files added/changed/modified will be copied to test-rules
files_changed=$(jq -r '.[] | select(.status == "added" or .status == "modified" or .status == "changed") | .filename' pr_files.json)
# Used to testing_sha key in the rule. If the PR is updated multiple times without changing all files, we'll
# always use the latest sha.
export sha=${{ steps.comment_branch.outputs.head_sha }}
# Copy any file that was added/changed/modified to the destination git folder (we could do this with git checkout
# but it doesn't seem any simpler). And then add testing metadata.
# If multiple PRs modify the same file, only one can be tested. This is solveable, but not something we see often.
for file in $files_changed; do
# Skip any LA rules. We'll ignore these downstream anyway, but best to keep the branch clean.
la_count=$(grep -c 'ml.link_analysis' source/$file || true)
if [[ "$la_count" != '0' ]]; then
echo "Ignoring $file because of linkanalysis usage"
cp source/$file destination/$file
yq -i '.testing_pr = env(pr_num)' destination/$file
yq -i '.testing_sha = env(sha)' destination/$file
echo "Sync from PR#$pr_num" > message.txt
echo "" >> message.txt
echo "${{ github.event.issue.title }} by @${{ github.event.issue.user.login }}" >> message.txt
echo "${{ github.event.issue.pull_request.html_url }}" >> message.txt
echo "Source SHA $sha" >> message.txt
echo "Triggered by @${{ github.event.comment.user.login }}" >> message.txt
echo "${{ github.event.comment.body }}" | awk '/\/update-test-rules/ {p=1; next} p && NF' >> message.txt
cd destination
git add -A
git config --global 'Sublime Rule Testing Bot'
git config --global '[email protected]'
git commit --allow-empty -F ../message.txt
git push origin test-rules