Hello, I am Sumeet Kumar Paul and here is Funky Portfolio, so let's get started.
Watch the video to learn about all the features of this project: video/funkyportfolio
These portfolio contains three sections :-
1. Naming
2. Social Handles
3. About Me
These are all the framework and libraries that has been used to build this project :-
1. Framer Motion
2. Next Useragent
3. Spring
4. Three
5. Vercel Analytics
6. Type Animation
7. Zustand
8. Sharp
9. Tailwindcss
10. cssnano
11. AnimeJs
12. Headlessui
13. Heroicons
14. Dev - PostCss, Prettier, Eslint, Typescript, React, Next
These are all the functionalities that has been implemented in this project :-
1. Landing Page
2. Profile Picture Modal
3. Mobile Responsive
All the components - You can find in components folder.