Collaborative Breakpoint Manager for x64dbg.
[Code Injection]
See SlothBP.ini for a more complete example.
- Download relases from [Release] (
- Place Plugin in x32/64 plugin directory
- Debug your favorite target and set the breakpoints from the menu items.
Alternatively you can fork and compile the source code.
The 'Collaborative' part comes with the ability to share your own INI files with predefined breakpoints. The format is simple:
Add a category
The fields are in a APIName = BreakpointName format, meaning that APIName will be the menu item name, and BreakpointName is a module.apiname format. This allows the plugin to automatically set the correct breakpoint. (The module isnt necessarily required but definitely recommended).
SomeApi = module.SomeApi
Thanks to:
- @mrexodia
- anuj
- All others who provided input
Feel free to share your INI configurations!