0.8.0 (2021-07-09)
acc: update available tokens and balances every 10 seconds (0eb890a )
account-switcher: show switching to the aepp (4370f39 )
balances: add balances screen new ux (31e95bf )
fonts: add sans 14 bold (f725f46 )
ft: updates balances after successful mine (8e35da9 )
fungible-tokens: load tokens on network change (f0a8e3d )
fungible-tokens: make fungible tokens work with several accounts (679a9a2 )
modal: add critical icon (269d9f1 )
more: add More page (8d544e7 )
names: make names work with several accounts (856ba37 )
payments-send: drop trailing zeros from amount (df221a4 )
token-amount: update fiat formatting rules (61ec06f )
token-details: add token details new ux (d4e8859 )
token-list: don't display zero balances (db4e02b )
txlist: adds realtime incoming tx for bitcoin token (ab99c78 )
txlist: removes cached tx after fetching them from mdw (d2f89e8 )
zeit: add zeit token support (dec3d08 )
add AccountItem component (aa9d323 )
add AuctionOverview component (89c81eb )
add NamePointersHelp modal (5e75f67 )
rebrand ConfirmRawSign modal (83ba9b3 )
rebrand Modal (1db7813 )
rebrand QrCodeScanner modal (688c0d1 )
rebrand tip url status (2a0644e )
unfinished: enable unfinished features (1b08c9e )
Bug Fixes
account: disallow account switching before sdk initialize (08cc72c )
account-switcher: disable horizontal scrolling (59c358a )
actions: add missing transaction type to transcation history (0bdd836 )
app: disallow horizontall scrolling (32abbd5 )
auction-list: load auctions properly (aeae5f8 )
background: fix state reducer (39e6307 )
claim: fix not enough balance modal (fad4120 )
default: fix modals with no msg (9d73178 )
dropdown: fix dropdown align (4a9c656 )
dropdown-width: make dropdown list width constant (4cebfd9 )
fonts: fix id overflowing (a3beb23 )
fungible-tokens: set correct selected Token (fc1bac2 )
fungible-tokens: use mdw endpoint instead of backend (5c94e37 )
helper: fix isAccountNotFoundError (1607a2e )
helper: fix isNotFoundError (f10b77d )
modal: expand container to fit long copy (cdc9c7c )
observables: use new balance storage structure (88350cf )
platforms: change ios link from testflight to store (a8debf9 )
qr-code: inline transparent style to show preview in cordova (6b7fdf9 )
token-amount: show fiat only for AE (88d74cd )
token-details: fix header padding (cc5139f )
tx: move view more link to tx list component (e0271b0 )
tx-list: center spinner and messsage (9b85be3 )
tx-list: don't show spinner on refetch interval (d3e9f1a )
persist-state: use mutation to sync state (ff18073 )
account-info: align address center (49b0034 )
dropdown: make dropdown wider and always on top (00a1ad8 )
icons: update icons for tab navigation (31a5fe8 )
search-bar: make background darker (fb36175 )
token-list: change no tokens msg style (4b2ef54 )
actions: set middleware to null on network switch (5443e1a )
avatar: change mid size to new designs (d76b980 )
avatar: make address optional (aaeeea1 )
chain-listener: add test contract to variables (548d434 )
chain-listener: reinit listener on middleware change (420ad06 )
constants: update to mainnet contracts (ef1a0f3 )
e2e: add tests for confirm raw sign popup (8003c45 )
fungible-tokens: cover all fetchJson with catch (875be71 )
icons: unify arrow icons (7dbd5ba )
invite: disable invite links for tokens (25d494c )
invite: show error message (67ee22d )
logger: don't show error modal by default on production (bd53886 )
migrations: add addNewFields migration (86fa6eb )
migrations: rename migration (138700a )
names: adjust account default names (7b571bb )
networks-test: disable fast switching networks (831b0df )
observables: set all account balances to local storage (9487d5a )
pending-token-tx: show pending token tx immediately (c216978 )
plate: add plate splitting (593eb2b )
tab-bar: update TabBar component (31a99d6 )
token-amount: add prop to not show symbol (98479d8 )
token-amount: drop alt text prop (9653ddc )
tokens: remove unfinished from tokens (aec13d3 )
transaction-list: add filters for fungible tokens (481a194 )
transaction-list: move spinner and styles from recent to tx list (3251e14 )
transactions: extract transaction list into component (42551b6 )
txlist: merges both implementations (6fc6e3c )
unfinished: hide unfinished features (5c3c935 )
compose Confirm with Default modal (3e5c7c1 )
drop text from toRelativeTime filter (75cd65c )
extract StatusIcon component (c8a6255 )
rename Payments page to Transfer (ed71de6 )
wording: extract home variable (05c6eae )
remove MenuCarousel component (f2d1734 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.