Releases: superhero-com/superhero-wallet
Releases · superhero-com/superhero-wallet
Release v0.9.3
0.9.3 (2021-10-18)
- accounts: add ledger module (a2f98d3)
- aex9: don't display fiat value for aex9 tokens (11bb4d3)
- buy: add buy button and page (f11881e)
- claim: show name price before submit (f337767)
- index: add message on disabled JavaScript (a8c3702)
- index: add message on exceptions while bundle initialising (daa8f70)
- ledger: add ledger compatibility with extension (22147a4)
- receive: add share functionality to receive screen (2490006)
- router: open simplex in separate tab for extension and mobile (6634fca)
- send: add share string parsing (03be916)
- share-qr: add pseudo element on copy (fd91f66)
- transfer-send: rebrand send workflow (4f0715a)
Bug Fixes
- accounts: use uniq key (9ede492)
- account: use decode instead of removed assertedType (24f961e)
- allow builds in non git environments (cddf6fe)
- check-box: start value has mixed support, using flex-start instead (4de09fd)
- copy-plugin: copy web folder in dist (187ad9e)
- transaction-details: prevent non external redirection (845d782)
- zeit: linting errors (4c39430)
- readme: update README file (bfebb7f)
- lint: resolve lint issues automatically (bf0ae50)
- lint: resolve lint issues manually (a362af6)
- modal: set different border color (99e7f6a)
- account: remove duplicate part of test (aa2bd9e)
- add example unit test (4d4d029)
- import-account: convert test from e2e to unit (6d74918)
- input-amount: convert test from e2e to unit (41272ef)
- jest-config: add several packages to transpile (fb1e91b)
- jest-config: map inlined components (0bb6fde)
- terms-of-service: convert test from e2e to unit (859018e)
- update test due to work with web version (183d56a)
- use snapshots to test static pages (7d8ed17)
- account-info: do not assign value to a variable twice (7612c5d)
- accounts: extract hdWallet module (68bed5c)
- accounts: move account plugin to module (4ddd3c1)
- accounts: move account related to the accounts (df562aa)
- accounts: rename state and mutations (9695e68)
- build using @vue/cli (70718ad)
- buy: add unfinished flag to buy functionality (29c689a)
- copy: extract similar copy functionality to mixin (abe6abe)
- input-field: set autocomplete off (08707f9)
- popup: remove unused firefox html (69ab99c)
- remove unused mapped states (d76a0da)
- run npm audit fix (e214f7e)
- run npm update (8245153)
- sdk: update sdk to 9.0.1 (8ae8cb1)
- template-renderer: extract similar root node creation (a19091b)
- zeit: do not show error logs on production (27e7bac)
- zeit: makes contract pass through from QR code (9ae2552)
- zeit: removes chain listener and tx cache (fad2bf4)
Release v0.9.2
0.9.2 (2021-09-28)
- input: add warnings to input field (5086efc)
- send: rebrand address input in send screen (1116153)
- validation: add vee-validate as plugin (c913ea4)
- vee-validate: add account validation rules (b5722d9)
- vee-validate: inject warning support to vee-validate (a41a688)
Bug Fixes
- permissions: fix permissions input styling (b450cb5)
- send: add proper color to valid svg (9f75935)
- send: restore error for tokens to name sending (0da891f)
Release v0.9.1
Release v0.9.0
0.9.0 (2021-09-14)
- account-card: rebrand account card (8431ebc)
- account-card: smooth card height transition (7fa503f)
- auction-card: show auctions help modal (06bdb41)
- balance-info: change the approx sing (2414f65)
- confirm: add ability to render locales as a template (f9fa962)
- cordova: add cordova-clipboard to dependencies (8e2c22c)
- mobile: lock orientation to portrait (1c9e974)
- name-item: add NameItem component (45d0f12)
- names: add AuctionHistory component (5fc424c)
- names: update auction page to new designs (370dda7)
- names: update AuctionBid to new designs (153f157)
- qr-reader: open settings when camera not allowerd on mobile (4702265)
- redirect from /tip to /tips (00a4901)
- routes: add tip redirection (0a637a8)
- show chain name of other users (74f5d63)
- truncate: allow truncate to be fixed (53e8d35)
- truncate: animate text scrolling (e0e2456)
- update Loader to new designs (a48215b)
- zeit: add new contract address & decimal support (dca9480)
Bug Fixes
- account-info: use explorerUrl from activeNetwork (988eabf)
- actions: add the rest of tokens transactions if no transactions fetched (d1a15ca)
- actions: change backend tip cache url (818a10a)
- auction: avoid using z-index (82b41b9)
- constants: use v2 schema for nameClaimTx in calculateMinFee (e379178)
- deeplinks: build redirect route correctly (50f01a2)
- invites: temporary fix for validation of node fields (5ea4993)
- ios: reset webview color after qr scan (6fb5f4a)
- migrations: add missing new names field (cc8dfbb)
- mobile-share: allow tip url to be passed in TipsSend (27d84a9)
- modal: set empty span on attribute msg undefined (197fc11)
- name-item: call setAutoExtend action with proper params (afd452a)
- name-item: set Pending svg size (e0e8960)
- onboarding: fix onboarding welcome typo (a140736)
- overview: avoid wrapping for chain names (d82df49)
- pending-txs: filter pending transactions by active account (8fb690d)
- retip: set svg size (489e133)
- status: set bottom to 0 if tab bar is hidden (4ce43d3)
- swagger: temporary fix for wrong scheme in genSwaggerClient (129d4c3)
- transaction-list: set transactions and page to initial value on accountChange (56021c2)
- tx-details: handle overflowing tip url (a515ca4)
- tx-list: prevent infinite fetch of next page (178a8d8)
- tx-list: remove extra space from bottom (fbad5be)
- tx-list: show msg when no items found (d3c71b4)
- checkbox: update checkbox color (5c9ad4a)
- readme: correct grammar and spelling (97380f4)
- <ul> and <ol> usage (c7c8b02)
- account-info: simplify edit mode (c09715b)
- account: remove unused mapped state (ee4fd4c)
- app-links: add app links for all platforms to constants (1169bdf)
- auctions: update AuctionList page (5216f23)
- claim: update Claim page (dbe5af8)
- connect AuctionOverview to store (dd47ceb)
- constants: avoid extra redirect to explorer (1653e93)
- constants: update contract address (ed50fa7)
- cordova: add missing clipboard plugin config (4ddd92d)
- css: unify z-index (ed7766b)
- dropdown: remove unused markup (10f848f)
- extract AuctionOverview from AuctionCard (df2ce97)
- extract HelpButton component (cca3329)
- ios-link: change ios link from testflight to app store (693bbc0)
- main: hide tabbar on childern views (1553a88)
- main: remove back button of main tabs (636f55d)
- modals: drop localization with dynamic keys (d76bc46)
- modals: render help locales as templates ([c185c0d](...
Release v0.8.2
Release v0.8.1
Release v0.8.0
0.8.0 (2021-07-09)
- acc: update available tokens and balances every 10 seconds (0eb890a)
- account-switcher: show switching to the aepp (4370f39)
- balances: add balances screen new ux (31e95bf)
- fonts: add sans 14 bold (f725f46)
- ft: updates balances after successful mine (8e35da9)
- fungible-tokens: load tokens on network change (f0a8e3d)
- fungible-tokens: make fungible tokens work with several accounts (679a9a2)
- modal: add critical icon (269d9f1)
- more: add More page (8d544e7)
- names: make names work with several accounts (856ba37)
- payments-send: drop trailing zeros from amount (df221a4)
- token-amount: update fiat formatting rules (61ec06f)
- token-details: add token details new ux (d4e8859)
- token-list: don't display zero balances (db4e02b)
- txlist: adds realtime incoming tx for bitcoin token (ab99c78)
- txlist: removes cached tx after fetching them from mdw (d2f89e8)
- zeit: add zeit token support (dec3d08)
- add AccountItem component (aa9d323)
- add AuctionOverview component (89c81eb)
- add NamePointersHelp modal (5e75f67)
- rebrand ConfirmRawSign modal (83ba9b3)
- rebrand Modal (1db7813)
- rebrand QrCodeScanner modal (688c0d1)
- rebrand tip url status (2a0644e)
- unfinished: enable unfinished features (1b08c9e)
Bug Fixes
- account: disallow account switching before sdk initialize (08cc72c)
- account-switcher: disable horizontal scrolling (59c358a)
- actions: add missing transaction type to transcation history (0bdd836)
- app: disallow horizontall scrolling (32abbd5)
- auction-list: load auctions properly (aeae5f8)
- background: fix state reducer (39e6307)
- claim: fix not enough balance modal (fad4120)
- default: fix modals with no msg (9d73178)
- dropdown: fix dropdown align (4a9c656)
- dropdown-width: make dropdown list width constant (4cebfd9)
- fonts: fix id overflowing (a3beb23)
- fungible-tokens: set correct selected Token (fc1bac2)
- fungible-tokens: use mdw endpoint instead of backend (5c94e37)
- helper: fix isAccountNotFoundError (1607a2e)
- helper: fix isNotFoundError (f10b77d)
- modal: expand container to fit long copy (cdc9c7c)
- observables: use new balance storage structure (88350cf)
- platforms: change ios link from testflight to store (a8debf9)
- qr-code: inline transparent style to show preview in cordova (6b7fdf9)
- token-amount: show fiat only for AE (88d74cd)
- token-details: fix header padding (cc5139f)
- tx: move view more link to tx list component (e0271b0)
- tx-list: center spinner and messsage (9b85be3)
- tx-list: don't show spinner on refetch interval (d3e9f1a)
- persist-state: use mutation to sync state (ff18073)
- account-info: align address center (49b0034)
- dropdown: make dropdown wider and always on top (00a1ad8)
- icons: update icons for tab navigation (31a5fe8)
- search-bar: make background darker (fb36175)
- token-list: change no tokens msg style (4b2ef54)
- actions: set middleware to null on network switch (5443e1a)
- avatar: change mid size to new designs (d76b980)
- avatar: make address optional (aaeeea1)
- chain-listener: add test contract to variables (548d434)
- chain-listener: reinit listener on middleware change (420ad06)
- constants: update to mainnet contracts (ef1a0f3)
- e2e: add tests for confirm raw sign popup (8003c45)
- fungible-tokens: cover all fetchJson with catch (875be71)
- icons: unify arrow icons ([7dbd5ba](7dbd5bacdf31fc600eb272bfac3...
Release v0.7.2
Release v0.7.1
0.7.1 (2021-05-31)
- rebrand Connect popup (8138d27)
- rebrand MessageSign popup (e683ebc)
- payments-send: add warning when sending to same address (a9fb93a)
Bug Fixes
- amount-input: adjust error condition (ace955d)
- comment-new: redirect to /account on successful comment send (25efe0e)
- comment-new: reload info on query change (dc76a39)
- details: block buttons and don't watch before sdk init (4b65ed8)
- header: disallow title text wrapping (8c5292c)
- invite: fix handleNotEnoughFoundsError parameters (d275f95)
- invite: set missing invite icon size (33c6593)
- pending: fix duplicate pending transactions (4e0a688)
- recent-txs: align empty and loading states (2e30e65)
- retip: request tip from backend instead of contract (296b23a)
- retip: set proper pending transaction property (8c84775)
- routes: enable props for PaymentsSend (911233f)
- routes: fix retip page wrong title (e9d7881)
- small-modal: fix mark as read unavailable for clicking (4ad38d8)
- tx-pointers: fix name pointers field error in confirm tx modal (bbfcf33)
- warnings: fix github actions warnings (6d55381)
- resolve no-alert warnings (d1250cc)
- resolve no-console warnings (f2428f5)
- resolve no-lone-template warning (2561be4)
- resolve no-template-shadow warnings (83fd054)
- resolve no-v-html warnings (251a995)
- resolve order-in-component warnings (04b80d8)
- tests: fix network test after new node added (aaf25b1)
- icons: optimize iframe icons (a0810b7)
- unfinished: hide unfinished features (3797c91)
- update sdk to 8.1.0 (0121390)
- account-info: change width of name with unfinished features off (7a0663d)
- account-info: revert width change (f37e0aa)
- env: enable unfinished features (11aa297)
- icons: rearrange icons and delete duplicates (ac9ebe8)
- networks: remove unnecessary v-html (8d32d7d)
- payments: revert old solution to redirection after success payment (a9412b7)
- payments-send: disable sending tokens to a name (2fb7c87)
- wallet: move loading tokens data to unfinished (3c25d27)
- flickity buttons hover and pressed style (eb6bce6)
- remove unused global css (4c830d3)
- permissions: change placeholder to more clear version (a126ea3)
- props: set required defaults for props (8950fe9)
- tests: disable mining-related tests (0b784b6)
- token-list-item: remove unused name prop (541e54c)
- tour: remove useless v-for (5fd8477)
- update SDK to 8.0.0 (52234b5)
0.7.0 (2021-04-29)
- tabs: add Tabs component and split payments and tips screens (ab3cdce)
- rebrand ConfirmTransactionSign modal (3d8ae06)
- amount-send: rebrand AmountSend component into Amount (751155d)
- claim: add claim tips menu entry (4c71b9d)
- icons: update rebranded icons (3d8f2f7)
- add Accounts page (f80fbdf)
- add CopyAddress component (6f27310)
- add links to an account in the middleware explorer (20ecf8b)
- add TransactionOverview component (48d7dc6)
- show balance for each account (4e5762e)
- simple account list (6580328)
- simple account switcher (a339f0c)
Bug Fixes
- account-info: fix alignment on copy and name claim (ee10ee9)
- app: match header background color (b2824b2)
- background: add missing getters (588edba)
- confirm-modals: don't stretch to whole page on desktop (1d69f7d)
- copy-address: ensure copied text is expanded (5c5ab8f)
- getters: add correct name fee to tx amount (5204402)
- height: use viewport height only for ios cordova ([f7f70e2](
Release v0.6.1
0.6.1 (2021-04-15)
Bug Fixes
- commitlint: run commitlint from master (6d8f8ff)
- height: use viewport height only for ios cordova (350a8ab)
- mobile/extension: use padding-bottom if bottom elements visible (d585315)
- notifications: use first name in the list if chainNames presented (4bad5e7)
- retip: add missing account getter (84b8801)
- status: position NodeConnectionStatus properly (5eb84f9)
- tests: remove header check in last intro screen (35f07ac)
- web-iframe-popups: make iframe popups notRebranded (ecc4acb)