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Useful tests, filters and functions for Twig template engine


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Susina Twig Extensions

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Susina Twig Extensions is a set of extensions for Twig template engine. It contains some useful functions, tests and filters missing in the original library.


Firstly, install the package via Composer:

composer require susina/twig-extensions

Then add the extension you want to Twig Engine. Suppose you want to load VariablesExtension:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

$loader = new Twig\Loader\FileLoader(__DIR__ . '/templates');
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);

$twig->addExtension(new \Susina\TwigExtensions\VariablesExtension());

Symfony Framework

If you are working with Symfony, after installing the library with composer, register the extensions you want as services and tag them as twig.extension:

// In your `services.yml` file
        tags: [twig.extension]


VariablesExtension contains some tests and functions useful for manipulating variables.


When you register this extension you can use the following type tests:

  • array to test if a variable is an array; Twig also has Iterable test but it returns true also for iterable objects.
  • boolean to test if a variable is boolean.
  • float and double to test if a variable is a floating point number.
  • integer to test if a variable is integer.
  • object to test if a variable is an object.
  • scalar to test if a variable is a scalar (see
  • string to test if a variable is a string.
  • instanceOf(class_name) to test if an object is an instance of class_name class

and you can use them in your templates:

{% if variable is string %}
    The variable {{ variable }} is a string.
{% endif %}

{% if object is instanceOf('\SplStack') %}
    Object is a Stack
{% endif %}



get_type function returns the variable type:

The variable `variable` is a {{ get_type(variable) }}.


var_export function is a wrapper for PHP var_export and it behaves in the same way. It can be useful if you want to generate some valid php code from a variable.



bool_to_string filter returns the string 'true' if the variable filtered can be evaluated as true, otherwise it returns the string false:

The "boolVariable" is {{ boolVariable|bool_to_string }}.

it returns The "boolVariable" is true.

You can customize the true/false strings by passing two variables to the filter: the first one represents the true value, the second one the false value, i.e.:

The "boolVariable" is {{ boolVariable|bool_to_string('yes', 'no' }}.

it returns The "boolVariable" is yes.




You can apply quote filter to a string, if you want to surround it with quotes:

{% set variable = 'Donald Duck' %}

{{ variable|quote }} 

it returns the quoted string 'Donald Duck'.

By default, the filter applies single quotes ' but you can pass any character you want, as the argument of the filter:

{% set variable = 'Donald Duck' %}

{{ variable|quote('"') }} 

then it returns "Donald Duck".


to_kb filter transform a number from bytes to kilobytes:

{% set variable = 2048 }}

The file size is {{ variable|to_kb }} Kb

it returns: The file size is 2 Kb.

By default, this filter uses the English decimal and thousands separator: . for decimal and , form thousands. You can change this behavior by passing different separators:

{% set variable = 5000000 }}

English: {{ variable|to_kb }} Kb

French: {{ variable|to_kb(',', '.') }}

it returns:

English: 4,882.81

French: 4.882,81


to_mb filter transform a number from bytes to megabytes. The behavior is the same as to_kb.

Gravatar Extension

Gravatar extension contain a filter to retrieve the Gravatar image from a given email. gravatar filter returns the uri for the avatar so that you can easily use it in your html:

<img src="{{ | gravatar }}" alt="My avatar" />

You can also pass some options to the filter, i.e.:

<img src="{{ | gravatar({ size: 200, default: mp }) }}" alt="My avatar" />

For a full options description, please see


We manage issues and feature requests via Github repository issues.


Feel free to fork and submit pull requests: all contributions are welcome!

This library includes some useful composer scripts for developers:

  • composer test to run the test suite
  • composer analytics to run Psalm static analysis tool
  • composer cs:fix to fix coding standard
  • composer cs:check to check the coding standard (see for details)
  • composer coverage:html to generate code coverage report in html format (into /coverage directory)
  • composer coverage:clover to generate code coverage report in xml format
  • composer check runs the first three commands

Before submitting a pull request, please run composer check and fix all errors.


This library is released under Apache 2.0 license.


Useful tests, filters and functions for Twig template engine








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