spark-submit --master=local --deploy-mode client --name CsvLoaderApp --class sutugin.testtask.CsvLoaderApp --csvOptions '{"delimiter": ",", "charset": "UTF8", "infernSchema":"true", "header": "true"}' --convertArgs '[{"existing_col_name":"name", "new_col_name":"first_name","new_data_type":"string"},{"existing_col_name":"age", "new_col_name":"total_years","new_data_type":"integer"},{"existing_col_name":"birthday", "new_col_name":"d_o_b", "new_data_type":"date","date_expression":"dd-MM-yyyy"}]' --resultOutput <path to output file file:/// ...> --inputCsv <path to input csv file:///...>
Read a csv file from local filesystem Remove rows where any string column is a empty string or just spaces (“”) Note : empty string is not same as null Convert data-type and names of the columns as per user’s choice For a given column, provide profiling information i.e. total number of unique values, count of each unique value. Exclude - nulls
(Advanced - will provide details later)
Perform excel lookup with another table Note - The application should be generic, so that it can be used for any csv file, on the basis of arguments provided by the user. There should not be any hard-coding of column names. The sample.csv provided below is just an example. The actual file on which we will test, will be different from sample.csv. The row count, total number of column, column names and types will all be different
Software requirements : Spark version 1.6+ Use hivecontext (1.6) or spark_session(2.0+) Language - scala Step 1 Load a csv file from local filesystem to spark dataframe. First row in the file is header information, which should become the column’s for the dataframe. Sample.csv ‘name’, ‘age’, ‘birthday’, ‘gender’ ‘John’, ‘26’, ‘26-01-1995’, ‘male’ ‘Lisa’, ‘xyz’, ‘26-01-1996’, ‘female’ , ‘26’, ‘26-01-1995’, ‘male’ ‘Julia’, ‘ ’, ‘26-01-1995’, ‘female’ ‘ ’ , , ‘26-01-1995’, ‘Pete’, ‘ ’, ‘26-01-1995’, ‘ ’ Dataframe Columns - name (string), age (string), birthday (string), gender (string) name +++ age +++ birthday +++ gender ‘John’ +++ ‘26’ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘male‘ ‘Lisa’ +++ ‘xyz’ +++ ‘26-01-1996’ +++ ‘female‘ null +++ ‘26’ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘male‘ ‘Julia’ +++ ‘ ’ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘female‘ ‘ ’ +++ null +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘male‘ ‘Pete’ +++ ‘ ‘ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘ ‘ Step2 Filter data and remove rows from the dataframe, where the column is of string type and has empty value or just spaces. Do not remove rows where the value for the column is null Dataframe Columns - name (string), age (string), birthday (string), gender (string) name +++ age +++ birthday +++ gender ‘John’ +++ ‘26’ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘male‘ ‘Lisa’ +++ ‘xyz’ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘female‘ null +++ ‘26’ +++ ‘26-01-1995’ +++ ‘male‘ Step3 The system should take a input’s from the user which is a list of :
- existing_col_name, new_col_name, new_data_type, date_expression (required only if the new_data_type is of DateType
On the basis of the above inputs, the system should convert existing columns in the dataframe to new columns with the new data type. If there are column values in a row which cannot be converted, we should replace it with null. Example : 2nd row, 2nd column i.e. age = “xyz”. This cannot be converted to integer. So it should be replaced with null
If an existing column in dataframe is not mentioned in the list, it should be omitted from the dataframe Example : gender hasn’t been mentioned. So it’s removed from the dataframe generated.
The valid data_types supported for this task are string, integer, date, boolean However please note - Ensure code modularity so that system can handle new types like decimal, float, etc.. as mentioned in org.apache.spark.sql.types We do not want hard-coded logic Arguments: [ {“existing_col_name” : “name”, “new_col_name” : “first_name”, “new_data_type” : “string”}, {“existing_col_name” : “age”, “new_col_name” : “total_years”, “new_data_type” : “integer”}, {“existing_col_name” : “birthday”, “new_col_name” : “d_o_b”, “new_data_type” : “date”, “date_expression” : “dd-MM-yyyy”} ] Dataframe Columns - name (string), age (integer), birthday (date) name +++ age +++ birthday ‘John’ +++ 26 +++ 26-01-1995 ‘Lisa’ +++ null +++ 26-01-1995 null +++ 26 +++ 26-01-1995
Step4 Provide profiling on all columns. For the column provided, system should give a count of the total number of unique values and count of each unique value. null values should be ignore.
Output : [ { “Column” : “name” , “Unique_values” : 2, “Values” : [ {“john” : 1}, {“lisa” : 1} ] }, { “Column” : “age” , “Unique_values” : 1, “Values” : [ {“26” : 2} ] }, { “Column” : “birthday” , “Unique_values” : 1, “Values” : [ {“26-01-1995” : 3} ] }