Attention there are two packages one for Joomla 3 and one for Joomla 4!
- J4 compatibility for com_content, #79 com_newsfeeds, #82 com_weblinks, #83 com_zoo
- #76 Update Backend and Backend Output to J4 bootstrap version
- #88 Uninstall not supported plugins on update on J4
- #54 Don't use mootools anymore
- #92 Own update XML file for com_weblinks
- Own update XML file for com_zoo
- #67 Kunena Menu gets ignored in XML if menu with alias is available
J4 related
- #85 newssitemap 500 error
- #71 behavior::modal not found.
- #72 500 behavior::tooltip not found
- #73 Show loged in HTML sitemap in frontend error 500
Known issues:
Those plugins are not Joomla 4 compatible, because the extension they relay on are not yet J4 compatible
- Virtuemart
- SobiPro
- Kunena
Those plugins will not come back and are removed from code because of stall development
- K2